Lesson Plan For Ss Anne of Green Gables

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Social Studies

Developed by: Shanel Leblanc

Grade level: Grade 6

Universal Design for Learning

1.1: Offer ways of customizing
the display of information
In the lesson there will be a
graphic organizer in the form of
a mind map (on the white
board). The agenda and the
outcomes will be written on the
white board for all students to
see. There will also be a
handout (the two PEI maps).
1.2: Offer alternatives for
auditory information
The teacher will speak very
loudly (with a microphone) and
make sure to only speak when
facing the students. Written
notes of the lesson will be
passed to any students who
may need them.
1.3: Offer alternatives for
visual information
The teacher will describe the
mind map while it is being
completed. Any students who
may have a visual impairment
will be paired up with someone
who can explain the PEI map
examining activity and the
Flying High banner activity
while they are in the process.
The student will be able to
explain what he/she wants to
put on the banner while
someone else draws it.
2.1 : Clarify Vocabulary and
The teacher will go over the key
terms that will apply to the
lesson such as culture and
environment and any other
terms or concepts that the
students may question related
to the lesson.
3.1: Activate or supply

March 1 , 2016

Lesson Topic: Novel Study: Anne of Green Gables

Social Studies Outcome
GCO: Unit 2: Environment and Culture
SCO: 6.2.2 Assess the relationship between culture
and environment in a selected cultural region.
-Identify, locate and map the cultural regions
selected, and identify its physical environment(s).
-Analyze how the way of life in this culture is
influenced by its physical environment(s).

Required Materials, Tools and


In student friendly terms: I will be able to explain the

culture and environment of Prince Edward Island
during the time the book Anne of Green Gables is
set in. I will do so by explaining the way of living,
behaviours and practices. I will also describe the type
of land and agriculture on PEI during their time.
English Language Arts Outcome
GCO: Students will be expected to speak and listen to
explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts,
ideas, feelings, and experiences.
SCO: -Contribute thoughts, ideas, and questions to
discussion and compare their own ideas with those of
peers and others.
-Ask and respond to questions to seek
clarification or explanation of ideas and concepts.
-Defend and/or support their opinions with
-Listen critically to others ideas or opinions and
points of view.
In student friendly terms: I will participate in group
and class discussions by sharing my opinions and
thoughts on the given topic.

Objective(s) for this lesson:

Students will further their knowledge of
maps by examining the past and present
maps of Prince Edward Island.
Students will learn about culture and
environment through examining that of
the book Anne of Green Gables.

Prior to class: Write outcomes in student friendly
language on the board. Write class agenda on the

White board and

marker for APK
(Mind Map)
Two Prince Edward
Island Maps (one
of the early 1900s
and one of today)
for each table.
These maps can be
copies (they will be
in the top drawer
of my desk on the
right hand side).
Flying High
(banner activity)
Each group will
2 pieces of
pastels, or
(All of these
supplies will be in
my supply closet
on the first and
third shelf).
Note books for the
What if journal
entry. All students
should have their
notebook with
them. If they have
forgotten their
notebook, a piece
of paper will be
provided (extra
paper can be found
in the second
drawer of my

background knowledge
There will be an APK done at
the beginning of the class in the
form of a mind map (graphic
3.3: Guide information
processing, visualization, and
The students will participate in
three main activities during the
lesson that will provide them
with plenty of opportunity to
process, visualize and
manipulate the information.
Action and Expression
4.1: Vary the methods for
response and navigation
The students will have a variety
of different ways they can
express themselves through the
three activities in the lesson.
There is a writing activity, and
observing/discussion activity
and an art activity.
6.1: Guide appropriate goal
The objectives for the lesson
will be posted on the white
board for all students to see.
There will be full explanations
before each activity. The
students will also be given a
time limit.
6.2: Support planning and
strategy development
The students will be able to
practice this while they are
participating in the activities.

6.4: Enhance capacity for

monitoring progress
The students will write a journal
entry at the end of the class.
The teacher will collect the
journals at the end of the class
and provide feedback on them.

APK (Mind Map)
PEI Map Activity and group discussion
Activity Flying High (Banner)
What if Journal entry
Focus Question:
What do we know about the culture and environment
of Prince Edward Island during the time that Anne of
Green Gables was written?
During/Learning Activities
Introduction - (2 minutes)
Today we will be learning about culture and
environment. To do this we will be drawing from the
culture and environment of Prince Edward Island and
the book we have been reading, Anne of Green
APK (Mind Map) (5-7 minutes)
Before the students come to class the teacher will
draw two circles (side by side) on the white board.
In one of the circles the teacher will write the word
Culture, in the other circle, the teacher will write the
word Environment.
At this point in the unit the class has read up to
chapter 18 in the book. At the beginning of the unit
the teacher asked the students to keep a few things in
mind while reading the book. Culture and
environment were two of the things that the students
were to be paying attention to. This mind map activity
is a way for the teacher to see how much the students
have been picking up through the readings, as well as
to see what the students define as culture and
During the Mind Map (APK) activity, the teacher will
start at one of the circled words and ask the students
to speak out what they know about it based on the
book. For example, if the teacher starts at the word
culture, the students will have to give examples of
culture they have noticed through reading the book up
until this point. The teacher will draw lines coming out
of the circle and write down (from the lines) what the
students are saying about the selected word. The
same thing will need to be done for the other word.
This activity is not designed to take too long, but
should go until all students have had a chance to list at
least one thing to contribute to the mind map.
As the students are listing words and concepts to add
to the mind map, the teacher can carry out discussions
based on any topic that may arise. The teacher will be
on the look-out for any question or topic that may
need to be further discussed.


March 1 , 2016

Special Concerns
-Microphone should be used if
-All students should be able to
see the board with no
-Students should be seated in
groups of 4-5 per table.
Multiple Intelligences:
Linguistic: The students will be
writing their observations down
on a piece of paper during the
map examining activity. Some
students will also be reporting a
few of their findings to the class.
Students will be writing in their
journals at the end of class.
Visual-Spatial: The students will
be examining two different
types of Prince Edward Island
maps in order to compare and
contrast the older map with the
newer map.
The students will be creating a
banner displaying the culture
and environment of PEI during
the time of the book. They will
do so by drawing and coloring
on chart paper.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: The students
will be moving and using their
hands while creating their
banners for the flying high
Interpersonal: The students will
be working in groups for two of
the activities (The map
examination and the Flying
High activity) and will have
ample time for discussion and
collaborative work within their

7.1: Optimize Individual Choice
and Autonomy
In the lesson there is an activity
(Flying High) where all the
students have options to choose
their own colors and be
Creativity and individual choice
is highly encouraged for this
particular activity.
7.3: Minimize threats and
The teacher will create an
accepting and safe environment
by having routines in the
classroom. The teacher will
decrease the distractions by
monitoring the length of time
given for each activity. The
teacher will involve all students
in class discussions.
8.3: Foster collaboration and
There are plenty of
opportunities throughout the
lesson for all students to work
together and be involved in
group/class discussions. The
teacher will encourage any
student who is not participating
to join in.
9.3: Develop self-assessment
and reflection

The students will be able to

do this during their journal
writing time at the end of the

PEI Map Activity/ Group Discussion (7-10 minutes)

Before students come to class the teacher will place
two maps on each table. There will be one old PEI map
from the early 1900s and one modern PEI map from
today. The students will be advised not to touch their
maps until they are informed to do so.
For this activity, the students will be required to work
in their groups to observe and examine both maps.
They will need to look for things such as: physical
environment, cities and towns (are they the same on
both maps, how are they different.), if the maps are
divided differently.
The groups will discuss amongst each other for a few
minutes. Each group will need to assign one recorder
to write down all the things they find and discuss
about the maps and one reporter to report the
findings to the class.
After about 7 minutes (give the students enough time
to examine the maps and discuss), the teacher will ask
the reporter from each group to share a few of their
discoveries with the class.
Flying High (Banner) (20 -25 minutes)
After completing the map activity, the teacher and EA
will pass out two pieces of chart paper, tape, pencil
crayon, wax crayons, pastels or markers to each
For this activity, the students will be working in their
groups (that they are already sitting in) to create a
banner. This is an opportunity for students to be very
creative, think outside of the box and use any artistic
talents. However, the students must focus the theme
of their banner on the culture and environment found
in Anne of Green Gables.
The groups will take a few minutes to discuss what
each individuals view of culture is from the book. It
could be religious practices, womens rights, gender
roles etc. Then they will discuss environment, what
type of environment do they see in the book. What
evidence is there? After the groups have done this
discussion and have agreed on an angle to take for
their banner, they will begin to draw a scene from the
book (or one they have made up) that displays all the
culture and environment from the book they
discussed as a group.
The teacher will be circulating the classroom, listening
to the group discussions and observing. This activity is
a way to formatively assess the students for
understanding of the concepts culture and
environment and to see if they can recognize them


March 1 , 2016

Intrapersonal: The students will

have time to think and reflect on
their own at the end of the class
while they are working on their
journal entries.
Naturalist: Part of the outcome
for the lesson is to assess the
environment of Prince Edward
Island. During some of the
discussions there may be
mention of agriculture, farming,
gardening etc. The students
whose strength is nature will
excel during these discussions.

In-Class Support
-If the EA has time available they
will be asked to circulate the
classroom during activity time to
make sure that all students are
staying on task, as well as
answer any questions.
-The teacher will prepare the
classroom prior to class time to
ensure smooth transitions.
-The teacher will monitor all
students during activity times as
well as during class discussion
time (APK).

Cross-curricular Connections
English Language Arts :
-Students will be speaking and
listening during the lesson.
-Students will be writing
observations and reflections.
-Students will be drawing,
coloring and using their
creativity during the flying
high banner activity.

even if it is not their own culture and environment

that they are familiar with.

What If... Journal Entry - (10-15 minutes)

The students will be given time at the end of class to
write in their journals. (The students should have their
notebooks with them, if they do not they will be given
a piece of paper).
The writing topic for this journal entry will be: What if
you woke up one morning and the year was 1908,
what would you do? How would you go about your
day? What are some of the daily routines and practices
that you might need to adopt? (This topic will be
written on the white board.)
The teacher will encourage the students to really think
seriously about this topic and really put themselves
into the shoes of someone from that time.
These journal entries will be another way for the
teacher to formatively assess the students to see if
they understand what culture and environment is
based on what kind of examples they mention in their
Assessment (formative/summative)
SCO: 6.2.2 Assess the relationship between culture
and environment in a selected cultural region.
-Identify, locate and map the cultural regions
selected, and identify its physical environment(s).
-Analyze how the way of life in this culture is
influenced by its physical environment(s).
SCO: Contribute thoughts, ideas, and questions to
discussion and compare their own ideas with those of
peers and others.
-Ask and respond to questions to seek
clarification or explanation of ideas and concepts.
-Defend and/or support their opinions with
-Listen critically to others ideas or opinions and
points of view.

Formative Assessment:
-Flying High banner
-What If Journal entry
All these activities will act as formative assessment to
help the teacher assess whether or not the students
are understanding the concepts culture and


March 1 , 2016

After the students have been given at least 10 minutes
to work on their journals, (or before class time runs
out), the teacher will explain to the students that
today was just a brief introduction to the concepts of
culture and environment. The next lesson will go unto
further detail about each one.
The teacher will explain that next class the students
will learn about the relationships between culture and
environment. They will also learn how way of life in a
particular culture (in Anne of Green Gables for
example), is influenced by its physical environments.


March 1 , 2016

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