Zeng Xiaoqian Paper3

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Issue: sides A is international students needs for more than 3 hours of

tutoring should be met; sides B is the international students need for more
than three times tutoring cannot be met.
Opponent interviewed: Dr. Crank, she is the Director of the Writing Center.
The new discovery: I learn that the international students should rely on
Medium: I am writing directly to the Directors office of the writing center.
The enthymeme for Proof (ethos):
Major premise: students need should be met.
Minor premise: international students have the need for more than 3 hours.
Conclusion: international students need for more than 3 hours should be
The enthymeme for Refutation (pathos):
Conclusion: my opponent is partly wrong.
Reason: language and culture are combine together.
3rd idea: international students cannot learn the culture immediately.
I used the writing center tutorial sources for my assignments, and as an
international student, I found that the three times tutoring each week cannot
satisfy my need. According my research through the international students, I
found most of them need more than three times tutoring in the writing
center. Being an international student who just came here no more than a
semester, it is necessary that the need of more than three times tutoring
should be met.
I believe that the international students should be allowed more tutoring
hours, because they need more help due to their language barrier. When the
international students first come abroad and face the unfamiliar language, it
is a challenge to use their second language to accomplish their assignments.
Each international student have approximately 7 pages assignment each
week, in other words it is almost one day a page. However, the international
students can only book three appointments each week, which is 90 minutes

in total. The ideal situation is you can find a good tutor in the writing center,
and the tutor will help you check your grammar mistakes get through 5 or 6
pages, but there is not time for sentence structure, word choice and
development. Moreover, if you meet an inexperienced tutor, it is less
possibilities to get through even 4 pages. The reason is the tutor may
probably cannot understand what the international students want to express,
it will take time to explain the requirement of the assignments, the general
idea from the text books and what the international students truly want to
express in their papers. That show that three times tutoring is not enough for
the international students. Hence, three times tutoring cannot meet the
international students need. The international students needs for more than
3 hours of tutoring should be met.
The Director argue that the international students should independence, this I
admit. Nevertheless, the language and the culture are combined together, which
means the international students must spend much more time discovering and
understanding the culture.1 The writing center cannot provide more tutoring time to
the international students, because the international students should be self-reliant.
More importantly, the writing center provides equal policy to each student at UWL.
However, this policy seems fair but actually is not for international students. Each
international student have to pass the IELTS then they can study their major, which
means they are competent with using the English language. Nonetheless, knowing
language and using language is different. Language and culture are combine
together. Using a language is not only learning from textbooks but also learning

1 This is my model from the Example 4.2.5

about a culture. The international students know the language but not the culture
which the American students take for granted. Therefore, the international students
must spend much, much more time discovering and understanding the culture,
because they cannot learn it from the text books or from the class, they need
someone talk to them face to face and teach them step by step. Imagine about it, if
you come to China to learn Chinese, can you self reliant after three times tutoring a
week? The international students are less possible to learn the culture by
themselves, and the writing center tutoring provides an opportunity for international
students to learn about these cultural differences that American students are
already familiar. Therefor, it is necessary for the international students to have more
than 3 hours of tutoring.
When you first time come to a strange country alone; when you have to rely on
your second language to do all the things including writing papers; when you think
you have already perfectly mastered your second language but the reality is you
still have to confront with the cultural barriers, then you will know that having more
than three times tutoring a week is important and necessary.


WRITER: _ Lingyuan Xiong___PAPER: #______3_______ READER__Xiaoqian
/ 150
You wrote a lot of information about how unhealthy the disposable chopsticks, I
think it is good, it shows that you looked for information and did the survey. Those
information is your evidence that support your topic, people should not use the
disposable chopsticks.
It would be better if you can write something about what influence the disposable
chopsticks have to the environment. You wrote the disposable chopsticks are
unhealthy in both your proof and refutation, it did not have a strong relevant to your
/ 45

Your A side is people should not use the disposable chopsticks; B side is the normal
chopsticks will also harm people health. Your opponent think that the normal
chopsticks also unhealthy so that she insisted that people can use the disposable
chopsticks. However, you ask people not to use the disposable chopsticks because
it is dirtier.
You focus on that the disposable chopsticks are not sanitary as we think because it
full of toxic substance; your third idea is any thing that is toxic is bad (person who
use the disposable chopsticks is bad). I think your opponent will not agree your third
idea, because according to your refutation it is also unhealthy no matter you use
the disposable chopsticks or the normal chopsticks, therefor why people should not
use the disposable chopsticks.
Your opponent view that it is also unhealthy to use the normal chopsticks. This is
differ from your point that people should not use the disposable chopsticks.
You think your opponent is wrong because the disposable chopsticks are dirtier than
the normal chopsticks.
/ 30
Your main argument under Proof based on logic, but it will be better if you mention
something about how the disposable chopsticks harm the environment. Moreover, it
will help to increase your issue credibility if you can write down where your
information come from. In other word, relying on some authority.
You used information to support your proof, I think it is kind of example. If you can
mark where those information come from next time will be help to increase your
issue credible.
I think your strategy is not very persuasive because your proof lack of statistics,
some example with details or something from the authority.
In the refutation, you used a student experience as an example, I think it is litter
lack of authority. I think you can find someone who work in the Chinese restaurant
where provide the disposable chopsticks to the customers. In addition, your
refutation is not quite effective because if the disposable chopsticks and the normal
chopsticks are both harm to people bodies, it does not seem necessary to stop
using the disposable chopsticks. It would be better if you can find other evidence to
support your point.
/ 30
You should express clearly your position that people should not use the disposable
chopsticks in the first sentence. It is good that your reason follow your first
Your first sentence of the refutation name the opponents argument which to be
refuted and it is followed by your refutation.
Your refutation has over 250 words.
/ 30
/ 15
You forgot to double space, please remember the next time.
The environment and the authority, these are two among several observations you
made that are quite helpful. They are important points. One thing you described but
could have commented on is that her proof and refutation actually are the same:
disposable chopsticks are dirtier; we are not supposed to do this. Overall, very
helpful! 19/20
/ 40 TOTAL


WRITER:___Trey Caple_________ PAPER: #_______3______ READER_Xiaoqian Zeng_ ____
/ 150
You used the data in first draft which I think is good, because it show that you did
some research. Moreover, it made your issue look more real and credible.
In the second draft, you refuted all your opponents opinions, I think it would be
better if you only focus on one side. It will make your refutation clearer.
/ 45
Your A side is the referendum to improve the schools in the city of Beloit. B side is
this referendum is not what Beloit needs. You ask the opponent to use the
referendum to improve the education of the Beloit rather than used to improve the
roads and decreased the crime rate.
The education of our community would be more beneficial than new roads. You
focus on the education would be beneficial more than others, because education
could decrease the rate of crimes, and it also would improve the whole community.
I think your third idea is that anything that beneficial to the community should be
done. I think the opponent may not agree this third idea, because used this
referendum to improve the roads and decrease the crime rate would be also
beneficial to the community, and people in the community can forthwith see this
Your opponent view that the money could have been used to improve the roads the
Beloit area. This is differ from your point that the money should use for education.
Your opponent believed that the referendum could decrease the crime rate, but you
though that With the passing of referendum, crime rate would go down also. The
reason is education could fundamentally improve this situation, students who are
in new buildings with more interactive learning experience may care more about
their education and appreciate it more.
/ 30
I think your main argument under Proof based on logic, it makes sense because
education can beneficial to the community. You also used the data from a local
business owner which made your issue more credible. In addition, I think your
emotion is objective, which is good.
You used an example, a saying from a local business owner Scott Weiser to support
your Proof, Passing the referendum would boost the local economy, and the Beloit
would become a better community.
I think this strategy is not quite persuasive because your point is used this
referendum to improve educational facilities (school buildings) in Beloit, which was
not mentioned by Scott Weiser. Scott Weiser only said that this referendum would
be great for this community and boost the local economy.
You used an example in your refutation, I think it is effective because Pam Charles is
a well know individual in the Beloit area, which means he have the authority that
can give you a good reason for your argument.
/ 30
Your first sentence of the proof express clearly your position, and is it followed by
the reason.
Your first sentence of the refutation name your opponents argument to be refuted,
and if you can focus on one side in your refutation, it will be clearer.
Your Proof and Refutation each within 250 words.
5. Style
/ 30
/ 15
You already double space, good job.
Very good point about focusing on one argument to refute! Improving education is
improving the community. Earlier you seemed to say that you saw the connection,
but later you seemed to question it, so this is a point that could be made clearer.

But overall this is a helpful response with the enthymemes done as well. Good work.
/ 40 TOTAL
WRITER:_Xiaoqian Zeng__ PAPER: #___3___ READER____Lingyuan Xiong _____
/ 150
a. The refutation against Dr. Crank is very reasonable and clear. The writer clearly
points out that the policy is not fair for international students whose first language
is not English. Thus, we cannot be the same independent as American students. And
the example of how to teach a child to ride a bike graphically explains the writers
b. The example of 2+2 students who still go to the writing center cannot well
explain the reason that we need more than three times. It just shows that these
students still need to go to the writing center for help, but doesnt show that they
have the need for more than three times.
/ 45
a. A side is international students need more than 3 times of tutoring, while B side is
the writing center cannot provide more tutoring time for international students. The
writer asks the opponent to add more tutoring time for international students.
b. Because English is international students second language. Any unfair decision
for international students is bad. I dont think the opponent would agree with this
third idea because international student just takes up a small proportion of the
whole campus population.
c. International students cant be fully and quickly self-reliant in the first semester. I
think the writers refutation is right because it needs time for new international
students to adapt to American studying pace and requirements.
d. English is international students second language and their level is not the same
as American students.
/ 30
a. The writers main argument under Proof is based on logic. I can understand the
writers reason that international students need more tutoring time to improve. It is
based on certain credibility because the writer is a new international student. It is
also based on emotion of anxiety because the writer worries about her study and
feel the need to take more tutoring times.
b. Example.
c. The example of other 2+2 students who still go to the writing center is not
persuasive because it doesnt say they need to go to the writing center for more
than three times. They may just go there once or twice a week. And it is just a half
of these 2+2 students, not most or all.
d. The writer refutes by using an example of how to teach a child to ride a bicycle. I
think the refutation is partially effective because it explains that children and new
international students all need help during the learning process. However, it is not
very appropriate to compare international students to children who first learn how
to ride, for international students have already gained lots of English knowledge.

/ 30
a. The first sentence of the proof expresses clearly the writers position and is
followed by the reason.
b. The first sentence of the refutation name the opponents argument is refuted and
is followed by a clear refutation.
c. The Proof is within 250 words. The Refutation is 5 words beyond 250 words.
/ 30
The writer uses conjunctions properly and writes these two paragraphs smoothly.
Word choice is proper as well. Words are all easy to understand.
/ 15
The two paragraphs are both double-spaced.
/ 60


/ 40



WRITER:___Xiaoqian Zeng_________ PAPER: #_______3_______ READER Trey Caple______________

/ 150
a. The writer has explained their argument very clearly and it is very understanding.
b. Maybe give a specific amount of hours is needed each week.
/ 45
a. Side A is that international students need more tutoring hours. Side B is that
international students need to be more self-reliant. The writer asks the opponent to
provide more hours of tutoring to international students.
b. More hours of tutoring would be beneficial to international students.
d. Learning a second language is a learning process that will need more than 3
hours of tutoring.
/ 30
a. The main argument is based on sympathy because international students should
get more tutoring because of the language barrier.
b. The strategy used to support is example of the times that the library is open.
c. Strategy is persuasive because it really shows the limited time offered of tutoring
for international students
d. The refutation uses examples of an individual trying to learn a task and it is
/ 30
a. The first sentence does express the writers position and is followed by the
b. The first sentence in the refutation does name the opponents argument and is
followed by a clear refutation.
c. The proof is within 250 words. The refutation is over 250 words.
/ 60


/ 40



WRITER:___Xiaoqian Zeng_________ PAPER: #_______3_______ READER Dr. Lan

/ 150
I can tell that you have worked with a tutor on this draft; in time, you will benefit
from your hard work. Could you say one thing that you learned from working on this
draft? This could be important for revising this piece (see below).
/ 45
The arguments back and forth are clear: International students (IS) need more than
3 Writing Center hours a week; but that will hurt their self-reliance and treat
American students unfairly; but self-reliance takes time to develop.
/ 30
Strengthen the proof, most of which right now repeats conclusion. Address these
questions instead: why are 3 hours not enough? How many classes and how many
papers on average do you have? How many hours you spend on writing and then
how many hours you spent on editing/working with tutors? You have to understand
that the question in their mind is how can you be an English major and need that
many hours of tutor?! How can you explain to them? Think about it and lets talk
about it in our conference.
For the same reason, I am having second thoughts about the training wheel
argument. Perhaps we can argue that 2+2 students passed the IELTS and are
competent with using the English language, but knowing something and using
something differand this is where you can use your argument of its a process.
At the same time, Ive attached an article and highlighted one short section you
may be able to use. Using a language is also learning from textbooks but also
learning about a culture, and tutoring provides an opportunity for ESL students to
learn about these cultural differences that American students take for granted but
ESL students must spend much, much more time discovering and understanding,
one by one. This is where your recent experience visiting the WC may be helpful.
This approach will emphasize that you need help not because you are lazy, not
because you are incompetent, but because learning a language requires more help.
/ 30
/ 30

/ 15

/ 40


Conclusion: students needs should be met

Reason: international students have the need for more than 3 hours of

Third idea: students needs for more than 3 hours of tutoring should be
1st draft of Proof
I believe that the international students should be allowed more tutoring
hours, because they need more help due to their language barrier. When the
international students first come abroad and face the unfamiliar language, it
is a challenge to use their second language to accomplish their assignments.
[Hence, they need more help from the writing center. However, the writing
center only offers three tutoring times to each student in UWL, including
native students and international students. Three times tutoring is not
enough for the international students to learn all of the writing skills and
sentence structures and appropriate word choice. In other words, three times
tutoring is not enough for international students, especially in the first
semester. In addition, according to my survey, half of the international
students from 2+2 program still go to the writing center in the second
semester, which illustrates that it is hard for international students to work
alone even though they have been through a semester. I believe this shows
that the writing center plays an important role in the process of international
students studying another language. Therefore, the international students
need more than three times tutoring in the writing center.] (196words)
Conclusion of opponents argument: The writing center cannot provide
more tutoring time to the international students.
Reason for opponents argument: The international students should be
The third idea of opponents argument: The writing center provides
equal policy to every student at UWL.

2nd draft of Refutation

According to Dr. Crank, the writing center cannot provide more tutoring
time to the international students, because the international students should
be self-reliant. More importantly, the writing center provides equal policy to
each student at UWL. However, I think Dr. Crank was partially wrong, this
policy seems fair but actually is not for international students. Even though
international students should depend on themselves, compared to the
American students, their English skills are not at the same level. Therefore,
the international students are less independent than the native students.
When you begin a training program, for instance, teaching a child how to ride
a bicycle, are you going to leave when you put the child on the bicycle or will
you instead hold the bicycle until the child is able to wobbly ride by
themselves? There is a process between the child learning how to ride a
bicycle and actually riding the bicycle. The international students are just like
the children who want to learn how to ride a bicycle. You cannot count on the
international students to completely and quickly rely on themselves in the
first semester after just a few tutoring sessions. Just like children cannot ride
immediately when he or she sits on the bicycle. For international students,
English is not their first language, and using this second language to write is
definitely a challenge. Therefore, there will be a process until they can be
self-reliant, which means it is necessary for the international students to
have more than 3 hours of tutoring. (255words)


WRITER:___Xiaoqian Zeng_________ PAPER: #_______3_______ READER Dr. Lan

/ 150
I can tell that you have worked with a tutor on this draft; in time, you will benefit
from your hard work. Could you say one thing that you learned from working on this
draft? This could be important for revising this piece (see below).
/ 45
The arguments back and forth are clear: International students (IS) need more than
3 Writing Center hours a week; but that will hurt their self-reliance and treat
American students unfairly; but self-reliance takes time to develop.
/ 30
Strengthen the proof, most of which right now repeats conclusion. Address these
questions instead: why are 3 hours not enough? How many classes and how many
papers on average do you have? How many hours you spend on writing and then
how many hours you spent on editing/working with tutors? You have to understand
that the question in their mind is how can you be an English major and need that
many hours of tutor?! How can you explain to them? Think about it and lets talk
about it in our conference.
For the same reason, I am having second thoughts about the training wheel
argument. Perhaps we can argue that 2+2 students passed the IELTS and are
competent with using the English language, but knowing something and using
something differand this is where you can use your argument of its a process.
At the same time, Ive attached an article and highlighted one short section you
may be able to use. Using a language is also learning from textbooks but also
learning about a culture, and tutoring provides an opportunity for ESL students to
learn about these cultural differences that American students take for granted but
ESL students must spend much, much more time discovering and understanding,
one by one. This is where your recent experience visiting the WC may be helpful.
This approach will emphasize that you need help not because you are lazy, not
because you are incompetent, but because learning a language requires more help.
/ 30
/ 30

/ 15

38/ 40


The following is due by 3 pm Wednesday. Please use/switch to black

font color
1. Interview report
1) Interviewees name: Dr. Crank
2) Interviewees title/credentials (what authority does the
interviewee have for you to trust that s/he could represent your
opponent by giving you a reasonable, credible, and powerful
argument for you to refute?)
She is the Director of the Writing Center. I think she definitely
can give me the good reasons why the writing center cannot
providing more tutoring times for international student.
3) The medium youre thinking about using now to reach your
I am thinking about writing directly to the Director of the Writing
Center, the Directors office.
4) List 3 new arguments or insights you gained from the interview
I didnt know that there are so many students in the
campus need help, but the available appointments each
week is set.
I didnt realize that international students and national
students contribute equally to the funding of the Writing
I learned that it may be unfair that international students
have more tutoring times than national students.
5) List 3 new arguments or insights you gained from the interview
6) Has the interview changed or modified your original position?
Yes, it change my original position a little bit. I think it is
understandable answers which Dr. Crank given to me. According to
her answer, I recognize that the writing center is a place to provide
students with support for learning to write but not to be a
replacement for taking classes or working alone.
7) Which of the three arguments youve just learned from the
opponent are you going to refuteto prove absolutely wrong,
partially wrong, or contradictory?
Dr. Crank said that students should become self-reliant rather
than reliant on the tutors. And international students and
national students contribute equally to the funding of the Writing
2. What is your position now after the interview?
1) Your conclusion:
The writing center should provide considerable tutoring times to
international students.

2) Your reason (statistics, evidence?):

There are over 10,000 students in the campus, and international
students take 0.29% in the total students number. However, there
is only approximately 137 available appointments each week. The
international students obviously need more help because of their
language barriers. Which cause they cannot become self-reliant and
work by themselves just after few time tutoring in the writing
center. More important, international students obviously pay more
tuition fee than native students.
3) Your 3rd idea:
What students need should be conditional provided.
4) Refer to the examples: dangerous/costly; dangerous/traditions
When I just been here a week, each assignment for me was a
challenge especially the due time for all of my homework. I have so
many skills and knowledge did not know, therefore it was less
possibilities for me to work by my own after three times tutoring in
the writing center.
5) Explain how your reason differ from their reason:
Dr. Think that the writing center can provide assistance to each
student, but they should not completely rely on the tutors in the
writing center. However, I think it is less possibilities for
international students to self-reliant especially the busy time in the
end of the month.
3. Refutation: what is the opponents argument you plan to refute and
1) Conclusion of opponents argument:
The writing center cannot provide more tutoring time to the
international students
2) Reason for opponents argument:
It will be unfair to provide different tutoring time between the native
students and the international students.
3) The third idea of opponents argument:
The writing center provide equal policy to every student in the UWL.
Reverse the opponents enthymeme
1) Opponents major premise (3rd idea):
The writing center provide equal policy to each student in the UWL.
2) Opponents minor premise (reason):
The writing center cannot replace the class and students should not
rely on it.
3) Opponents conclusion:

The international students need cannot be allow.

Plan to refute
1) Your conclusion: My opponent is wrong, partially wrong, or selfcontradictory
My opponent is a little wrong, the international students should
have more assistance from the writing center.
2) Your reason: . . . because . . . (what proof do you have for your
First of all, each tutoring time in the writing center is 30minutes,
and it usually take 3 to 6 minutes for international students to fill
the form and tell the tutor what the homework is about. In addition,
sometimes 3 tutoring times a week is not enough for international
students to work alone after the tutoring. The international students
should allow have no more than 15 times tutoring a month.
3) Your 3rd idea (what is the principle your argument is based on?):
The international students need should be provide conditionally.
4. Draft the refutation (first draft):
1) State the argument you have decided to refute clearly
2) State your refutation conclusion clearly (completely wrong,
partially wrong, or self-contradictory):
3) Defend your conclusion by expanding on the reason (evidence,
statistics, . . . ):
4) Defend your 3rd idea by expanding on it:
The international students should have more tutoring times (a
considerable time) in the writing center. I do agree that the writing
center is a place where provides assistance for students, and
students should use this place as a way to get feedback and ideas
for working on their own. However, I think Dr.Cranks argument was
partially wrong. First of all, the international students pay more
tuition fee than the native students, which means both of us are not
contribute equally to the funding of the Writing Center. However,
international students have to follow the same rules with native
students in the writing center, which is unfair to the international
students. Secondly, if international students can learn all the writing
skills and fix all the grammar mistakes within the limited time that
the writing center provides, then I believe any international
students English level will be as good as native students. I think it
is impossible to learn a second language. Thirdly, because of the
different education system, the international students need more
help in the normative format and appropriate words choice, which

native students learn it through the basic education before

university, and international students cannot learn it in a few times
tutoring. The last but not less important is when international
students go to the writing center, the tutor will usually take 5 to 8
minutes to ask international students to fill a form and tell the tutor
what the homework is about within the total 30 minutes tutoring,
which means the rest of the time is far not enough for international
students to fix the grammar mistakes. Therefore, the international
students need should be provide conditionally.
Seems to me she has two arguments: more hours would be unfair to
American students and make international student too dependent on the
tutors. You want to refute one of the two, and you started to address the
first one. If you want to go in that direction, you want exactly how much
more international students are paying and compare that to the more
hours. It seems to be a purely economic/calculation argument may not
work for you very well.

1. Interview update:
Who: Virginia Crank Dr. Crank
What authority: she is the Writing Center Director
When: Saturday
Where: computer lab
How: by email
2. Medium:
I will write to the university website ??, because my readers are
international students and the writing center director and relevant
staffs of the UWL, the university website can let me approach more my
Conclusion: the writing center should hire more tutors and provide
extended hours for international students.
Reason: because of international students language barriers
A third idea: the writing center cannot hire more tutors because of the
limited budget
4. Order of writing
Major premise: The writing center offer more appointment time for
international students.
Minor premise:More appointment time will mean more tutors or hours
and it essentially mean more money.

Conclusion:The writing center need a great budget.

5. Interview questions for Refutation
a. What is the reason that the writing center have the rule that each
students have three times tutoring each week?
b. Did you think about the international students language barriers when
you set the tutoring times to all students? Because sometime
international students obviously need more help.
c. Do you think it is fair offer more tutoring hours to international
d. If it is possible to offer more tutoring hours to international students?
e. Do you think the limited budget is the biggest reason that the writing
center cannot offer more hours to students?
f. If the writing center cannot offer more tutoring hours to international
students, do you give some suggestions to solve the international
students language barriers problem?
Please use Word for these assignments.

Writing center should allow international students more than 3 hours

a week

. . . because international students need more than 3 hours a week

what students need should be provided

students need should be met

international students have the need for more than 3 hours

international students need for more than 3 hours should be met

Clarify the audience: you dont want to write to the students because they
solve your issue. Whom should you write to so that your problem may be
resolved? Your main reason is also not money; focus on your reason first.

6. Inquiry for persuasion

List of issues: The writing center should provide more than three times a
week tutoring for international student.
Open-mindedness towards one issue:
The writing center only offer three tutoring times to each students in UWL,
including native students and international students. I understand most
students who use the writing center is native students and it is unfair to treat
native students and international students different. However, international
students sometime need more help than native students because of the
language barriers. Offering more tutoring hours to international students
means the writing center have to pay more money to the tutors, but
according to my initial interview to Zhiyi Xu, who is a tutor in the writing
center, to satisfy the need of the international students, the writing center

need to hire more than 2 tutors, which means the writing center need a great
budget. But the budget of the writing center is limited. Which means it is less
possible to offer more hours to international students.
International students need more tutoring times.
The budget of the writing center is limited.
The writing center cannot offer more hours to international students

1. Write down three local issues

Whitney should provide healthier food options.
The library should have extended hours for students.
I choose the third issue
2. Choose one issue that is open-ended for you (inquiry)
a. I agree that writing center should offer more tutoring time to
international student, because their first language is not English, so
they need more time for help
b. I know that there are many students in campus need help, but the
number of tutors is set
c. People may think that three times a week is enough for each
d. Zhiyi: I agrees that international students can make a few more
appointments if they are having trouble understanding their
assignments, but they should not make too many because other
students will not get a chance to use writing center. We cannot hair
more tutor because our budget is limited.
e. Zhiyi is a tutor who works in the writing center, so I believe she is
the one who can give me a reasoned argument.
3. Write out the enthymeme of your view: position, reason, a
third idea
My position: writing center should have more tutors.
Reason: international students may need more help because of the
language barriers.
A third idea: writing center cannot hire more tutors because of the
limited budget.
An important issue. Consider use more hours, and use more tutors as your back up issue
because money can be a very messy issue to get yourself into. With more hours, you need to do a
little research. You want to know whether most students who use the Center are international
students and how busy the Center really is. Lets say that 99% of them are international students

and tutors often just sit around and wait for students to come, then you can argue for more hours.
If you will write about more money, you need to find out how much more and write to someone
like the Provost.

4. Assignment 1
Who: Zhixi Xu, a tutor who works in the writing center.
Title: tutor in writing center opinion about tutoring time for
international students.
When: 3:00-3:30 PM 10/21/2014
Where: writing center
How: I asked the question and she talked about her opinion.

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