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1. Thank God, we made it! Thanks to Sinaga and Pakpahans Family.

Love them
to the moon and back. Keep on loving each other and be a blessing to
2. Thanks to Bapak Pengawas Ujian for his kindness telah membangunkan
Penulis sewaktu tertidur lebih dari setengah jam ketika menjalani Ujian
Saringan Masuk (USM) karena soal yang tak kunjung habis
3. Thanks to Coldplay and Frederic Chopin. Listening to their music while writing
this thesis made me more productive. Only their music can help my brain
released much dopamine that causing me want to make this thesis more and
more better.
4. Thanks to The Barrels, Dimsum Inc and other similar places. Thanks to free
Wi-Fi provided and the live music. It helped me a lot!
5. Thanks to Anker, Corona and all their friends for accompanied me on this
incredible journey! Cheers!
6. Thanks to Marcelina Lintang who always successfully makes me mad, but she
also always makes me smile and laugh for no reason. Maybe Im gonna marry
her someday! HEEEELLLL NOOOOO!!
7. Thanks to Co-workers for always support me to finish my thesis. Thanks for
teaching me the simplicity and the lesson to remain humble at all times
8. Thanks to Mr. Catur Sasongko.

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