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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

CSIT 101
Kayla Latshaw

1) Article: Uber Settles With New York AG After Playing God With Data

2) New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman just announced that after a
two year investigation, Uber will be required to encrypt the geolocation
information about its drivers and riders. In 2014 the AG opened the
investigation after reports that Uber had tracked riders and displayed their
locations in something called the God View. The AG opened another
investigation in 2015 when Uber reported that an unauthorized source
somehow gained access to the names and drivers license information of their
drivers. The settlement requires Uber to pay a fine, and to enact stricter
security measures.

3) Articles:
a. Developers Must Address the Ethics of Using Location Data
Source: Google
b. The Emerging Ethics of Humancentric GPS Tracking and Monitoring
Source: Bing
Keywords used in search: ethics, technology, tracking
Search engines: Google and Bing
Results: Google gave me relevant articles from a variety of sources, whereas
Bing produced a lot of featured articles from primarily universities. Though
universities are a reliable source of information, the top article (the one I
analyzed) was ten years old. When discussing technology, something that is
ever growing and changing, it is important for information to be current and

4) The 5 Ws: The Emerging Ethics of Humancentric GPS Tracking and Monitoring
Who: The journal article was written by Katina Michael, Andrew McNamee,
and M.G. Michael from the University of Wollongong, Australia.
What: The information in the journal is correct, or was at the time it was
written. Authors cited 65 sources. It was written after the proceedings of the

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

CSIT 101
Kayla Latshaw
International Conference on Mobile Business in Copenhagen, Denmark, July
25-27 2006.
Why: The journal is unbiased and is backed by factual sources. There was no
motive to sway or sell the reader.
Where: The journal was written by University students and published by the
University, however the content discusses thing outside of the US, and even
outside of Australia (the journals country of origin).
When: At the time the journal was written is was based on factual information
that was only a few months old at most. Today, everything written and cited
in the article is ten years old and obviously outdated.

5) Journal Articles from the CCBC Databases

- Responsibility and Privacy Ethical Aspects of Using GPS to Track Children
- Who should make the decision on the use of GPS for people with dementia?
Keywords used: ethics, technology, tracking

6) Even though the Bing and Google searches were more easily accessible, it was
well worth it to take the time to go through the CCBC Library databases. The journal
articles from the database provided all authors names, the original source of the
article, and all of the contributing authors credentials. I would feel more confident
in using database articles in the future because I trust the information and its

7) MLA Citations

Jones, David. "Uber Settles With New York AG After 'Playing God' With Data." Uber
Settles With New York AG After 'Playing God' With Data. N.p., 8 Jan. 2016. Web.

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

CSIT 101
Kayla Latshaw
Landau, Ruth, et al. "Who Should Make The Decision On The Use Of GPS For People
With Dementia?." Aging & Mental Health 15.1 (2011): 78-84. SocINDEX with Full
Text. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
McMullan, Thomas. "Developers Must Address the Ethics of Using Location Data."
The Guardian.
Guardian News and Media, 20 Oct. 2014. Web.
Michael, Katina, Andrew McNamee, and M. G. Michael. "The Emerging Ethics of
Humancentric GPS Tracking and Monitoring." 2006 International Conference on
Mobile Business (2006): n. pag. Web.
Nihln Fahlquist, Jessica. "Responsibility And Privacy -- Ethical Aspects Of Using GPS
To Track Children."
Children & Society 29.1 (2015): 38-47. SocINDEX with Full
Text. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

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