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Instructional Lesson
Classroom: Inclusive AIG TD
Grade: Fifth Grade
Curriculum Area: Social Studies

Observer: Alexis Finch

Date: March 14, 2016
Time: 10:27am

What I notice

Thoughts, Questions, Connections to

Methods Classes

Teacher starts with a mini-lesson on verbs

where he shows a video from Schoolhouse
The teacher starts with a focus and review.

Students use close reading strategy for the

informational text they are reading.

The teachers use of non-verbal classroom

management skills

Technology is used in the classroom often.

Students during learning

This mini-lesson is based off the students

needs from their previous writings. This
video was used to review the concepts of
He asks students to think themselves as a
mother and their wanted to go join the army
in the war. Allowed students to share. This
grabbed the students attention and introduce
them to what text they would be exploring.
Teacher uses this time to connect this lesson
to social studies and reading. Specifically,
teaching about the civil war and having a
close reading activity.
Students read a text called Letters to Mrs.
Bixby which is about a widow who lost five
sons in the Civil War and received a letter
from President Lincoln. They use the close
reading strategy. They read the text three
times each time for a different purpose.
The teacher uses TOP points, where students
get points added to their name for disruptive
behavior. Once the student receives five
points they have to write a letter explaining
their disruptive behavior; the letter must be
signed by the students and parent.
Students have access to chrome books which
they use in the classroom for assignments,
research, science, social studies, and
language arts.
Students are often working individually and
investigating and finding answers to
questions the teacher has posed. This is a
talent development class so they dont
switch to other classes for other subjects.

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