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OBAMA, BARACK. To Make Immigration More Fair And More Just.

Vital Speeches Of The

Day 81.1 (2015): 2-4. Academic Search Complete. Web. 27 Sept. 2015.
President Obamas executive immigration action offers his point of view on the matter.
His insight provides an undocumented immigrants story that creates hope in what the future of
Americas immigration policies hold. His reminder to Americans about the pasts immigrants
offers a comparison to todays immigrants, documented and undocumented. This source was a
speech given by President Barack Obama in 2014. Since he is the President of the United States,
he is an authoritative and professional source for the speech given. President Obamas speech
discussed his executive action on immigration, which affects millions of immigrants already in
the country. It offers a contrast to those that oppose the type of action he is taking. This will
assist me in seeing how policy has shaped immigration politics over the years.

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