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Before 1956 there was no school for girls. The majority of people in Saudi Arabia
at the time used to believe that females their home is their only place, they cant
even go to a different house unless it is her cousins house, friends house, or when
she get married she can leave her home. (Be more specific and strong)

Primary research:
King Faisal (Opened a school-you can find the school official websites and see
what this school did, what kind of movements and events help to prove your thesis)
Focus on the school

1. Introduction (including your thesis)
2. Short introduction about what your are going to talking about
3. Start prove your evidence( make sure each paragraph start sentence tell reader what you
are going to say in this paragraph)
4. More evidence (primary research)
5. More evidence (Secondary research)
6. Interview
7. Your idea
8. Conclusion (prove your thesis and what you think)
Head: 1 & 2
Body: 3 , 4 ,5 & 6
End: 7 &8

Name: Jamalalhariri, Muntaser.

Class: ENG107.
Professor: Hynes, Sarah.

What People Thought of Girls School In Saudi

83 years ago King Abdulaziz united all states in Saudi Arabia (Second
Empire) into one country with no states and started his empire. All schools in Saudi
Arabia are separated or in other words in Saudi Arabia there is no mix school (boys
and girls in one class) due to religious beliefs, there is school for boys and school
for girls. The only mix schools are the international ones but not every Saudi
citizen can get into an international school. Before 1956 there was no school for
girls. The majority of people in Saudi Arabia at the time used to believe that
females their home is their only place, they cant even go to a different house
unless it is her cousins house, friends house, or when she get married she can
leave her home. Thus, there was no school for girls and most people were closed
minded. Then King Faisal ruled the country, he was a turning point for Saudi

Arabia because he did many good things inside and outside Saudi Arabia and one
of them he opened the first school for girls in 1956 Dar AL-Hanan in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia. People of Saudi Arabia were against the idea but he fought for it and
changed the religious scholars opinion in Saudi Arabia. It was an important step
because Saudi Arabia is religious country and the majority of people follow the
religious scholars. Nowadays, %55.5 of the students who go to school are girls.
Well not only King Faisal tried to solve the issue back in the 50s also the late
Queen Effat his wife. Queen Effat was one of her important priorities to educate
women of Saudi Arabia. King Faisal and Queen Effats daughter princess Loulwa
said once the late Queen Effat, as the first to realize that it was crucial for the
nation that women be educated members of the workforce.. But even though they
opened the first school for girls Dar Al Hanan some people were still against. Why
they were against it? I interview my friend Ali, he comes from Saudi Arabia and I
asked him why there was misunderstanding in letting girls go to school? Ali replied
to me: Some people during the 50s took the religion as an excuse to not put
women to school because it might be a bad influence to the society but there is no
evidence that is against letting women educated in islam, infact islam supports the
idea.. Also what King Faisal did to convince those people that he forced the
people who had and still have power in Saudi Arabia the religious people and
scholars to put their daughters in school. King Faisal did this because these people

when they put their daughters in school all parents will start putting their daughters
in school and thats what happened. And what if the parents did want to let their
daughter go to school? What would happen? What would happen basically to the
parents is that they will have to pay fine to the government. Most people though at
the time that the fine is just going to the government but in fact it the government
is not benefiting from it because from what people were against the idea of
educating women paid the government build a new school.
Even though some of the religious leaders and some parents started to let
their daughters go to school there was some people still mad about the idea and
strongly against it. Parents and religious leaders were protesting outside the Dar Al
hanan school and some teachers got beat up from protesters. Thus, King Faisal had
to protect Dar Al Hanan by police from these protesters. According to NFO
channel journalist report (name not mentioned in report) The opening of the first
girl school in Saudi Arabia had to be postpone for two years because of opposition
to it. Then when it was open five years ago the government had to send troops and
police to keep it open. Protesting parents ripped the school and beat up teachers..
In my opinion the actions that have done from the protesters was totally false but at
the same time I cant blame them. I can not blame the fathers at the time because
most of them were not even well educated and it is hard to have a not well
educated person to be open minded.

When T.V then arrived in Saudi Arabia and people started to travel more
around the globe parents started realizing. They started to accept the idea. There
was only one channel back at during the 50s and the 60s Saudi Channel when the
news report is broadcasting they talked about how important is to educate the girls
of the Saudi nation. In that way the majority of people were against the idea got
convinced. It was hard to convince the people who were against educating the girls
because you are trying to change someones belief in something. It takes a lot of
Some other group of people were with the idea even before King Faisal
opened Dar Al-Hanan school for girls. Some of these people they even protested
for the women's rights back at the time. I remember me and my grandfather had a
conversation about the history of educating women in Saudi. My grandfather he
was one of the people who supported the idea very much. Thus, my mom and two
of her sisters were in Dar AL-Hanan school and they were from the first class that
graduated from that school. However, I asked Ali again after schools for women
existed in Saudi did that changed the society? Ali: it did change the way of
thinking of the people in Saudi. I actually agree with him because a few years later
King Faisal invented King Abdulaziz University.
Thats why the journey of educating women in Saudi did not stop at Dar AlHanan school. In 1967, King Faisal opened King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah.

It was named under his fathers name. The only two schools were open at the time
was the School of Economics and School of Management. According to King
Abdulaziz University in 2010 they had 120,000 students total of males and females
students. However, even King Faisals wife Queen Effat invented Effats
University in 1999 as she was one of the people who fought for women's
Nowadays, the total of students in schools according to Ministry of
Education in Saudi Arabia is 5,187,498. The number of females is 2,628,319 and
the males 2,559,179. It is funny how the majority of parents and religious leaders
in Saudi Arabia were against the idea of letting their daughters go to school and
now the number of female is more than the number of male in schools. However, if
people saw someone who is against educating women in Saudi Arabia the majority
of people would be shocked and think him or her is ignorant.
In conclusion, this all change in the womens right in education in Saudi
Arabia made Saudi a better country. I asked Ali how do you think Saudi will be
like if schools for women did not existed till today? He told me Saudi will be an
ignorant country.. I come from Saudi Arabia and I can feel that people are now
more open minded and well educated than before. Nowadays, religious leaders and
people who has power in Saudi change their attitudes toward women education.

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