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I made a conversion that looks like a train.

It's pretty much a steam tank with

a few mods. Let ME know what you think.
Engine M- WS1 BS4 S6 T- W- I0 A- Ld10
Rare Unit (1 per 2000pts)
350 points
The Engine starts with 30 hull points
To wound the Engine do the math
D6+ Strength of attack + # of multiple attacks - 9(for armour)
the result is the number of hull points lost
To do anything the Engine needs Steam Points (SP); these are generated at the be
gining of the controling player's turn
by rolling any amount of D6 you want but if the total of the dice is greater tha
n the number of remaining hull points
roll a D6 on the malfunction chart to see what happens
Steam Engine malfunction
D6__Damage_SP modification
You may use the an accumulated SP to do the following action(s):
Move forward <3"
Move Back <2"
Pivot <90`
Grind (Close Combat D6 S6 hits once per turn)
When Charging the Engine does D6 S6 hits + D3 S6 hits per 3" moved. Engine can m
ove in and out of CC at will.
(exp. engine in CC can move back 6" then forward 6" to do 3D3 S6 hits) the engin
e can do this in any CC phase as
long as it has the required SP.
When taking impact hits, the Engine inflicts D6 S6 hits on the unit causing the
The Train can carry up to 2 dwarfs plus the driver. Any model can climb aboard,
if there is space, for a full movement.
Any model can dismount for a full move. Any model can start out on the train at
the begining of the game.
The models can use their ranged weapons while on the train but must dismount to
use close combat weaponry.

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