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OFFICE OF DELTA COUNTY SHERIFF a ==" Epwaro L. Oswao, SHER Pup J. GRIEBEL, UNDERSHERIFF oumen March 16%, 2016 Honorable 1udge Stephen Davis Honorable ludge Steven Parks Honorable Judge Robert Goebel Honorable 1udge Tom Smithson Dear Judges, ‘As of today lam decaring the Delta County Sherif Department inthe state of emergency de to ‘overcrowding ‘The jailhas been overcrowded since___Mareh3",206 __, with our average dally population being _96 (Our rated capacity i eighty-five (85), Enclosed are copies of our current inmate population, with book date, scheduled release date, sentencing Judges, length of sentence and most serous charge. ‘Under Public Act 325 of 1982, | would encourage al of us to implement plans and work together to reduce the current county al prisoner population, Sin ‘County Sherif ‘ce: Prosecutor Phil irom Director Paul Geyer Director Ken Vanderlinden Lt Greg Cunningham Chief Robin Halfaday CChaieman ofthe County Board, Mary Harrington County Adminstrator, Ryan Bergman 111 None Set» Ecanabe, M £9829 «Phone (06) 7855693 - FAX (206) 7865228 Page 1 of 1 ‘Average Daily Population From 03/01/2016 To 03/16/2016 ies Ferien ober ot ™ ° ® ® = ° * n s ° a & 2 ° ra & ” ° & 5 = ° te 7 @ ° toe n = ° ‘23 « = ° = ‘Awrape Day Popdaten: 96 ‘Awrape Female: 25 bitps/ 3/16/2016

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