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oe 3 Picture Grammar for Childreny32 * David Vale A —_— MACMILLAN HEINEMANN Engh Language Teaching >— Macmillan Education Between Towns Koad, Oxford OX4 3PP, UK A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited ‘Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 0 435 29738 4 Text © David Vale 1998 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1998 First published 1998 All rights reserved: no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, elzctronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, oF otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Sue Vaudin Cover illustration by Colin Robson Ilustrations by John Blackman, Nick Duffy, Phil Gamer, Clive Goodyear, Geoffrey Reid, Colin Robson, David Till Commissioned photography by Haddon Davies pp8,9, 42, 43, 44, 49, 46 ‘The authors and publishers would like to thank the following for their kind permission ‘© reproduce these photographs: Getty Images pp4 (all), 5, Zefa Pictures p59 Acknowledgements ‘The author would like to thank Karen Gray and all the staff at Heinemann ELIT who have been involved in this project. ‘Thanks also to Ana, Simone and Matthew for their creative input and ‘constant support, Alex for his inspirational art at the beginning, Bill and Nick for their comments and advice early on, Steve Mullaney for many practical ideas on vocabulary. “The publishers would like « Untuk the following teachers and advisers for their helpful pal q i comments: Mary Nicalexis, Greece; Teli Kalambaheti, Thailand; Carolyn Barraclough, UK. “The publishers woud like to thank the staff and pupils ‘of Marston Middle School! for their help with the photographs. Printed and bound in Thailand 2008 2007 2006 2005 2 11 «+10 9 Picture nbiaraiones kers Comparatives/superiatives _ Shapes at school Wh questions gym Transport Prepositionsidirections = Under and over Past simpletobe = = Visiting the seaside Past simple regular verbs Weattier ee _ Yesterday Past simple irregular BuZZ and sting Adverbs of frequency — ee Ghani suniiaey. SS SS TD or eS SS eae IS @ ee ecord breakers & S| | "Ss Words you need 1 Circle the words you don't know. Learn them: 2» Underline the adjectives you know. longest river you know Extra wordo good Word check DD Write the adjectives correctly. ewid wide ibg lat asim| dol gyno osft 3 77 blue whale iad eee iN Ih i, — Death Valley USA Complete with capital or small letters. \ 3 Caspian Sea ' ountain 4, ver __ile 2 count __verest 5, cean 3. iver 6 acific_cean complete. lell your teacher any spelling rules, fast faster fastest small er est tall er est wide lorge big biggest hot hott good be, bad worse wo. Show what you know Mount Everest is higher than K2. | The River Nile is lo. thon the River Thames. A cheetah is fa__ than a lion A giraffe is to. a horse. The Pacific Ocean is lo_ the Atlantic. Death Valley is ho. the Sahara desert ao RwD Jock's grandad is o| Jack's sister Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. |. The River Nile is the river in the world. 2. The cheetah is__ __ animal in the world 3. The giraffe is__ animal in the world. 4. The Pacific Oceon is__ _ ocean in the world, Death Valley is__ place in the world. 6 Jack's grandad is__ in his tomily, Which is the highest mountain in the world? Mount Everest, Who is the oldest in Jack's family? His grandad 1. Which is the _ river in the world? 2. Which is the qnimal in the world? 3. Which is the ___ bird in the world? 4. Which is the lake in the world? 5. Which is the Place in the world? 6 Who js the young____iin Jack's family? peed: ta ay Ask your partner similar questions, @emmrns Practice Be Write names for your country. 1. Ahigh mountoin A long river A large city A good food Bb Write sentences for your country. Cities London is larger than Liverpool. |. Mountains 2. Rivers 3. Cities 4. Foods Bb Complete for your country. The River Thames i the longest river in my country. ! _— the h, mountain in my country. 2 ___the |. river in my country. __ the | city in my country. 4, ___ the b. food in my country. b> Complete for yeu and your clase. : T'm_taller than (David). I'm not taller than (my teacher). 1. Imt Im not t___ 2 mol, than I'm not ol__ 3. Myhairis long 's hair: My hair isn't lo, 's hair, 4. My foot is sh. thon 's foot. My foot isn't sh, _ 's foot. 5. Icon run fa____ than I can't run fo__ Sai Practice e. Paula is the cldest in the class. |. Jock isy____Sue. Linda is y__ than __. Linda i 2 Paula. Jack is Linda, than in the class. — than - ss the est in the class, 2 ist is the in the class. isn’t the in the class 3 isn't y. — Bor we a ‘lift the flap’ page about the ... est in the world’ Which is the fastest [oa a animal in the World? 4 [Be herse are \ ee : U Now you know ABP ile. Complete the ctiee and che crossword. Across 3, Mount Everest is higher thon K2 Itis the highest mountain in the world. > FQ A ba at = =[vTels [e[s|e] 4. The is the longest Et Cc] river in the world ; 5. The ocean is fe larger than the Atlantic. RAST 6 The bird is the smallest bird in the world. Down |. The is the fastest animal in the world. 2 The sea is the widest lake in the world > compere the questions and anewer abou yoursett Which is the best food in the world? 6 cream ie th t fe |. Which is the b___ food in the world for you? 2. Who is your b___ friend? 3, Who is the old___in your family? 4. Who is the short__ in your family? Think with your teacher We can compare things like thie: © Jack isisn’t older then Maria, © Pasta is/isn’t better than pizza. © Jack isfisn’t the oldest in his family. © Pasta is/isn't the best food in the world, How do you say the same things in your language? Exx=I==I=> hapes at ‘school ee ee |) Words you need Circle the words you don't kriow. Learn them. ; @ Look around your cl for each of the shapes o Extra words you know window to the shapes: cube square ~~ rectangle cylinder riangle ‘ sphere How many smaller words can you make? cylinder in triangle Write these words correctly. ides nceo cebu icceri Write. Read your answers to your partner. A triangle hos sides A square has sides, A rectangle has sides, Show what you know What is this circle? acon vb. a dock 1 What b. boxes Whose coin is it? 3, Which one is a cylinder? 4, Where is the cylinder fi 5. Who is on this square? The King of Spain b, The Queen of Britain 6, Look at this rectangle. When is the school foir? Friday b. Saturday What time does it start? a 10.00am —_b. 11.00em who why y an what when which whose wlhfefr , ‘ Practice tisccn the queerions to che answers |. Which shape has three sides? a, I's Jack's box, 2. What time is on this shape? @ \ On a down's heed. 3. When do you use this shape? &. \ triangle. 4. Whose is this? aol To play football 5. Where can you see this shape? Three o'clock. ‘hose dice is itt Its my dice. I. is the highest number on your dice? 2: number is opposite number 2? 3. Throw the dice with your friend. has got the highest number? 4, can you find 6 dice? @ crete che uestion words Draw a rectangle around your anew ‘Wherg)do you go to school? {Go to school in Paris |. What time do you start school? I start school at 2. Whose class are you in? I'm in M 's dass. 3. Which Is your favourite subject? Ike Why? Because Who is your best friend at school? is my best friend. aos When is your next school holiday? In Practice (D completo the questions: Answer: ' has the most coins in your class? 2, ____ coin is the biggest in your country? es 3. Look at this coin. o. does it come from? b.___ head is on it? tis the name of this board game? Snakes and ladders//Chess, 2 © has this game in your class? have one./My friend has one 3 1n do you play this game? At lunchtime/After school 4 y do you like this game? Because it's fund don't like it isWhotithisshopelsign? seelyoulWherelsign/do/this? = A, SeeWhichyoulsigndo/outside? a AN Whyiplayfcan'tthere/yout bea A (, Wh__ do you live? Vivein in? r : Who___ class are you in’ IminM_ ts class, —en is your next birthday? My next birthday is in —0 is your best friend? My best friend is 9 & Wh. jour favourite TV programme? It's _ eee Wh__ do you like it? Because ____ ~ 8. Wh__time does it start? It starts at 9, ___ch room is your television in? It’s in__ 0 se television is it? It's Prepositions and directions Complete with the prepositions below. (10 points) next to at behind in on infrontof ontop of over under between et A lorry is waiting at traffic light. |. There's a mouse the lorry 6 There are twa girls the hus. 2. A bird is sitting ____ the lorry. 7. There's a bike the car and the bus. 3. There's a car the lorry. 8 An aeroplanes flying___ the lorry. 4. A boys sitting ___the can 9. The bus stop is___the post office. 5. There's a bus__ the bus stop. 10. There'saman____ the bus stop. Read. Write the names. (5 points) Miss White is teaching 3 boys (Jack, Michael and Tom) and 3 girls (Linda, Mary and Sue). She is standing at the front of the class. Jack isn’t sitting next to a boy. Sue is sitting in front of Michael, Mary is sitting between 2 boys. Linda is sitting in front of a girl. Tom is sitting behind a boy. Your score SoM °° oe ° Words you need b B Underline the animate you can eee in your country. Circle the words you don't know. Learn them. submarine shark me Word check Extra words you know helicopter S. &y Write these words correctly. ebe bee a drib a Pee Come vst mowr gues — eret of ee a aecv , AP al Circle the odd word out in each list. submarine ja, ______________ submarine | sky fox geroplane butterfly cloud rabbit shark sun mole fish ceroplane | shark windie deietin worm Compare answers with your partner. eee 6 Peo - e Show what you know BD cook ae she photographs and spot the differences. a Complete with was/were, Last year there were two aeroplanes in the sky. Now there is one. |. There_______rabpit under the tree. Now there ore three. 2 There ____ two ___ birds in the tree. Now there Is one red bird. 3. There___ clouds in the sky. Now there are two. 4 The clouds Now they are black. 5. |___ eight years old. Now | am nine years old & My sister four years old. Now she is fve years old, a Complete with was/were about last year. How meny clouds were there in the sky? There were four. 1 the clouds black or white? They white, 2. How many rabbits there? There one rabbit. 3. What colour ___ the rabbit? it white. 4 How old Jack? He eight years old. 5. How old Jack's sister? She four years old, 6 How old you? 1 year(s) old, BD correct There was one small tree, Ihe tree wasn’t small. It was big. here was ere bird in the tree. There bird. There were two. rd. 2. The birds were blue. lt ley were yellow. . They were yell 3. There was one grey rabbit under the tree. Thetabbit tt was white ‘@s the sentences about last year. Practice Once upon atime, under the sea there wag one whole. The whale \ There __ wo dolphins. The dolphins green. There two sharks. » The sharks white, There three fish. The fish pin, Wf Theme ie bier. The aderine ratow ob y ? a Work in pairs. Hide these underwater things in your grid. & Bo Loe? D’ squares each eS 3 'SH’ squares each Gs . My grid My partner's grid abcdefgh abcdetoh® 4 | ch f c se L LL | whal W' squares 2. dolphins | submarine = 6 °S' squores 2 sharks 4 fish = 2'F’ squares each t -EEEEEH Now ask your partner questions and fill in the objects on your partner's grid. oye nperh eta nt one Was there o shark at b4? No, there wasn’t. There was a whal My turn, Wes there a dolphin at f6 3) No, there wasn't. There wos nothing. My turn. Was there a whale at b4? Yes, there was. Your turn again. There was an aeroplane in the sky. .) (There were ewo birds in the tree.) 4 Complete the questions and anawers, a4 There were three worms under the ground. One worm waen't red. How many red worms were there? There were two red worms. |. There w____ five rabbits under the ground. Two rabbits w. white, How many white rabbits w. there? There w. white rabbits. 2 There w____ four foxes under the ground. Three foxes w. small. How many small foxes w__ there? There w, small fox. 3. There w___ten onimals under the ground, There w____ five rabbits, There w. four foxes. How many moles w. there? There w, mole 41 im 9 cove with my friends. |here w. six children in the cave. How many friends w____| with in the cave? Tw___ with friends. B compere What colour was the mole? It was brown. Was the mole hungry? No, it wasn't. |. What colour W____the fox? tw. red and white. W___ the fox hungry? No, it w. 2. Whet colour w____ the rabbits? They w__white, W___ the rabbits hungry? No, they w. 3. What colour w____ the wormét They w____ brown, W____ the worme hungry? Yes, they w, Ey Now you know & Make a ‘life the flag" page. Where were you, = Mr Butterfly ? K Were you in the skyA No, | wasn't. There was a beein the sky! San Work with five friends. Fut your pages together to make a book. Read it to another friend, 3 Chant the rhyme with your class. Continue the verses. There were five red birds on a hill There were four red birds on a hil. There were five red birds on o hill There were four red birds on a hill One red bird was very, very ill One red bird was very, very ill ‘There were four red birds onc hill, There were three red birds ..... Think with your teacher Complete the table with was/were. Iw___ hungry W____I hungry? Yes, I was/No, I w. You w____hungry. W____you hungry? Yes, you were/No, you w. He w____ hungry, = W____he hungry? Yes, he was/No, he w. She w. Htw____hungry W____it hungry? Yes, it was/No, it w. We w. They w. How do you say the same things in your lanquage? hungry. W. hungry. W____we hungry? Yes, we were/No, we w. hungry. W____they hungry? Yes, they were/No, they w. she hungry? Yes, she was/No, she w. nr), es We liked our hotel. ¥f Sr ea = “ a= = Word check lifeauard volley. jelly fair seo, Match, play shells watch castle visit videos walk beach volleyball look for lifeguard stoy rods work hotel Look at the picture clues. Complete the crossword. Iewesa brilliant holiday! | Bea Show what you know Deonpere. Tell your teacher the grammar rules. wotch watched like liked 1. ploy ploy. 2. visit visit___ 3. work 6 hate _ 4. walk 7. stay 5. love 8 look for oe Deompete. Tell your teacher the grammar rules. She played beach volleyball. Did she ploy tennis? No, she didn’t play tennis. |. They stayed in a hotel Did they in a castle? No, they didn’t in a castle. 2. He visited the castle. Did he the fairground? No, he the foirground 3. | watched a video. Did you a tennis match? No, I a tennis match. 4, We walked on the rocks. you ‘on the beach? No, we ‘on the beach. 5, She looked for shell. she jellyfish? No, she jellyfish, en lete with the correct form of the verb. look for play like visit walk iow the fairground You didn't tennis. We didn't crabs. They: their hotel Quam 2 3. He______on the rocks. 4 5, Practice ¢ Read the chart and complete the sentences on | Played beach | walked on | visited |watched | played looked _| stayed in hholiday volleyball | the rocks | a castle | videos| tennis | for shells. |a hotel Jack v v v Linde v v Sue a 7 7 Michael | / v v What did Jack do on holiday? He visited a castle and watched videos. |. What did Linda do? She 2. What did Michcel do? He 3. What did Sue do? She 4, What did you do? 1 complete the questions and answers about the chart. Did Jack watch videos? Yes, he did Did Jack stay ina hotel? No, he didn'r. |. Did sue beach volleyball? No, 2 Michael a castle? ‘Yes, 3 Jock and Linda video? Yes, 4 Linda and Sue tennis? No, ® Read and anower. She didn’t play beach volleyball. She didn’t walk on the rocks. Who wes she? Sue. |. He didn't walk on the rocks. He didn't play beach volleyball, Who was he? = 2. They didn’t walk on the rocks. They didn't look for shells, Who were they? _____and 3. She watched videos. She didn't play tennis. Who was she? Write one more for your partner to answer. Seer nna Practice Dernier the questions. Answer for your last holiday. You may imagine. Where did you visit for your last holiday? | visited (the seaside). Did you like the seaside? Yoo, | did. ( No. | didn’t |, Where ____ you visit for your last holiday? 2. Did you __ it? 3. Where you stay? _ 4. Did you __ beach volleyball? 5. What ____ you play? a 6. Did you for crabs? Compare your answers with a partner. = Or your friends similar questions. Make a class chart. == @Deeaa this page from Sue's holiday diary. Tuesday morning Ist. Jane. He was Sungy T visited the Seaside. Iplaged beach vlleball. 1 looked for crabs and fish. ee Thesdoy evening Bx. Iwalked on the rocks with Mum and Dad. Iusatched videos in the hotel.I loved th Ht was brilliant, e hotel food. Imagine and write a diary for one day during your last holiday. Make a poster for your last holiday. Now you know @ Write the words in the correct order. Lifequard’s work diary. Yesterday/on the beach/worked Yesterday | worked on the beach. I. the childreniwotchedillon the beach, played/V/in the sea/with the children shells/The children/on the beachllooked for Rw NK play/Vtennisididn’t @ Complete the conversations. Practise with a partner Hi, jo Did you J have a nice Jes) SUNG CF inat did you do? _) CF inat did you do? _) cus 1 Reece: tennis — I Reece: videos, Did you visit the castle?) 1. Hi, Linda. you have a nice eT Brilliant. What you do? I w. ‘on the rocks and | w. lots of videos. you____ the castle? No, 2. Hi, Michael you anice holiday? Brilliant What you do? I the castle and I p. beach volleyball. Did you inahotel? Yes,l Ask your friends about their holidays Think with your teacher Complete. I play__. Did! tennis yesterday? Yes, | did. se things in your language? tennis yesterday, ~ I didn't ____ tennis yesterday No, I didn't. How do you say the: ess Words you need "Gi cite the worae you dons know \Learnithem! ~) J se. ay ) in lt Underline the clothes you are wearing, i J _y Tick the weather today. a al : ara } t's cloudy It's sunny/The sun is shining, It’s windy/The wind is blowing Its rainy/’s raining, Its snowyll’s snowing, Extra words you know Word check Complete. Circle your favourite weather. storm cloud rain snow 8 Write clothes you Have for each Season. winter spring coat p Circle the odd actions out. Summer Winter swim in the sea build a snowman build a sandcastle throw snowballs throw snowballs go skiing play football wear sandals, cloudy and windy, It____ sunny. The sun i rang. ling It __ storm ee z g Linda is going to wear her boots. I. Jack going to wear his coot ee 2. Linda and Michael ___ going to wear their boots, 3. You____ going to use your umbrella. 4 |____ going to wear my hat Complete and answer. ‘What is Sue going to weor? , Is she going to wear her gloves? Yes, she is, (No, she isn't.) |. What __ lack going ta wear? Is he - to wear his long scarf? Yes, he _ Woot ___ Linda and Michael going to Are they What _ wear? to wear their warm coats? Yes, they __ You going to wear? Are you _ to wear your new shoes? No, [__ Practice Linda isn't going £2 play in the park. 1. Jack isn’t going __ ride his bike. 2. Pm net going open my urnbretla. 3. Sue and Michael aren't going ___ play football You aren't going __ go for. a walk. Ton gaing to wear my T-shirt. I’m going ta play football Jock __ to wear his shorts . He'_ going to ride his bike. Sue ond Michael __ to wear their swimsuits. They __ going to swim in the seo. f= to weor my sandals. !'___ going to build « sandcastle. You' to wear your T-shirt. You'__ going to go for a walk. Lindo __ to wear her She'__ going to |, The weather is going to be 2. The weather isn’t going to be 3 Im __wear__ 4 Im ___ play 5. Repeat Practice Privosine and draw the weather for each day next week Next Monday Tuesday] Wednesday | Thursday Fridoy . ¢ ©: \ y Complete and answer these questions about your chart. |s it going to rain next Monday? No it isn't. |t's going to be sunny, The sun is going to shine. What are you going to wear? I'm going to wear my T-shirt and shorts, I Isit to rain next Monday? No, Its What is Jack to wear? He’ going wear his 2 wit to be sunny next Tuesday? What are Sue and Michoel to wear? They’ going __ wear their 3 bit to snow next Saturday? = What are you to wear? I'___ going _ wear my. Now ack @ friend similar questions. WO compece the sentences with ien't/aren't. Circle True or False. My snowman isn’t going to wear a black hat. True/False ) |. My snowmen going to wear a yellow scarf True/False 2 My snowman __gaing to wear a black coat. True/False 3. My snowman __going to wear u Lue coat. True/talse 4. His eyes___going to be green, True/False 5. His nose_____ going to be red. True/False 6 His buttons ___going to be pink True/False Now read the sentences again. Complete and colour your snowman, acm Now you know ¥ Kead and complete the chart with a ¥ or anx. Next winter, Sue, Linda ond Michael are going to visit Scotland. They are going to do different things there, Sue isn't going to go skiing. Sue isn't going to play footbal. She's going to build o snowman, Michoel isn't going to play football. He isn't going to build @ snowman. He's going to throw snowballs Linda isn't going to build a snowmen, She isn't going to throw snowballs. She's going to go skiing. Names bulla snowmen throw snowballs __go skiing __ play football Sue v x x Michael | ! Linda l | l y Look at the chart again. Complete and anawer the questions) Ls Sue going to build a snowman? ‘Yes, she is. Is Michael going to play football? ‘No, he ion't. |. __ Sue _— play football? 1 she 2 __ Linda _— go skiing? she. 3. __ Michael __ throw snowoalls?, _ 4. ___ Sue and Michcel _— play football? __ they 5 What about you? _ you gp skiing? __, Think with your teacher | Describe the weather today 2 Imagine you are going to go on holiday tomorrow. Where are you going to go? What are you going to wear? What are you going to do? A Fast simple to be Complete with wasiwere, Add true information and answer the questions. (8 points) Last year. Iw years old, 2. My English teacher’s nome w__ 3. There w, children in my English class. 4. There w. children in my school. 5. W__you9 years old? 6 W__ your English teacher a man? —_ Complete with wasn't/weren't Circle True or False. (8 points) Yesterday... It sunny outside. True/False 2. It cold outside. True/False 3. There __ 16 children in my English class. True/False 4. My English class very good. True/False Fast simple regular verbs Complete this postcard to your friend about your visit to the seaside. (8 points) Deer , am hoving a brilliant time. Yesterday | played beach volley- ball ond then Iv__ a castle, In the afternoon | w. on the rocks and lo. for shells, but | didn't p. pm. Ilo, videos until 11 the tennis. In the evening Iw. the food but I ho, See you at school, Love, Swap postcards with a partner. Compare what you wrote. 2 Complete the verses. Chant the rhyme with your class. (7 points) I, Ivisited the beach. I walked to the seo. gi" Ww | counted one fish I counted one fish and me! 2, Ivisit__ the beach. 3. I visited the beach I wak__ to the sea w. to the sea. I count___ two crabs, « three shells, | count___ two crabs, one fish ond me! Ic. three shells, two crabs, one fish and me! C€ Going to future 1 Complete with is/are. Colour the picture. (10 points) EDLY, There clouds in the sky. It going to rain, ey ci - The rain ___ going to run into the rivers. The rivers ___ going run into the sea. 4 The sun _____ going to shine oe The wind going to blow. Se The water __gaing to go into the air Pa ge The water __ going to make clouds SD. ‘A There clouds in the sky and it___going to rain again 2 It’s going to rain tomorrow. Complete the questions. Answer using is/isn', are/aren't, m/am not once each. (9 points) What is Linda going to do? She isn’t going to play football. She 15 going to read. |. What ore Michael and Sue __ to do? They ___ going to play football. They ____ going to watch television. 2. What is your dog todo? It___ going to go for a walk It___ going to sleep in front of the fire. 3. What are you__ to do? |_ not. going to Tom going to Your score /50 f° * ws ad = } We. 59 ercise Words you need sit up Eth stretch j clap jump =. ~ push up g Word check Write the two most important parts)or) the body you need for each action. sit up == stand head stand é Complete with up, stand or roll. backward roll hand stand reach sit =— forward ___ backward roll 1g and do the actions with your class. Head, body, legs ond toes, logs and toes, Head, body, legs and toes, legs and toes, Body, arm, hand and finger q Head, body, legs and toes, legs and toes. throw hop Ex Show what you know In 30 seconds.. My guess Tie I. How many sit ups can your friend do? _ — 2. How many push ups can your friend do? —_ _ 3. How many forword rolls can your friend do? _ _—_ 4. How many times can your friend jump? times —_times 5, How mony times can your friend hop? times. __ times My guess Tue |. How is your friend’s hair? em em 2, How can your fiend stretch hisier urn? un a 3. How can your friend open his/her mouth? __ em __ em 4. How is your friend's left arm? em cm 5. How _____can your friend stand on one foot?) ___seconds __ seconds 1 thew can your ficial switn? a. 0 metres b. 100 metres c___ metres 2. How can your friend reach? @. 150-200em —b, 200-300em = _em 3. How can your friend run 20 metres? @. 5-10 seconds b. 10-20 seconds c._ seconds 4. How can your friend throw a basketball? @. 10 metres 10-20 metres. © __mewres. 5. How can your friend write your name? ©. 20 seconds b 6-10 seconds c._seconds Am Practice In one minute How many times can you clep your hands? 120 How niatiy backward rolls can you do? 12 1. How sit ups can you do? — 2. How can you hop on your left foot? = _ 3, How can you touch your toes? — 4, How push ups can you do? — 5. forward rolls can you do? oe How far can you hop on your left foot? |. How ____is your right foot? ___ am 2. How can you touch your toes 10 times? ____ seconds 3, How _____ can you stand on one foot? ___ seconds 4. How _____can you stand on your hands? © _ seconds 5: can you run in 20 seconds? ___ metres | con you stretch your arms? can stretch __em. 2, How ore you? Im __ om tal, 3. How ____ can you reach on tip toes? Ican reach _cm 4. How _____ are you? Im ____ years old Practice AE Rest aa conpiete the cranes Jock, Sue and Linda are the same age. Michael is one year older He is 10 years old. Jack can reach 10 em higher than Michael. Michel can reach 20 em higher than Linda. Sue can reach 5 cm higher than Linda, Linda can reach 70 cm. Michael weighs the same as Jack. Linda weighs 3 kilos more than Sue Jock weighs | kilo more than Linde. Sue weighs 37 kilos, In | minute Sue can do | more push up than Linda. Jack can do 3 more push ups than Linda and | more than Michael. Michael can do 17 push ups. How old? How high? | How much? _| How many? Jack Linda Sue | Michael |. How ___ are Jack and Linda? They're years old. 2 How ___ can Sue reach? She can reach ___cm. 3. How do Michcel and Jack weigh? They weigh kilos, 4, How does Linda weigh? She weighs kilos, 5. How Push ups can Sue do in one minute? She can do push ups, Ahi Pk are compete for you'and a partnen Dow class suey How old? | How high? | How much? _|_How many? | My <— I | dua Now you know PB crniblete the questions ana answers od high mony for fest much long How tal! are you? I'm 143 em tall, How ore you? i 2 How van you stretch your arms), 3. How do you weigh? 4 How can you run? 5. How f__ can you jump? 6 Howh___can you reach? Fi 8 9. How 's your foo? How sit ups Can you do in one minute? | can do sit ups. How ______can you clap your hands in one minute? | can clap my hands many times te wide tm years old I can stretch them ___em. I weigh kilos I canican't run very fast I can jump ___ metres. Ican reach em It’s ____em long times, Stick your photo Tcan run metres in seconds. can reoch cm high. can jump metres. Ican do _ push ups in one minute. Think with your teacher We use these questions words to ask about facts and figures: How many, How many times, How much, How wide, How far, How high, How old, How fast, How long. Do you use the same words in the same way in your language? here ce Circle the words you don’t know. Learn them, Tick three actions you did yesterday. y Ds i | eee ee Se [went shopping \ASr came home a bought some 7| reais Word check comics TO Write three ‘yesterday’ actions under each heading in the morning woke up Complete. eat get go Match. I woke —~ I got late I went I came I read in the afternoon to school ‘comic up home breakfast dressed es Show what you know PG comprcte with did/didn't. Did Jack make his bed yesterday? Yes, he did. 1 _____ he eat breakfast? Yes, he 2 ¢ ge ty sclwol? ‘Tes, he 3 he go to the cinema? No, he 4. ___ he spend £1.00? No, he 5. _____ you go te school yesterday? _ A complete the questions about yesterday. Give true anewers, What time did you wake up yesterday? I woke up ut (7.90 am). |. What time you get up? I got up at 2. What time you eat breakfost? | ate breakfast at 3. What time you __to school? | went to school at 4, Whot time you lunch? 1_____tunch at 5. What time you __ to bed? I to bed at w Complete the questions. Give true anowers, |. How you go to school yesterday? | 2 yOu go to school with your friends? 3. When ____ you come home from schoo?) _ 4% —_ youcomehomeby bus 5. What ___ you do after school? 6 youdo yourhomework? Bete Play the ‘Yes/No’ game for 30 seconds. Your teacher asks you questions. You reply using | did/didn't. That's right/That’s not right, etc. You must not say yes or ne. You must net nod or shake your head Play the game with a partner. Fo: sino gr wes Practice w Complete sentences for Jack about yesterday. X : make He made his bi go He to school. take He __ __ his books hove He ___ lunch, run He didr FL to schoo buy He didn't __ one comic read He didn't © book >] & Match the questions and answers. Ask a partner these questions. |. What time did you have lunch yesterday! — Yes, she did & 2. Where did you have lunch? \ Tread a comic. 3, What did you have for lunch ? Thad lunch ot 12.30. 4, Did your Mum make your lunch? Thad @ sandwich for lunch. 5. What did you do after lunch? Thad lunch at school. G t ( A: w Complete with the correct form of the missing verb. Circle True or False. ge ect buy do make come spend You want chopping yesterday. You didn’t spend £3.00. 4 ' i t 1, You a comic yesterday. True/False You_____ your bed yesterday. True/False You your lunch at schoo! yesterdoy. True/False You didn't your English homework yesterday True/False True/False oRwn You didn't home at 6.00 pm yesterday Practice Did you read a book? Yes,Jdid, |. Did you __ any homework? = _» ——— Who did you dinner with? | __ 3. What time did you dinner? _ 4. Did you ™ SS 7 5. What time did you tobe? 6 Did you acomic in bed? = __) B- Lackat Uacks time line for laet Gundays woke up went to the park bought an ice cream watched TV ». Draw your time line for last Sunday. Write sentences about it. Perr I woke up) at 8.00 am. Wo BI zat Spray the ‘Yes/No’ game again for 30 seconde with your teacher. Then play it with a partner. 2 IE Now you know ¥ Complete the chart for you. Last Monday ce went to school ___ate funch__ came home | did homework | went to bed jack_| 7.15 am | by bus at school | 330pm__| no 10.00 pm 10am | by cle @ school ___ 3.30 pm. eS 3.00 pm_| / Linda me @ Complete the questions about the chart. I Jack _to school by___? No. he didn't 2 ___ you get up t_? Yes, | did 3. ______ linda __ to schoo? She went by bike. i Jock and Linda _ heme? They came home ot 3.30 pm. 5. you___ tobedot__? No | didr't ¥ Write in the correct order. |. didn'tyesterday/his homework/jack/do/ 2. timelyou/What/to school/did/yesterday/go? 3. Jack and Linda/go/How/yesterday/to school/didi? a by bikefwent/yesterday/Linda/to school 5. lyoulyesterday/eorly/get up/Did? Think with your teacher |. What did you buy yesterday? 2 | bought a comic yesterdoy: I didn't buy a book. 3. Did you buy a comic yesterday? Yes, | did/No, I didn't. 6 for the past simple. Tell your teacher the rule’ Words you need PD vitderiine the words you don't know. Learn them. 2 Tick the creatures you sometimes see in your house. So cittie tHe ones you aon ike. 2 Write two creatures under each heading. They sometimes bite or sting. They usually buzz They never buzz. / mosquito / —— f DQ Circle the parts of the body in this word-shail. neti ennoeandtwoeyesandabodyandsixlegsandfounwings Read and say the complete word-snail. / | cs an nace hae AE 10a are Yo rks do a ( mmm Show what you know De ceaa and complete with an example. Insects always hove six legs, two eyes and two antennae. An ant, |. Insects often have four wings | 2. Insects sumetines Lite ur stiny. \ Do kead ana draw the spider Spiders always have eight legs. Spiders usually have eight eyes. Spiders never have wings or antennee. Bo rittt oie ana compere vieh nays, veualy, often, eomevimee or never: |. Beetles have six legs. 2. Cockrosches ty, 4 Lodybirds __________ hove eight black spots, 4. Spiders have eight eyes. 5. Snoiis___ run fost. D breve: With often, sometimes or never. Do you ever see spiders in your house? Yeo, somet: imes/often. No, nev, How often do you see spiders in your house? Sometimes/Often/Never, 1. Do you ever see flies in your house? ——_ 2. Do you ever see dragonflies outside your house! ae 3. Do you ever hear mosquitoes in your house? ne 4. How often do you see bees outside your house? ae 5. How often do you see ants outside your house? Sao ae 2, Practice Ss Read the quiz questions for a partner to answer. |. This creature often buzzes. It sometimes stings. What is i? a. a bee b. a dragonily This creature always works. It often lives under the ground, What is it? a. amosquity — ont 3. This creature often lives near a river: It never stings, What is it? aascorpion —_b. a dragonfly 4 This creature sometimes stings. It never flies. What is it? aascorpion ba cockroach Make up a new quiz question for your partner to answer. What is it? ——— % Dee. kead 10 0 partner Small creatures sometimes help us. Bees make honey. Ledybirds ect flies Spiders eat flies and mosquitoes. We can eat snails b. Give true anawers. Use often, someti never. Do you ever eat honey? Yes, sometimes/often. No, never. How often do you eat snails? Never/sometimes/often. I. Do you ever eat honey athome? 2. How often do you eat honey? 3. Do spiders ever eat flies in your house? 4 $. Do you ever eat snails? How often do you eat snails? Practice Boreas aia marek: Colour the pictures. I'm usually red, I'm sometimes green. I'm often yellow and black. I'm never purple Whe Wh ln We, Whe 6 >, = bia This ig a t. hungry i 3) & S, | Sch always Tt often ally Tet Ike en | ually Ttneve is “eats alt 2A baad IS oere® €tS ches ot S DW trrasine vees can talk. Complete with alwayo, usually, often, sometimes or never. What time do you usually get up? 1 often get up at sunrise What da yeu usually look fort 1 look for Nuwers. Which flowers do you visit? 1 \isit yellow flowers, How far do you fly! I fly about 15 kilometres. Do you ever eat honey? No, Do you ever sting? Yes, ae rwne What time do you usually goto bed? | Ec go to bed at sunset. Now you know Dice Circle the adverbs A day in the life of 0 butterfly [sometimes wake up at 6 flowers DBocomece 4 similar diary for you, Think with your teacher 1 Write these sentences in the correct order. |. always/insects/six legs/have ee have/never/spiders/antennoe four wings/havelsometimes/insects fliesleat/spiders/often eight eyes/usually/spiders/have i waxy ey 2 You have finished the last Unit in this book. Tell your teacher (in English or in your own language): three things you liked most about this book three things you learned about English in this book © three things you want more help with in English A How questions Complete using many, much, many times, high, wide, far, old, tall, long and fast once each. Guess, then check your answers! (10 points) My teacher ‘My quess True 1 Hew is yur teacher? cm em 2. How can your teacher stretch his/her arms? _m —__-™ 3. How can your teacher reach? ___am cm 4, How can your teacher swim in one minute? metres _metres 5. How ___ can your teacher welk around the room! —_ seconds seconds My friend My guess True 1. How is your friend? ___ years old ____ years old 2. How does your friend weigh? __bilos = __ kilos 3. How can your friend stand on one foot? seconds __seconds 4. How sit ups con your friend do in one minute? _ —= 5. How can your friend hop in one minute? _____ times times B Fast simple irregular verbs | Write the sentences correctly. (8 points) |. Yesterday Jack gets up at Yesterday, Jack up at 7.00 om. Linda west go to school yesterday. Linda _go to school yesterday. Sue is-eoming home at 4.00 pm yesterday, Sue home at 4.00 pm yesterday. You deat do your homework yesterday. You your homework yesterday 2 3 4 5 My dad-hes spaghetti for dinner yesterday. My dad spaghetti for dinner yesterday. 6 7 8 | ge to bed at 10.00pm last night. to bed at 10.00pm last night They dort read comics last night. They read comics last night. We buy comics yesterday. We comics yesterday, ° Complete the questions about yesterday. Give true answers. (10 points) 1. What time yoy Igot up at ___ 2. Whot____you__ for breakfast? had for breokfast. yOu__to school? to school. home? I came home at | ; you___your homework? Yes, my homework. Adverbs of frequency Imagine you are a spider. What do you eat? Complete with often (7), sometimes (2) or never (X). (6 points) I never eat scorpions. 1. 1___ eat bees, 21 eat dragonflies. eat ladybirds. eat mosquitoes 5.1 eat small beetles 61 eat caterpillars Complete. Ask your partner. (10 points) Your questions Your partner's answers. Do you always get up at 3.00 am? No, | never get up at 6.00 am. 1. Do you usually Do you ever Do you sometimes Do you often yRwn Do you always Complete with always, usually or never and match. (6 points) I it __ walks slowly, A caterpillar. 2 It eats flies. A snail 2 It stings or bites. A spider Your score /50 GRAMMAR SUMMARY a eee old older oldest —_ wide wider widest big bigger biggest good better best toll taller tallest large larger largest hot hotter hottest bad worse worst fast foster fastest {I eas Who is on the stamp? Wher is that? What colour are your eyes? What time do you go to school? When is your next holiday? Whose watch is this? Where is this coin from? Which is your favourite ice cream? Why? A cor is going over the bridge There's o dog in the taxi There's o boy under the bridye. There's a bird on top of the car. His bicycle is against the bridge. There's a lorry between the taxi and the traffic lights There's @ bus behind the car There's a motorbike next to the lorry, There's a girl on the bus There's a tree near the bridge. ‘There's a toxi in front of the car. There's a dog opposite the sree. straight chead turn left turn right on your left on your right walk past Affirmative Negative Questions Answers Iwas I wasn't Wes I sad? Yes, I wes./ No, I wasn't You were Nou weren't Were you sad? Yes you were/No, you weren't. He was He wasn't Wes he sed? Yas, he was./No, he wose/t, She was She wasn't Was she sad? Yes, she was./No, she wasn't, It wos Te wasn't Was it sad? Yes, it was./No, it wasn't, We were We weren't Were we sad? Yes, we were /No, we weren't They were They weren't Were they sad? Yes, they were./No, they weren't o Kiara SE ES Affirmative Negative Questions Answers I played feeively | didi’t play football, Did you play footbll? Yes, I did /No, I didn't. We watche We didnt watch TV. Did you watch TV? Yes, we did./No, we didn't. ih SSE Tom Pin nit Youlwelthey are going play tennis. _You/we/they aren't going to. run. Helshelit is Helshe/it is Ami Yes, | am./No, I'm not. Are youlwel/they going to swim? ‘Yes, you/welthey are, Is he/shevit No, you/welthey aren't Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/shelit isn’t. How many sit ups can you do! How many times can you hop! How long is your hair? How long can you stand on one foot? How wide is your hand? How far can you swim? How fast can you run? How high can you jump? How old are you? How tall are you? How much do you weigh? ect ate get got. «= wake woke gowent comecame dodid have had buy bought read read take took — spend spent make made run ran Insects always hove six legs. A spider never has cntennae. Do insects sometimes have four wings! Does a spider ever have eight eyes? I don't often see bees in my house. Jock doesn't usually eat snails: Cee oF This wordlist contains all the vocabulary items illustrated in the Words you need pages of each unit. Unit R circle bird bod clock butterfly better coin cave biggest cone cloud blue whole cube dolphin Caspian Sea cylinder foh cheetah dice on Death Valley hat ground fastest poster mole giraffe rectongle rabbit good side ‘var highest sign seo hottest sphere shark hummingbird square sky largest triangle submarine longest sini Mount Everest Unit T a ocean aeroplane ander older cirport whale Pacific ocean ambulance worm: River Nile bicycle smallest bus Unit V tallest bus stop beach best fire engine beach volleyball widest helicopter piilisk worse horse one worst lorry ek younger motorbike fairground police car fish Pore: hated reilway station ieee Unit § ship iellyish bas eel lifeguard board train liked board game tram locked Be book loved bow! Unit U played box ‘aeroplane rocks can bee sea 64 shell spade stayed videos visived walked watched worked Unit W outumn boots build 0 sondcastle cloudy coat cold dress fly a kive foggy gloves ge for a walk ge skiing hot locket jeans play football rainy ride a bike sondals scarf shoes shorts snowman snowy spring stormy summer sunny sweater swim in the sea swimsuit throw snowballs Tshirt umbrella warm wear ¢ hat windy winter Unit X arm backward roll body clop finger foot forward roll hand hand stand head head stand hop jump leg push ups reach run sit ups stand stretch throw toe touch weigh Unit ¥ afternoon ate breakfast bought some comics come home did my homework evening qot dressed got up had lunch made my bed ‘morning night ran to the bus read a comic spent £2.00 took my books went shopping went to bed went to school woke up Unie Z ant ontenna bee beatle body butterfly caterpillar cockroach dragonfly eye fly head ladybird legs mosquito scorpion snail spider wings © Ciiccd Picture Grammar for Children |] awevivesave Picture Grammar for Children is a lively and colourful grammar practice series for young learners. It's fun to use and easy to teach and is compatible with any course. Grammar is presented in an original and appealing way through vocabulary-rich topic-based spreuds which ure followed by a range of grammer Practice activities. Key features * Vocabulary and grammar are introduced side by side in meaningful contexts + Highly illustrated topic-based units are carefully selected to reflect students’ interests * There is a balance between controlled exercises and those which allow students to use language creatively + Review units give opportunity for consolidation and further practice } * Students can work through the units systematically or in any chosen order oo ae 4 MACMILLAN HEINEMANN English LangrageTeacing Ww

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