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Mason Wills

1. Do you like the magazine?


2. Rate the appearance (1-bad/5-good)

3. Do you think the colour scheme is good? (if no state which colour
would be better)


4. What could I do to make it more appealing?

5. What social class would you say my magazine is aimed at?

Working Class Middle Class

Upper Class

6. What features do you like to see in a magazine?

7. Which page do you like the most and why?


1. Yes (10) . Answer: creative (3), likes hip-hop (3), appealing (2), likes the
colour scheme (2)
2. 5(6) 4(3) 3(1)
3. Yes (7) No (3): black(1), black and red(1), white and red (1)
4. More jewellery (3), make strokes bolder (2), bigger pictures on contents
(2), front cover background different (1), brighter colours (1), bigger
pictures on dps (1)
5. Middle (6), Working (3), Upper (1)
6. Interviews (7), top 10s (4), music reviews (4), upcoming concerts (2),
upcoming albums (1)
7. Front Cover (3): Stands out (2), like the image (1), layout (1)
Contents (5): background (2), images (2), layout (1), editorial column (1)
DPS (2): good story (2), images (1)

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