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Bible Standard Devoted to the Bxpaston of Goripturo repeating Contional Immortality, Resareetion, the ern asd eign of Chit. and the Plaal Deetration of all ei Epirey wy GEO. A. BROWN. Be Wage of Sin to Doth; bat te of of God i Binal Ti tog Tan Orit our Zon AUCKLAND, NZ, MARCH, 1889. No.3 Vou 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS en | Tie ang fhe twa otis Rate of Sot Nore t einen alin she Lathe Crt pa Rew of Comin wi Pops elt duttenowsee sw! ‘MOSES MISTAKES On ofthe pointer of thew of Notes was tat peo: ‘rion which robbie the piely the from posses Teale, They might hae hoe and garden, but no Inoce Vat pomemions and brosdsres were not rte eis cori ft that Mow law, which I suposed tobe st he bot ofa the pista in creation, sow co {ain this povton. Sicha law peter war coneced by inte Prin thematic of tings have gestintoenee (rer aieh and when a pethood becomes cont it hee hisinoene fr sli end. Soret irate, fe continually accamlting wealth and lend, Indeed, Silo tem to wonk unchecked for fw geneainy and they would pans age sare of he rope of non fd in inore than one istics rvlaons and ovespng actions have een ocesry, to resus the ropeny ofthe people fom the grep o the pcthood. Today, nrunes ett of es aren te deo res ae feleaates ‘They hare not only the spiital power tric would mat tach to then by wie of heats, Thana the power of enor yeah, wich under the ive of egos, they hare ruceedol in accumsltng, Nast bailings and inmense estates in various counts, lang to pronly ard, and there lament proper ote by govermenty abd yet combing thing 0 bay its expense, atl inpose a besry tax ep the longating pon. oder 9 sich abase were practicable Compt asthe Jv priesthood became, they bows were Price, 30, ov body, ceed woqsng ws weath Thea which ade thet dependent or he asec woo hes and eingr nhich were wintry Brg, and vhich they Bodo Teal mean of cllectog, nf o7erain precided the pouty of eckson acqng vas selon, and ened them to depend fr thle fence and th sport pon the vite ofthe, and the generosity rich they might be able to inspire i the bears of those somnd them. Wa hs povsion another te mistakes of Moses? (One ofthe guest octane of complaint song the soaps ft, the ast ecuation af ws it th an ff the poo beng nexnbile ten down, oppese, and inporesed. ede catia presets sa wth thee rom is, we accumulate, nity ani owes fm espe tug ates of and, for whch ey ave noel mile mates of oor mes are Inds and homes nd eter unt hey are adi the gare, havea fot of Fl whi hey can ell eon Secondly, sen, wio. posses eth by ecg i tert or uy Irs Sncese er poneong the ch [powing she andthe por growing port unt one class fie rind hough lary aad srogsnt godin, wile the oer clay hough overs sl opeentn, se ground inthe very dist Titer of thes eis cool exit where the lw of Moses mas fthilyadmisigerd. ‘The land of eh as vided by a aang the eel ride, apd thie and as Fnnenable. The land sal nat be sold foe fr the lind is my, ath the Lor.” The Almighty chimed the od fake own. Every any ha portion saint fr ther orm menance he pit ties lone binge lode owt provision, Every esl brn inte land of Tircins torsion unfornae ingyen or es father oat permanently lnste th icernce. Tn exe an Innlie wae poor be might temporary npce of i nd bt no amr whieh he aed coal extend beyond he nent yet of ois, whch mit be ten erent chity years aay Mt which lt Deore ean fy yada. Conseqcny, no Salis Ueto be By yeas od without being the oor of loa lp. 1e we 26 THE BIBLE STANDARD. Tfdes compan ofthe abvorton of lands bythe fom, tnd othe consesent degradation ofthe poo. Why, then do they find fale wt he aw of Ales, whic ae ‘ic abuses impose? Another ection of compli the acsmuation of weit by means of usiry; he rich incessng tee wea witout acy, and the pon intr porery being burdened to produce aod provide forthe inset. Bet under the law of Moses, Iaciea wee sity commanded to end ‘othr brethven when they mets in ned but they wee to lead ihout usury. No Jew a allowed o rhe bis needy brother asistane, bt be wae tty prohied fom ‘ating intrest on any Toa tae to one a hi beth The man who was 0 aide in Gd tsbemacle, and del {nic oly il, eas one who pth at ont hi money to ‘tno aketh reward sie he nnacet he whole ew of Mote as opposed to vat seco Iaton and the tndey owas to proftcesdisees, ‘iy, Neti and ented pope Ih te Inmelies were aloed to eact uy om ie Genes souod them, but not fot ther een, he Jor they weeded ttn he money te pling, the Habjlnnns othe Pisin, hy are eed cae intret; but hey aid tat ho tk and noe Ste ely to neers thie money apn ian in; ta song thei ren ny war Eien, "Te wot mean tone of mole Jewish capa sale Fo tee fom thee orm ind andthe dealings wh the sun trond the Here then we fd some ofthe great evil which onpes the mations atthe present tin, anteatl and [movie for bythe aw of Move Onc nity Jo te ts, under Jewish in, sbenoially = rataton ot lands" Usiy Being frbien, here was no porn for accumulating wealth by tat men, Howes in etieg ‘The Jew was iden tomar ere the ome of Bs ead and, as rae, consumption i unknown ong ‘hem; while the Geni ear ater yea spe hr fee wih rs, removing the protection which Cod gave or his respiratory and oes! ofan aad then, aferseas of febleness and dss, dee of Icy Drones, 1 drvng our concusions om the stati of Jewish ‘nd Geile Yonge, certain at shoud be ep a ind. in among the Gentle are includ alte Chratny, to, a8 2 rule ive much longer than the people mound ‘hem ; showing thi the inksene of the Chea ralon ie decidedly promesive of longer. Ia the eae of the Jews muted of what sre far Gone in spot owe (Ged and void of spit tthe exeeal aa erenenn tes 'of the lw have special infants, Tn the ee of (Cina the ie promotng infences te more spciy ‘pal ond item Hence a frm a tur elaie the inoenee of divine reretion upon oman i we shold combine withthe Jewish sien the sata of ‘communities and Individuals ditincively end en Chan, and we shold this sil futher depres the Gentle sterage of land show that Jodain aad Chi ay ae lt avorble tolangeviy We ay take fr expe the tai ofthe Sc of es.” We he avenge length Homan ino Counties ig abot 28 jet and ne forth fall who le owt reach he age Of een, onl ing ble ted tech th ge ot 1,3 the cigs Ue othe Fes ‘gi Ghat Bay 860m pa at a ‘eam she he drucles of Gr Bandana th fae shan Melo at eta ae xpd a campany oe ovm ane hear ‘etch wate eas deh aman he meme stp tthe conc ee en fed ie haope fei tas might be lated od sod fr err, but sil the | On te eter hand, inthe Sock of Fad ee ‘oe of Gd was pronoaneed spon men who Jone hone {o owe nd elt fl ht they ihe del alone Se the eats The tendency ofthe Jnih lw wast sxe the prole oer the ad bd ake then independent sl sel od fee. Andi he pow, igmonnt tea poe neath the grinding Burdens of tae chile, oa ‘goount ofthe windoa and rehome of Gc, oho in tersbops er ns dcning the "sakes of Mes and comping ofthe har nd deo Wh ty etre, could only be led ai the vie clad ld ‘eau vals of Palen, under aw voto Aen dnd on whith Bones tare wo Tatty woot be ats at the peace and plenty wich, Yoande tice, and wood wener tha they hed rs eg ‘poke evi of thing ich tay Lnew nce * pio rye may epee es te clocy © Chitcn fer ta eat Spe Bote inte compan Cot whe ler on a the args lting "expen oie ato ‘nike ee ofa Ped 4.1 0 he man ant ot te gene pubic henge. ye ae Ce fete the dscns eng hate he Tess bsg 4570 and tha of he gel ube ance ‘Nevo! age of Beds proves We hig an hin avg val inert Jus fom gh oe ape eum edgy A summary and oa ete tes of cnet meme ceding rae han Yn show tn ot fp den tae wee seo nee "he the oe ofa dahon dent bes a Gf odo ary no ded bccn te ager of Go ok srg ass aii om mine ea ap i el hg ct gar nd wos song, pre-loaded, and et The Gene ‘ats Hy and nds Kine strated with henour, infested With tears aod persed with myriads ef wetelig ‘Such fits sem co indite that however the rac vegy ofthe Tres tends topologies et ely ‘chine, whch pert his esh and desta Bs Hi ‘uaed can be reached in people of other linage by THE BIBLE STANDARD, ‘errance ofthe pines contd inthe goxpel toh splendour by the dovsne tha he souls of belay pe fected t dex, eit ps into lay,” bt they have Th thecae ofthe Friends, t may be ssid that sci |raly been set to thereon of fogeiacey 18 Wf they asl ave rsalted in eof impor! pop faced mo pat of revelation, ‘The Chutch being pondered hie i favourable fo lngeiy; and this idea oof ier jel by the ober Rationalism andy as any (helene fa God tends to fepor| prosper, bene sch fhe nom she bas sppcntd ax wach are eter Peeters ene ie pert of et bags re ce rely wi tie be, Tea ecg ‘ey have labored under ret temporal Gistesand| fbf for me to peak thy not nly bec of te Aisavaniages and in hs respec ave been les Gvouabip| eponbe fot vet bot aso became Tape men ‘Shuned tan the Geile neighbors, ‘ighcouses tench ois ti the hoary bend" which ie comm of ploy i it be found in the my. Fighteooess” "The seas of rere, prof, nd vice twothvogod by the sang. Thar ae very few ei gies otkrveeeximabl, who aie unconacionsy etme. hope eoncaling fom view one ofthe moet loons of Gott | ered -purposes under the fog of. trwidsing Beep eso Dispense withthe teenth chapter of the fat Epie ‘here; there ar very few there who ee il ald. Lodk| to the Coin because you do hot derstand ow the ‘ore an old and lngstabshed church and se bow many| dead sre acd? ‘ter loge thin shouldbe expected rphened and aged men and won areseatered though) fom men who gsnerlly take refige frm sapoced “Then lok overa cowd of sepicr and baxphener | iieakier inthe Tigh of the own intel wilt they tnd see how many fees bear the ark o youth oto admit the supcastual in eat tothe Atonanent a tint prematire od age podced by vice and sn, Not| sisal infuence. Are there greater ict snot very infdel den young fr there sre my who ler with some deprtnens of the perma than wil thers the eowsttutina igor and the Chis raining of parents Are all God's ways higher han on mys nd His thongs who fared Got. at as a rule, men who rect Dvine| than ou thoghts? Men who Uelee it sltatontomgh ‘estat never ase old age they 4. downto the rave in| Ch, and yt refre to belive ta the dead in Hin il ther brown hi. Septie way mock a the Spare meh | Be ‘abel at His coming are incon at basi we Gece thatthe "ike shall noe lve ea bal Whi sy accept Pauls Togi on th aubjece He eye: Bit Spe paseo Mac ha cna wt lag | Teall wet fre en fob cra, bec ocr, ‘eth aay; Bot te pitas dah ray whch shows at them whch ave aseey tat ye sow aot even a eters the average teem of le among the Gentiles i ony 26 ‘ich bare mo hope, Horifweelere fa Js datend rere year tells sory mich ay well cause candi people wo] Ein e¥n ther lp which lp in Ju wil God bring se and ponder hire, VAN the fat hat the os With se portal obeonce to Dita am, exten the prod (ef human Iie onethied, while a ell higher average reached by people who stck to ive in obeicae tothe recep ofthe Gospel, shoud eaavince candi ren thst the fear of the Lord tends oi” and hat fe who made man slbo made tat Book whieh techs bin bow t9 le al ich, by teaching, prone both eal and o‘peiy wherovr itis observed ‘THE DESIGN OF THE INCARNATION. Conde fr Pope 18 4 Brot the Man as the eeetin.® 113s mou to think any eg fine ove what sven have Tost Jin Christan wath by reting ae the resection a6 nt nesded. Any ashe of dectine tha specs with this mu be deecve. The ghost mold af Denim aed pape thenlogy are mica sbi Trople om song the ded st ls coming, aod go elo them with ineorapbilty. ‘The mente words othe Dance of Lif at the gave of Lars, “Tat the Rear eatin andthe i" have nt ely bens of tt diving | ‘ith Him. Forth wesay ano yoa by the wor ofthe Hard, That ne which ae alive and remain wo the coming of the Toa shall moe eevent them which te sep For the {Lord Hinself shall descend from heaven ih the Wom of Goa; sod he dead in Chis shall sae ft. Then we ich are lv nd rec sl be exught op togeber wth them inthe elds to met the Lord inthe a and 30 shall we ever be with the Lon Wherfte conor one ‘ooo ith thee words” Tet ws be consist in our ith 1 me bene tat Jess cd and rose sain, even s0 tote slo wah seep in Jess wil God eng with Him" Tatu ave he Gonpel as fall as God a made i the complete tanph over eat inthe rsumecon ofthe members ofthat mondefl body of which the seen Chis the Head. Tyna "by she word of the Lora” tht Path wrote thes tte tied -Themalnios Well might be add, "Whetetors comfort ooe sneer vith thee moda” ‘They ae word of rest evn, of exeeding joy! Adoingiy ne Bae upon out Tota the Resreton ts well a fhe Lil td he Rent rein jot because He ete Lie. The ove theo rel ofthe oer His erection it heft i ofthe etna ntivaction, tose the sue of His iii gace and rsd, and the pot th—Hls gree prpose lcd — he dik wave of otal evil that raed one hee young work has tle co buch a « sn behind. For the s ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Tag of Che fom the dead was the croning mace of | how the ubles of the money changer inthe Temple a SB ee vig tat tas ws ic Son of Acton toe Seoul interes with the eontsons of fepdar thelogy, Sono Dart ih Son of God the appa He ofl we ge thay wom arte Deepen thing te King of Kings and Lord of Lord zo, son | pee, and mols seal decease at the Head of His dy, the Chuck. ‘The guts {And when we tut te Chie, oe oe ant Hades caaot bellowed to ena forever shot wp the | Mesa pay, ese ot sea at ay Coe Doers ofthe Body ofthe sen Chit. "The stone wile rolled amy jn thei ese, a ie wa inthe ae of th ia ity tothe tui AF the techer iin eve, ou cannot eect the sgt to sx clearly. The deci of he ret ‘ou Head the Conqcrr of death, and the gire of Lif im lary af the Son of Man, to ke the veal oreaarant fod immo. ‘We war deleted for o Faved fo ur fsicaton. The death wihou the tones fences, atl out of the hands ofthe wavs rovonl rls ad Oy few pesos ere and there, best gored bya Yom wool aval ws noting,“ 1F Christ be ot raised your| oar gat eceiascal bien a such and See se fat is ain} ye are yee in your sion. Then they aio wich fee fllen asleep in Christa perth." "Nay, so ese Sethe reamection of Chive ar the Head and Life of the ble or ridele by many who have Bn soeamly et arto petch he th, the whole tit sd nothing but ‘he teh to thi flow men. The ow mints who ‘eleemed tht the aponle ext words of profound meaning teach tare bay tolerated. Thek pay Weer meena, when be yy “For i rica we mee enemies we nee Tecate Golly the deh of Hs Som mth re being reconced, we ball be ed by Hs its oa he Yel een of he xprssin i by sho fn Hise {lows the ato sae inte eof svn Redecmes ithe Dtnestaon ch the Goa al nce Benoa son he eee and th, conseucaty, Ue someon af toe ho fave id Chit an intel pro rela i = 5: Bebo the Man as Gots dill King As a Maer of fc hte noting nove aly ert Serpe thin thi) and oy sss mater one er _nhing a Srp so oh Gedy the woop the wads twin ster, he nomial Church Te scan @ tc this de oso Therssno mye at ie At log as tbe Cast the Anite of Go te Rut fal ations neil treatin ye His doninions, the word gute case tage His smany royal i you ple Bute ete me fcaton to every eps Hc astumpton oft oreo te wad, too cht Ths mand ne score The word mae wool be tom off is tle sal postr exon io he shea an neg Abie ge gaping seithnes capitate ta = Divne bene sad ite pace deny tensed withthe rb of the ing” Wesve pare ling at hist shoal hare athe rome tnt fated aor ‘im, provided He renin in Heaen; but to tone ad seg oer the ear art spree sorrel te fay svi. commer, a een Harte pee, ran Sdn iy fer cnc feet of! Ye; yor, lings beutde, Alaa wo binge iced we you serghe too math buh fr you and your scr Novel the dee is dete, snd the Rigs omings a a ho know the mind of God on bs mater, and Sane re ‘Nec thw wate thgs one the nee a Te Satyr wih exceeding joy The non of the ‘sey fel comes with he Cnn fhe So Man {eat power and gag s0d tought a0 doe ses sh inaignee ren ade, wh he aig epon, the cer es“ -when Jou ete ‘vin dows" they are mb mle” That ie comp Leste hea inthe bay. Held Nonoars an ge stipends ar not fr thems “They ae ot au, thy mate span; so nec we ete hed ai arty at ol oa of cel ‘ay the dati ged; th a spe ses sheen whe teach Whee at Bop Cancion st Pestycian seni, st Conpegeionl Ung at Metolat Contec, ithe our sypeaing oat via Jus Cis ver eed ta th el Rope ok She Church? Tiare ed the sna seat fall these strings ov many yea, in the pet contig ovale sympa wih te spa hope peng the eum of the laser to Hi owe possony of tick Ros She Dnt anime King att sy ala my ech us ben nT tener hs neo creel wun tse ole som for enc the cee, mites cet hed by ny Chacha ee, tine tate Wo be snail.” Hee tee ects ich ave alent ar det concening ‘he sabing Inpedtenching onthe ron of ce Lar al ot scour utero the conven he er hay te contoion af he wo, eh Jou hare uid fp becoming of Christy whe mate haan og, ‘hts reste is made Chia et hee the comin of the Lord Wh, tere x coed ro sib nator gone yur ters yousanee, | Sbey he ner command, “We, ye bea a ‘ha oor ou Lee doth ame {to bel she Man tein mses of mek ness He sey seo Hi ligne oa Mees inde te Avoid of Jah the denial Rar of Pecles indredyand tom odor te ae hare, eto meaig th ngettadpring of ek sto Binds have minted ts easy Tt Tessas been comedy Cte iin akeny AN isacaly tok face Re ate na thom the zepte mus ent thing et yl pee prcamaon wore head on Th ee athe sagt and imposing solconity of the cormaon vill cone nd il be witb ren and angen wit {he hornas earth and the bal of een ingle ‘in umphant ong, ai in exling anes tthe wl cy, Chel) Hin? Gacty Hin Let heen fies, abet the eth be get he searoar and the flv threat Let the Geld be jy, Sea at i there; hen shal al the ten of the wood pce bebe tbe Lard. For Hle cometh to jae the Car He sal judge the wed with righennsbess abd he opi wh i rth” “Trin the night vison and, Dhol, one ike te ‘Son of Man cae ih to lode of beaver and cate to fhe Ancient of day and they browghe Him near Before Him And thas nr gen Hie doin, and gay, ad {ingsoay hat all peopl ations and agg sould Snel” Hla dominion nan erelingdoeion, hick ‘hall ot ps aya Fis Kingdon ht ch all oe edesroyet” “Rabbi, Thon at the Son of Cod; Thoe trethe Ringo tae” And Tw Benen oped ad told ate bre; and He that at pom hi nace afl od Tre, and in iheousnes He ath nde ad fle war” His ces ree a4 fae of fe nd on Ha Ted wee many Gowns; aod He hd aman wren that ‘oman knew bt He Hist And Hear lated witha ‘ese dipped in low, an His name cle the Word eae eee ceed ln pon white hones, tbe in fe ten, whe and dom, An ou of Hs mow goths sbay ero, tat ‘ini He shold ene the nar and He trent the inp of the Gecsnen and wath of Alnighy God TAnd He bah on is vere and on His thigh 2 name ‘rttn-—Rinc o Kiva, and Lor or Loos {6 Betld the Man conn of God rome alin nd ae a Tsthis an wry gations portion? 1s this emg mon, agian the id of etm or soreson fig tncy? Ts the wh father to the thought ito Sele hinan angst or «Divine omc upon whist matt Tiave adabendy in anther cometiea, “lw five the Copel as fll God bas made ie” Soaly we ogi nto te fom His Word yanring the cz ‘Ses o eon Wo shld legal a the ‘hing ely ent of God nd ot ih the ae ‘of inbertancs by fone of vison, We lear hit foie adrosate of &nanow system of thedogy, who. ead 1 wim oat lly aod lly on the sie ccan { Dinie Love, nt some’ watching brother should Gry, "Here! He bar gos beyond he creed; at ia pple the sanders!" “Bot wilt we Jot on heya Sey bokeh, wits pie to pl Gost inaay ceed of bunan compotion; ye pen he | Gbekave more than iactalyconsing "Tat yak tat {ivi bs done or God sad me in conse very set renf esse th eat of gen by th nrowet ‘Sitin Grkeodon. Ive inthe bose that wo ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 29 people tke planar in dene, impose a i fr me to Bodendat, far lef spree Gc moiney ll te ues ie ated, req etemiy for hl development, however fer the aca fepcnts of the Divine. Wel, thon sein that athe mower emit the work of the Saviour ss wonder reat and gracias—mayT renee to go beyond the line of th most gneroas atone ssy tat the work of Chist wil ot be doe whe tere ‘eins aig, ¢ tex pain ora gaan meetin? Take ter of tl poston without far Whee tbe Jorbodox or etrodor is = qsetion which 10 aot atk. These wonde have no mesning to me T 0 ot isnt sign the Son af God and the Son of Ma more wate than He har snderaen bat neither can Tsonne at ‘york within a narower tcl than revelation deseo as th ares ofits manifestation sd thor deve oe Lod of « orion of he lay det His tae Let us get the hey to ourinuizy by 2 ie plans ack, Let we wal with the woadarl Man by the binka of the Jorn the lake of Gales, te vineyards of Jade, the Slopes of Oe he led, se wider, and ther spots eerie amie me ee eee What do wre Godin thi Man? Wh i our fopression conceming Him? ‘That He is eangely compaionat, sea, tendo, loving tat te mysterious power that a Him put fort, witout fe or evan o hee iene to remote sari ode taro east ot dao rs the dead; tat Hes gered when men ret the Hetsogs He iste fo bestow; at His anol intigenon but ike 2 {erst ltr und Uehning upon te fal Myers whote conduc dabonored Moses, digaced His Fathers pl and esally missepeseced Hs Pets character ‘nd al thir time Hs pity seamed oot, very vero ie ete ee eee ee Phare looked wih conte, whist om Hsp thee al th gracious word, "Your si ae forgiven; go an sin no more” Tn wad ut vedi spit imap st be, "Hels pat” "But pert He ithe same yenerday today, and forever; for pefcon fas no Ogee ad nowt no change Hle elation, therfr, o Ht Fathe git bee, frating bot bot probed the how cf Ht Diy forthe aad and eefesng of therace whose mater He Took with Him othe eae ik, nor coed zeal for the Fathers gr, which plowed in Hie heat when He Tved on cath The rertion of the Faber Charcter, so wei misunderstood and misrepresent, mas the ery mat of he Savion minis. That obj i oe Hse i, Hl has been cag I on all tes cents in the Beas and nds of lions of our she. He hme been reveling the Father to beletts eer sige His motion have dered um them tase and wil cele t— Fern, le coms © ut don ll anthony an pore by. ‘heh the wll ofthe Gadbead i opparea er He mat ign tll He hath pot ll enanie under Hie fa Tat oot Sipe 20 mareliomly compchetsis that we i 30 sight ret the case ate, and claim or ost Lond the glory tf xbding al things to God of stling the toms of te ‘dingo inthe rat calm ofthe now age Bat thi nly one ofthe poate ta which hope tims hy {he bait tel tothe pole ar whet lade swapped in dane oto we Sette smilie, when the balerer lng fr His Lod to core and heal the ane he foks fr he Beall dap ata thee ofthe gain (On mous in Gale ou sin Lord met the lve by appointment, and during the interview made se of thee vordr' “AL poner it iven uno Me ia heaven and ia fart” No though tan can read tht bre nntnes| Without fing tat he mst pe andres. Ifyou can hk at all hs ge saying mt amet your hoagie Al ower in heaven and earth toon nbo tee days lore was par to dewth at a bisphemer of God nd 2 rebel agit” Cos?” His pert character ‘rl toe iy sapreme. power forthe bet ness of {he universe, He wl do ight ony and aay who He dae with end or fe, If beens of Hs egal poston {he princes of hie world ae coming to naug ello ‘hem no iojusioe If He appoint pina & His om lection ia their place, wil not be an act of py favours bot « eeogeiton oft nes for oie an eard ofthe hldunes daring the tine of His absence, the povers of heaven ae t be taken it becuse spa ickedes in igh laces under he pice of fe power of the aireerciee align inden ad the Ld abou to pri the heaves which ar now not elena ‘is sign Tos he gouags of ereson sad fo pope forte new beans andthe new cacy in hich sgscon. ne isto del wl avove get eos wel st ora hd spit changes—in fc a universal revlon nde {he detonate pre wedor and power the Ma of Gods righae, the Son Man, whos He as made song {oe Hinel. Te saver wonder thighs aliance of Dery ‘wih gored human removing ei fom creo. Tt {le wind with wonder when the though sel ged that stuns the Chinen ccecte f he Godhead ar ae scomplshoeat of social prpoe in the ereaton of he Ieee sb the ea and of angels and hen,” What ‘eamph ovr the enery tro he veya e reduced ftom lgiance othe throne | "The bse ects a ‘he head of him that used. The Man of Sout stall ll teaven and earth wih cong; sod trough toe Aespited ad rejeted Onc, the tine comes when God Hall bell inal." Abd [tay a new hewren ands fr fr theft besenab th it eth wee passed sa, | And there was no more vex. And Jo, tw toe ly iy, ‘New Jerse, coming dowa from God out of este, pe peda ride adore! forhar ibd, And T head {gene ois out of hearen png Dein he eters of ‘Gel with men bd He wl dell ith them, ane hey shal ‘bei people spd God Hina shal e wi hem, cod She Ged. Bnd God sal wpe eva al tear fo th ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD, eyes; and thee shall be no more death, iter stow woe ering ther ball thre be anymore pala: the ot ngs ae pase amy.” ‘May the ‘Lar grout hasten ths glorious ow ‘THE NATURALNESS OF THE SUPERNATURAL Tux common grated taken by seis (ays the Pi tarp vce US) in telrence tthe Crise rion, in tha Chriianity & unvessombl, because i teathe he supematual, andthe doubts tht come moforbiden to ‘Crision, ping hit Com the spre fetes of (Chia. "Of couse there mut bermething meterons Shout he sepernatrl, but yet hs myseinmest may not | 58a diminish ts rewonsblenes. On the contrary, te Spears in Christy ry By 8 coe of he ost ‘sorbic! and resonable ing inthe re. Yer ilsration, let ws suppose tat all the creates ‘hich Ga hus me had been ied with rason and - feligence, an, if you plows, with Ingiage comon to SL An oyster isin tbe depth ofthe cen, so gowe to ‘tock Dat ie cannot pony beste lel sound it ae cs companions todkbaond Tks stl Fre het they have never ored em hei lace, and we a. ose that they have never sem sch motion eb tere foe etal to the to ve whoa power of ocr ‘Suppose now tht it were ob tld oe cys that there were cliewhere other aia mic ger than hems, {hat ved wily oto water, and wer ale to move sbow from pie pcs, orgreat dances The oyster regen "cannot here thi" It natural for ws ote bere the water, and ily fastened tte rock and it woul Be wpe fran animal to Tie oa of the icy aod note abou bere and thee and unreatoabte bea supematurl® Bat then we Row at hte wold be Supers to an ost todos, pec maura fsnox. Agi, supose that theo, with ad’ never en ‘nyhing of the Hind, ete tol tat there were godly. sind animals aie to tio ern the ground by thet owe tors, ascending rest ght inthe ai, whee they sored abou at hel plerre, aot xy move he round. ‘The ox would repiy tat thi would be super utr, and therefore inresonble He wuld sah When Tle int the ai Timely il Tack agai the gun, tog the avs of station, so 0 saps ‘hat an animal ving weg could aie ed ena ar ‘ended in the a, mold et ele the superar” Bat though superna a0 ox te doa tie petely tual ra bed to thar fy tog the al Ie eee ord an ex can do natrly what ‘wold be spear {0 an opty and a bind ean’ do mtly wat weld be spat! to ano, Jet oa up ighe, Mae iced gestae with is flow men tne thousand mils away. ‘The of ‘elie "This would be mperatn. hve beard the twice of men and thr yoios te 80 ote then ng, ct ‘THE BIBLE ‘nd Teak wake myo bard only a compavely shore (Gctoce” sce nan dt Govt to a tleeph be ‘omkes a tovon with Br Angers andthe or eas t {Eat oun and sayy,“ can hey hee taco thee ods aay, nd ely oe tree thon tes say ean est nothing of thi” Dt then, that a isting ft lgbiyt he tind three ound essay and belt diag thie oma, though it would be spel fran ft Go. Tiny by sop we ave fon tat what fel aural oan anal fon de i spear {oun of grade blow etes go one sep fer. God is nly as moch serio ur an anor t an oy, then hee gs hich coo oH sper tn the neo the ae, be opera io a; and i it ae romonsbe ns to Belle hes things of God wich ve spear to 25 ti foro eo bole hat an ox inay be tapers 6 ‘oye, or oes toa ox Tne, we. would ave the bat ot remos for daring the spe af God “is wrks mere nt saperata scoped fo oa “Tere mthing wont nthe soperatuinn of ‘vine pt, x dvine seven, or Gvne sation Tt ‘ould be toa natal for Sr Chisopr Ween, the Bclect oft. Pass Catia to bud. ins tie tan ethos othe Aan sine, or the dg Indin 1 vould be equal unnatural fran Almigny God To conduct His sis acroning to te any the tins tdthe comprchenions of company of ral men mk {af wom do ot brow mht fr ther om gor, and Some of whom enthone deal mer in te face of a Tring God) deny the esc of = cru, and ty to ‘ove at they ar descnded fs monkey ao tar he Founin bed al sent erisence inthe dy ote inthe botom ofthe sen "The mos ata hing round use the sperataa nvenpowes ad eles enon wen rey ban ‘Wearebst by miracle and ayes and fc aby tne xine sls oe dost, it nodes ws to 2 denen Ire; the mh tkcnpe, anv the hey yen a the milky nays opeso ote gee ennmbered sof Imagnient arb whom very cite ira mack yond thecomprebemion ofS ld. Le bare ae pte fs ays, Bt bow Kile a prion heod of Hin tat the damier of His power who. can ndentand = rnony, Tht DESPISE NOT THY MOTHER: + Dt mote en he ald” P ai ‘Sue may be ol adn comparton vith the young td gy your se ite grace or benty in her} tbe Bess may ave fade om er ek andthe ae may lave aie fom bereye; the zp tn wat once fe nad bounding may Isic ay be chat ith gi and shateed by sge Butitis not oryoute dese ber in het mesknes, we ness ad ny STANDARD. st ‘Your mother has saa more of if than you hare, and wise a you bait Your she may ye ay hig, be Toot wite hanya, She has soen i ie aad ie re and vouows ja been wed wi ae and er tl as loked dows trough te Bang, in the open gave of tas shelved has seen finde cored go has watched bythe sick, and loathe ej of he dying Bae ered or ou lathe hous of nfacy and esenes a bplesest; ha vied upon you the love er hea, the esse, stent, and Beny of heres hse efors, plete, ant frowpety that she mht aly you dese; and it oto ont pi when she old” "You tay deem yous independent; yor ay thik that you do hot need her counsels rad tt hi is more thin you conte. Tete ay be tine wea Denuty willeve ded and esl nd indy wil ve tae fay and your md, yearning, broken heat willing fora mothers patonoe, « sothers tenderness, mothers Tote. Otbes may amie om youn the days of prompt, sod tm fom you when te sors of avers nthe bu trben every earthy fend sy a saters het tl eats with tender smpiy anda mothers had ae il “Despise not ty mother hea shee li’, She may have “outived er uefeless” she may. hare neither no Beany she may be nsble {2 cont or to them; but weak ed fee ates eve yelone hing that he can do the can pny. And whes the shadows ater around you, nd early hoped seca KEmay be ae you wil pro, a never Ure, i Ulin oc mothers payer. ""Daspice not ty mothe”. She at bone you in bee srs and on ber beat though ear f conti ada ere se il bears you inthe arms Of her sympathy and love Ovhers may oz, ot he wil eee; and eo the ron of slo and inthe prsenort the eeiaing lag til b hero to greet ou sted forever ie pad: of God, saying, “Behold I, an the cleo ich God uh given me” Heh 15-—Ple Chia M8 NOTE ON st THESALONIANS, m. 17 GGuuze: Tote meting of” So Mate 63 Aes nevi 1 the only other pict ofthe New Tesament whee the ere mesg to advance tli the dct In ich he was mong prevoasy Ie east teri be safe to nates rr si here, eer athe searing | Lord soto abd wih hi gubcred sai ade perme ben te a (“This sot to be 29 oerned aye Augating aif He ad tht we all tena for ence ihe Lain the sir for coins nit will Te Hew st remain thee ecnae im oming He Io pes trough ei in tat a8 Mee coming ot aiding ne Se sha go to mee Hi) ota He wl stun wih them to heave, wheter as place of Pept residents or of temporary sje | More conoemble the r 2 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. ae seanon THE BIBLE STANDARD, 88 flog of fe tox ready scene to abd a8 I bles to the ginal tstineny of Spur nthe mbject (Zach ss Mate ast 9-305 compare with a, 31, jx Cor L2} Rev. si 1), ey tothe ond ofthe book; besides {he mumbles popbiles with which thee connect theme sees) ate Chysosto’sillreaons "If be eto descend, fer wistpupose sal we be engi say? "To honour oes, when kag i etering 1 cy thse in honourable station go forth ec him, Bt the criminals atte fudge within.» And when «food father avn the eileen, worthy ofthe mame, retaken nt ins chat to se hit caer bt ofeading domestics remain whiner {without figure, Ambrose sates = We sll be. cught vay to meet Ci, that ll may come with the Land | Tate "Frm he aed ne FAITH IN THE LORD, THE CHRIST. (Goto any church wih which you ty be sequined ad ssh, "What must dof be ved?” and you wil receoe for answer, *Believo ‘on the Land eros Chi, and tho shalt bese” If that euch shuld happen tobe of the “tevral” das, you wil probably be tld tht by going feerant to the penitent ral, and weeping for jour tan penn, wil lp f enti ht ath, Vou go fara nd whon tere inne ito you enn defo ving You t9 "decison " Dobler" Now bene; = Can Yon believe?" “You mut bllere;" Twi believe” And ep in ofder t9 make the thing a complete acces te presiding miter giver out singing the mel westan, "Edo bee, I wil blew," the poor pein, n0 lenge the se of ison ind ad ecgs ignorant the say of God a blr snug up inthe cet that sweeps {he congrestoe, end “comes gut big” x socaed be lever in the Lard Jens the Christ. We low wat we soak to betes Beene’ before now, in ery, chidhood, we ners pat though te ame proce of coveron; thongh we conics there mar something in Gone mery and out tera sracre tha prevented ue being “comered” by ny ofthese pomitona servos, We could not "ge the faite” by tase mean; and. apm we bless Gott we ld ot. Today he ight of God snd mem resp thea of frag men fo repentance and ath eee ee eee eae ‘tro fot belong tend. Inde, we at asoiched at | ‘tnalen thst we eter copented to bes party oan) ach | rcedings. Wein tow ss the retaon of ut alle Eee the wie beat hich God pv tothe igen student ‘His way and so Become the ies ns incon, Wedo ot sce how anyon who lace any confidence in such means of human dvsing fr he coro me into 2 protein of needge of Jers, the Chie Know he say of oct slain, since ina oppote poles wid th Swing ith cannot be exercised abitiy, and a he stat we ae induced to eave as soc The apt Paul sas hat Faith i of things hoped fe, eon8dence ak cts cnvcon, when they ae not cen” (Rother easton) There, fr sch fh we mst hve hier evidence respecting things which tare taken plac, and searance ao hose things’ promised which af to come Gospel ith without tinny, or apa ot tetimony, ot ss separte speci gif dntnt fom omnes ia, Tat isthe git of God” inthe sents that tis “ot ‘he epention of God" which operon of God exried on the mental icles inthe arinary way that yy tet mony; frit ewe, «Fh cometh by ening the word Jo'Gad” And we may sh, aporaaly to,“ How ean aca believe exept they heat? And oy can they bes, ‘rsp they have the Compl peste tothe ?™ ‘When io coves to us apd aks a wht emit do te be saved the inference fe tht hee ignrant af Gots lan ef sedempson wich iin the Cheeses cto sk hat Guest, and he wants ntact. He dee to be saved and he wad Know bow itis posible. ‘Tae Fi Tippin gle al tered bythe gt had scene, ie fies ofthe Divine power agit whom he mis an enemy, and of nhom he magnon. Atl be ake Past tnd Sis what he wart do Yo beat pice. wit ha Power tnd excape His ange "The ft words ofthe Aponte mer, "ewe onthe Lord Jer, the Chr, and thon shal be saved” at they dil ot ew hte fr ty preached 69 She aoa bat ignrant gle the mond of the, Lard” (Acts av ge) Doubles they perched the pote made to Abram, ofan eel fod inte Kingdom of Gods ‘hey prelate it confaed by the Me and werk sod eas recon of Jesu the Cris; and added tat the Gees teal in the Christ become fellow crs ‘They wosld ali of corsa that hemor inabity to possess woul bo iaken ave, sod sn rene by Cody ite pomiber of thee Benge’ "The heathen her, 1 vs plain etinny, adapted tobi cap. Pow of fovecity wee stem. ‘The san was ptsade, with he hous, ofthe ith of God. He rid nthe gad tings, ‘Weean bee in saying tthe apa, sito me sd me tothe nmeofthe Lord, Bape me ito that same of fnlatn, or belive wis you are told ime. T bene that dene the Meta a oc come.” T belong it death isthe meeps ory si bbe te rose om the dead. Ibelve He wil be King ofthe whole earthy ‘nd that od wil rctve and en the obedingblner to Thee he and, Bape me then nto Him” And em, se the solr, bing fest made a dle he i mened into uion with the nave ofthe Lan, which i = rong tomer into which ihe Tgheous sp and are tafe "That ‘show the eal ambavadors of the Chest proceeded to mec ofan odiaal Tie the prodution of sidence Tiseroted inthe human hear ty convincing tximon. Is awakened bythe rectal of somethings apparel oe | the ie of shir good. mews itn atonal bel the [Chriss and hen they ade the by api to the Cary ‘renee and happy if being the uit aad evidence of hth ofthe newsmade convet, So we count! all who [10th ew uty inden whote distin you can el, trl make men belever to make them believer accord | and whore advice and aatrance you may and THC Tigo th pues” "Tele it the promise of God ad | ar few sve bases nen wh do nol uke he 2 ‘each in conection wit ath nthe Ohi (an, of core | inex ule in the bases, helene a prot of it for thee ae absolutly ec | Gry iow mine sation Would you be strong to wia net and wey sucral i Mhee convenion? "Become “Shy othe scrigares” seach ther tory; om them io manary; mediate on them daily; belive them eat; beled by them completely and you wil e fur ‘ied very "ged Word ad work" And you wl bea ‘agit misioner acoding to the Divine enter of sc {fat But to tore who ate making Crisis in = pout ‘rayalis we lore yo, we tremble for oat Your way i ‘ho Gas may. You cannot "tablish the hee” of your ‘aaron th Divine word, They know not he covenant | ‘fmercy abd pace tough the Chest tothe eae sat fiction others Ob bo eral oa re io devs your my for thei renewal stad of punning Gols! Be noes ‘al for Jou ae endangering the ne of yor Back jee sour pas eros ean to 80 wel, aecoding tthe sep {trl andar of welldong. "Aa forthe ld pth, where {athe god way, and walk therein” Ando daag, we pray ‘pon you all the stings ofthe Spt, eren abundance ef iar, sod ofthe gis of sihtcoumes and dat yo may igi Live by Jou the Cait Ble ha KEEP YOUR OWN COUNSEL Tris a mos excelent lei ie, for those who would beep fot of woubl and hep thensles, to, oat of the teach oF injrinar unybodie to have thle eyer and ear mide (pen and ther mci tthe ys ll tat Seed sen MF Wel ba ya {eta thers all tht they may wish to ear. Thee ae Schaning times. People ate not wha they ere tty yeas aga "The stuglo for life and wait has become 30 ere and tose Ut thas broken dows saany of | ‘eropls that once gover wun. Mato spaken of in onfdence ot words deapped inasiowly in thane con ston, ae not aca the pemcy they are ented to "Thay ae too ofen wed without remorse, whenever they am be tned tothe aranage of oe ort the detent Sooter; abd in his way © man who as honest sehen of Dosies in and or who may have the misfortune to have ‘nhappy seri hs hosel or ia bis penonl ee, Ieyenty Sade the word cogs of thom al without Scxcly knowing how ie bined the information. An “ght, jr 04 honorable pero, who chances t0ctne Into postion of & Boowledge of hit nighos priate iy, wilock his lip op and euler noone Se fo ‘Shin fm bint all men do not poses th high regard for ther, and the only safe vale in dealing wth ‘own enuneel—coavene Geely and geialy on odnary bjese bat om gre etal males ctinte «excl feticena’"I'you hare tmporate baie rns on hand, OMENS. Sux the dmoz Praia: Every thing soe to ‘make ready fr no common eis, edna ase, [On the whol must be sai thee an utcomorble eli, smshing ke the dite of nates « Evy (Cabin in Harpe is aged. Brey King be bis and fon his evord hit Stesmens ers erly il then for fer af te thogs coming onthe earth at th present The Pant Charcngn eye: What i the view ne eo take, and the day to wich eae elle? To take the view of arth whch the Lord's wood sages. Tithe glrioas coming a the Savon, we my aipate sobig but scsi. oxertumings of en aad cathy thing “The tory of mea, in the dosing pod fhe ines of the Gentle stor of ware evel el the Setar opens the poet od Bnet of He coming, Th re wet ook athe eoming ate othe wad and men, il be appear w take the ngdom” “large stoun of sina testnony might egies. The Inpeson& becoming quite general tat ome great event Ine at hand The prophetic eudent set not be perlowed ia deiding what to expect TR rome ces "hat we ae ving ‘inthe lst dps when we shold be al rend to mest Jess A auscoxstRucTION. “Tus ying of the “angel” who showed Jo the things hich he ecarded(. 8) bas been sometines se 0 ste Dt some ange specuaons I ave koown appeal tos a decisive proof Dat god men goto Heaven a death. (Others mare eiparly instructed om the sas of 8 in Ath, bare fund in the aga" the Prophet ab who, eterna hed en rch ks Reet tang of death "Now, Boh thse dheoies goon the ssompion that he “angel” (Vor menenge) ders himself t be of the ant sb a ag eonideraton shoulda show on what slender gonna mich an asumpoe is made. Be it observed tay inorder to get this idea. fom the passage sgh ation it tacky made to he ange ‘ord and be is understood tay" Tam or (raf the ames) of thy bretien the popes" &e- adi his on; ba waving the Pn, snp Bagh fader aay ave ha if we mat have sme ation tothe anges mori thre it outer randy to ont Yand inthe ‘Keep than to youl ora mos int the ktow ge ofthe | mage tel whch imate ely tobe the per one. Sepalying ity the saying wold be2—" Tam hy Ewe servant and /lowserant of thy brethren the pope "Tha each ie the ral sense Ihave no doe watever more specly when the Grote found tural tor hor "Tam ftir ofthe and ty brethren’ Alhoogh one ofthe angsc bet, he as but a eran ie the pone fd the propbets ad 20 dacsined the fered wom hich war det God alone "There ta page in Rev xu 10 very sila to the fone now consid, and these renee may egal py Gib. W. Saxe ‘THE REASON OF OUR CONTENTION WITH POPULAR RELIES, ‘Wosreves wil gre Jesus he highs honouy, that we ds tobetire and prion. If we ave a jelous for soyching| Ieisour Masters gloy. We would not have Hin reba of the mintest patie of pie dae to Him Injre wi youll say a cer of opent oy lly and {say discomfort win our ccunatnoe nd elope; ‘et pliek a single wits tom the Cit, dene Tim of 1s ight glo, andthe hut dope us is ene of the mind, for as re love hi we love his hovou is wane is ex ellen | His words peofounly ine! Hist tn A iia or the sake of Chis on that we ae engaged in four ema contoreny. IF i were oly ouneves who tovindoat ou ways. Dat ir Jone sed O, we came fee Him. belted withowt iteing oar came pote int the weg, ‘We wl expkin what wetnan! Tis this:—Acording to the euont elt othe veg weed Js te Son (Go i ceded ith vesing forall who by Hin ae ce owed inthe spin of thee mind, ermal Medes He irra to give to rick penons a naire sem Boy 3 esannes of condian amoonting to delight) sxc tan, nest ina world uncured a tBlgited by sn and et of al, His om society, ad the Gendipo he eet (Ge, th dees) of al line, non, and tn. Sua Ther are no tale We grant tat they ae intial ent, sch shoal rai the Hart of men wits pret pure "Bu ur contention ita Jens does sn fr than thi" Besds ll thi tere sce hog that He stow | fut Redeemer, which deny isto sutch om His teow is mort olden crane, His chee cowa—He is our Mogi! Te gives ay who are Hix, clonal fe; 29 that ‘ne ome Hn. a von not oni rtd for sletion ost the dari ofthe Fl andthe ils entailed By sn, God" sent His Son into the ‘mld. at we ight fr Ahrough Him, Out great Gowpel & Eternal Lie or Defihing men, y “tbe Lord and Giver of Life” who flutes Himself “The Resection andthe Lie ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. ‘Now why aot ie Jes the rie of earn forthe bested. ‘he very being and eof the erate wel athe stenity ad jy of tt bring? There ad Dee cam bey n0 good ‘eon for witb atcha eed of pie fo Him, He dsr bow wall neil ot tert tte Ad the New Testament fall of Te eat of the Gorpel of the ApatlsJola s expecialy tc with stateens cos ing Jens the Lie. A. wottnoyn weer aye he rv having become ply before Go abd ing under the restence of death mas get want i Lie! Lie |For fis Chet came,” Hepes Himself forthe Le of the rk, T am come that they might have fe hence the fieeresee acer s rae epee ord advent Hefe spoken of s¢-aorLife—the Tile the mon of Lith Pines 0 Lifethe Lond of ifthe (Give of le—the Bend of Lilet Water of Lifethe Wy of Lite eet ae in Lil Hl gen Promie of Life—Justfestion of Life—Newness af Lie the Spt of La the Grace of Lilethe Light of ie ‘he Crm of Lfe—vight ot of the Tree of Lian 10 Akin of the River of the Water of ie—and write ott ames in the Book of Lie, All Saige textes to the Acie’ that inna Life Is the git God. thoigh Chest" What hen then that has aay true roger forthe Svcs canal tn pertence apt Hie lim to he ssknowedged a8 The je? And who, fering thst a hit ope fr Zielona, well as pesos fr eet ror" resto ls word a love, wil not fing themses 1 Hin fay and te themadves the aera” of Jee Chis ra te Apostle ofthe Gente in the ld ye ‘We stall never cee ot contention fr immortality, ut tis cnfested hat oat the ass of oar Rete Now: the abiding We» and ht the namo existence ees ae aac nd the prac ife fom Him. “Than le soap upon Hill oaou, wha igh itis for Hetowrlife" Het woth NK ‘Tac THE TRUTH. ost of aur tesehing to ire sem ob fn subatnce, good; obey your parent kep hol the Sabbah dy, nd jou wil go to beaten” What should we wy of ¢ inter who tpt a ilar dotine fom the ppt i ‘eomoup beaters? No. Teach them tot ancy That Joss the sanrs only hope} tha i they tae in Hin 0 Save ther, ad eae oi in sincere the pon of isn they wll Bo be east of Begin atch teaching 8 fry art an be wndemtood. It the ory ofthe Gospel at wile alte teslopane of te word may ly the ile oe profoanly for + Wit, vay fing some ing new and vale oi yt thee hd sy com prchend is grands, foudstiondocune abd bale fn it nas ‘THE BIBLE Norice Want our Sends phase attend ot once to the renwal of Ahir eurpon othe inte Seavoano (or 158 We ie amsonr fa have te paper eit i owt expen; 9p fo tis tne hos not done 20. We ave given 2may thousands of capes Cxng te It two years Ths tne, Becomes a great burden, ling ar i does vpn ands ough 0 go for otber pero If each fab ferber wuld bp lie in ening the brden would bee pest ret The lad would then be ditieted fale mt, a a becone ee» At ey wo} ferber wosid tke sy, for copies per month, they Would ‘hen be able to give avay tree 1 india who may thenaves Become uberiers eventual, "To tet the ‘ee of those who may not be able to pay the ll year | fsbucpions fr fur copies a once, hey ean send | fei fx eh streets meat Fens ats Gites can rent in samp et wr han & eny respons to this spp. ‘We alo wih to cr attention to the Gt that she ond Valunes fr 1881 and 18s are tow ey. Out fends wil do wel to oner at once awe ave ly ¢ Tied supply. THe piel 76 ty pot pu Bo 6 Styne gin ee a earl i tne» ve Select cai i i he i ey. Sara Se Ge aE edna" Seisentnw eal tie rar rel sate 0; Renesas cy at ‘ty etl a i STANDARD, 35 ‘CHURCH NEWS oeeubjr sae ne, 7 day ewes at CURRENT EVENTS. inl sede of sir ot ie plo ee bance ea a arr ‘seouming to 8878 60. When! ha sv these tt ens Chea oceans et fuses tobe nel er A CRITICAL GREEK an SPIRITIN MAN, “What it? rice ‘THESOUL: able View oie mening Dice cd RICH MEAN AND LAZARUS Ta RESEETUTION OW “ALI THIN eed a ty By od. He By 3. L PORSTEa, BLIGH, PSVCHOLOGY, aur Bi nut 1 Salts Pg Diner Ps BS De ie Seay ata Ra sep aay ‘Sold at © Bible Standard” Ofte, "INDUW HOUSE, VINCENT STREET, ACKLAND, THE ENGLISH “IRL SeanpaRD, iE MEW TESTAMENT St CNCORD AP inka to RO? ‘mest Sats Cates, eg, HED. "Te gts Ga Canola all down.® i hey ot gobi ih Sue ete fe THIEF ON THE thee (GS —The alt things oe wh a ‘THE KINGDOM AND THE CHURCH. By Por Hoe A es ae # pay—zvep,| TE Pa 3) By &. COSTABLE, M.A, (ae Peatory of Gk, Ia) DURATION AND NATURE OF FUTURE PUNISH. carat Yate, Miao ie HADES or, The Intemediate Ste of Man. Crown ro, fatto ee by 3. WHITMORS, INE_OF INMORTALETY Jewish and Seba Sarria aie Sp, a3, ak TRUTH SET PRUE, ‘ron. A con view of the Seip bse lenlirand Pau te MSS? eli eee a amp THE VOICE OF THE CHURCH, by D. 7. Talo, Sern fe a ie i a SNIERPRETING CONCORDANCE OF ‘THE NEW FEN CRANE OF, sew ‘Me Lemos fine Wate, Hooks, Qoeen-siet, Auckland, Eerie ence EERO pene ae Ee ie me Sierras he BOUND VOLUMES OF BIBLE STANDARD. ‘Werhave had 10 es of the year 881 and 188s boa in Be rotume. The two years tpsther mae wry ‘cedaed lok; we hope hat out ends wisn Teron oe, rama braNer eat pest toaehd ka ends vio era wit The ny oC." as 3:6 pst ple 6 i ‘The i of “le Sn La es eve, BoE TT, 6a. pr yu ‘Sees tee mate, sw P* Oh Pr pe. Cl eh sen — "Saaated, Anta Pat Ofer sles be ea fom inesine te ‘il gear e egal es bh my uh oma ‘hon a ile ae es weig a te Tempe a, eid iW, Flay nt rag che me meh

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