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No. Vou 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Seve ee piste sehr ee Si HE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST re oronor sie ‘bch days of the apo the dips were comida ‘otraged bythe peopl of he pena zeta of the Tow Jert Christ An angel adsl to thet, 35 they vetched te Tord dept fom the eth, "Ye men of Galle why sand ye giving up Hnto heaven? The same Jour och eae op rom Jou foto essen hal 9 oe in ike manne uy ne een Bi go ito sven” ete Sane ‘his aod not death, was the Rope ofthe Chrch fd ts ugh to have eae op t0 ls acti et His coming sould bare confined te the hope of he Church; Be is, sla! for center has not heen the Tn confeon of th the uh hte Lon es ‘xe asin may al he tad places but practi, to Spaceman is dike had bec side seid Hal ha tol bee’ eaepe ul trish fas Had ndaence upon the liven. The Ler wert dived estald be otkerrise, He nde tat ‘i Chere son loak rH, hat she shoul wate and vest for Hi vetarn. Agu and gsi ring Hs posal Inns, he Lol Jean oreo hres vet and ater Tir scan the aos feed cotnalt ‘Very nay scar of Segre might be qotdio pot Cea ae wal cay atone elorg ‘Then he Son on lcm ri lary a al oe ‘uly angel wih i, en sl Te st yan he then of His gy.” Mats tev ge Im my Fekers boure are Bible Standard Devotnd to the Exporiton of Seripture respecting Conditional Immortality, Resurreion, the “Batorn and Reign of Christ end the Pinal Destroction of all vi Enrmp wy GEO. A. BROWN. Te Wir ofS Dnt at We gk of Gade Bernat Tif rough Tue Ce tr To AUCKLAND, N.Z,, DECEMBER, 1881 Paice, 20, ‘ony wane; IF were not 4,1 waa ve tld you To topteare place for ou. And ge aod prepare a ince ry, Tel cana and ese yo feat where Tam thre ye may Bele” cha aio, "Aa it appinted unto tenance od bit afr ti dace; a0 Ct was once fered 1 bar dhe in of many; snd unt them ht look or Hin sll He gear [event ting without ss to saaion” Hh 3, ‘Toe Lord incl all danad frm ae with 2 shout, with th oie of the echang ad ih he tramp Go; and the dea in Chis ssl ot he er ‘dhe mic are le ad ret shal be cong op tepthr wits them nthe cl, toa te Lond the srs and vo shall wo ever be withthe nd + Them i 26.17. Theeqontatins suc oyrove thatthe second Jeoming ofthe Lord Joos teen tat He wl etn ie enon ich i ke pace thw ‘The fist Yeurecon, when the changed an risen sins together wile gh up tet the Land ithe it De forever ith Hin. 1 The 6,490 -At dhe ine tone only willbe raed eho, te bern the aH ee Gl crea center eof he Lor Jers onder that of the new oven all Bie len arp io Hin ‘The common resied opinion hat tout Lar eur the wl be s eer eeuecon, th of heres fd ef uabelver while the Holy Spite aches in the oly Srptaes tat hey who are ie athe al il Nave pain the fn ection. In + Cor 9 5 reads: "Asim Ads al Ge enen on Ci sal lbemade aie ‘Tutevery sn inhi own oder Chit eat Gey aerard ty at ave Oia oh Hie eoming™ Notice the werd; "hey that we Cri Not who had peviualy de, Bet thse nly no thongh hin Joo te nit oly and salve len sleep se belerrs |The same th tang Tas 36, ty, mhoe we toad: The Lond Himsa descend frm heaven with kot withthe woke ofthe aeaogel tod withthe tp of Gd and the dein Cee "se fs “Then aera) we which rae sed rein of th event 134 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. bal Be cup op togtee with them in Be onl Notes th olyof feta Chi ssi ny Ta Ret 45 need the: “ Ad rones sod And T saw the sons of them that yee beheaded forthe wines of Fad the Wor of Gand wich had tir bad rotved hs mph epon ht fecha ra hie ods aod they Bed and ign. wi Chit hasnt yearn Bu the Ye ofthe dead ned ot ss tun the toomand yess wee bed, ‘This te nt Yeuretn, Blast and lye het a putin he fin reurecton ons he cod dah hath co pore ‘it they tll he gris ef od and of Chis md sal ign wi Him « Bonand yen Th cnnasion wih fhe eam of the Lact Jes i sour even ey, the suiton btmeen the wheat {nd the tate,” Reade Mate is jo; ao vee Sr In this parable petri aot Lon own x ‘Blnaion of fe see what 0 be expected dang Freeot dipenstion, wile Jens tame, Clstien ‘eel alta, and adrncrent in Knowledge in eer ‘id tay conte To the inet tat male mas esas a raed oat, exept he be regenerated bythe ower of the Holy Spy tngh the scene of te Soop Inlet be ay be Inpoed aot poche to the ver highest degree bute san, 8 in i raul eondian,remaine lo, itd od wade, He imy cre psc tal gon snd aor of peng buifeisns began gsn el ery ih Go snd saved a he does not ble nthe Lord Yous {Cet "te wath of Go abit on hin™—abw Sins ota xe spent compra tlhe Iris adel spinal thee, he Word Gud dels itto bes and no progress ocon, no mental elare, ‘anette hen nor ange dened amas ‘Behar emi ds stove nga Sexpert wicked” “Untl te rg of te Lord Jon ecg the peeent ste of aye il contin ands we stall see pray fom te Wor of Go, wl ems was tnd "Thi the, plinly shows the nation clerined by Cant daring the pron dimenaaton, by te preach tthe Gospel and thatthe mln i ths be al inwoducedy fo be we according tote Tt Serpe, "Te Gomes indeed, wos be raced "as wt twallnaony” bt wis oto be he mean of he coe teri of the weld, Mat nk. ty "Bocover Go| ‘tea 14 we lem he career of he pee pense on hh ht God alot “om nog the Genes A people fr His mame” bat der not eee a xine ie wile wall wee fo coeed fie the rn te rd Joy hte wold ben hf the pansion geno yon Land Mined talus athe ac (be ehen of wick a) mee to ror ogee rhea (th cen oe Hag) a the en ef te apy oc, wp 1 De et Hs orn tet Tis ce endothe Ld Jn Set option othe cotmon aon tae worl be come eve Ha conn an Ad a ion ws we od pnage ar pug iy he New Temes fo hich we ae era a, site by Ct he soi tt ste Ce oe {rece dipemion wilt Oi aie! bat aang (rfc Nees ante wold a he; rot a ‘he wil reer ne ig ange of Seas ts Tin, we nas to ay Dat he dye perontneral come” Hors be ves of ter own nvr orcs, Dons oud, Bape ited o potent eae when seal dicion woceraney ale ser, ene, esses of thse tt ate good trator, ay, hip ded ve of rer en ove oly ng jm of Gta Sein porte Het we fave preity to ewp ef at io 2 decrpion of Tans or Naboo ofthe ped cpr of te Lae Jon; for to ch s sate wal es ote rnin hh of ed osc expec hat ofthese eos ie i hey Rare ficm of aeinces, Tey pst he cade Christe they sre aot avowed ides and thi ut prolate tetera As Then epee tlags arod al ray improve orate, tht we ach the Fedo the age the daker they nal baron? Tae iat ne day, The ca wl be led wad the Knowledge ofthe Lord the waters coverthe sea; Bot hil over be unl Jets his comer Inthe mani llnes wince, andthe soi the comment lam, cy of mich wesw Bear s9 mich il at lt be aed opin the penal Antichitthe’ Man of Sin. Which eda me tp meton anther of the events tat il tke pace atthe rr f the Lord Jers unl, ‘The doxracon of the Ant In 2 The it 18, we rnd: Now we bseth yo ti, by (conning) he eon our Lord Jen Ch by ar conerig) ou ntbeing together nto Hin, tat yo be not son (ot ns) ake a mind ob rou either ye ot Oy wend nor by Iter ae om a tht (08 tah we bid si) the dey of Cast eathand, etna man deceive Youby aby mesa, for that dy sl a came eee thee ome fling say (the spon) sy ad that othe) ‘Man of Sia be evel tbe Son of Perdis wh cpt td exe hie bore ll teal Gad aad thats ‘onppe 2 tate wsGod teh in he empleo God, Showing hist tat he i God Resember yt tha "Tle contre y the rae of the at andthe res, han I ae with you eld you of tee tgs, Eee -” ‘Ad now yeknow wht wilde Vat be igh be] renal in i tie, arte mystery of aay (ow Temes) doth already work only be who Dow ie (or Tera) ee be eae oct oF cy ‘And then hal at wicked (or wie ons) b reeled, ‘hom the Lard eal bose withthe Spt of Hs ost, {ind estoy with heights of is cong. ion tie potion of the fnsied Word of God (e ‘Tess. she lam that he Lord Jes wil ot come walt the manfenaon of he apotgy” Has te jor here wpoten of tan plc, and the lls te (th Aah ben reeled? The reply bo te Serpe the apna has nr yet taken pls and. the laps ane fae mot yet been rove. This pase has af a the dln a poper ary and sw as sh etre of what the popes ave beta the spony here {efed to wil be far more drone ai fr wl be oo Tes than an etre enenation all ht ing andthe sling wp as Ga of te Lawiess One isa. For bs 4 Gat sitet nthe temple of Go swing unl hat He will bea King, «wight wooatch, whose mig i ined though so beg given him by Stan * he Siagon giver in his power and his zat and hit pet tithorie?—(Rer. ask 5) Ths Bing tbe Antichity wil be at the bead off the ta Angdane of the Roo eth {Ghat ite tem Rgds it wich de counties whieh forme coostaed tbe Roman Hepze will Ye fly ‘Eide sed the ten bigs geet get im ‘Dowig the petiod of his especial gory, which wl be ny feriytvo on he wil Bapheme Gol hie tbe land then tat din esnen Te wal be ge io hin to uke wat with te mist end to orem thom and powell be gies hi over ll dds and fengots and aunt, And al tht del yon the ear ‘allwenhlp him whee nanes ae sot wien nthe back of he Lamb slain fom the fowdation of the world == (Rew a 5,8) ‘ie ten and no the words conven the sat things toyate mich ve ste ily Bates. Do we ‘Sealy bts what the Setzer dee conten he ‘hing tint ae cing wpon the earth? that the tne fpentiag en when mo ta toy buy o al sve he ht nthe niko the mane of the beast (ibe Antiht) o& fhe numberof he tame?” (Rer- a 17) hen whoever loot bo and work Bim ms De prepred is play fort in Serpe: For tbe Lord. Js wi ena hi withthe Spt of Heath od dente tin vith he highmens of Hs coming” We tare ow inthe ew place to consider tate te wie the Lond hat we Hi cil, sald a for 1 get many patages might be quote om the Nen THE BIDLE STANDARD. 85 ‘ile only to nfm Tn 12g, novels The src of Ged that brngt aan bth apeae tall men eachig or tht dying nngodines and Wily ot, we soo ive saber ghcony, an gon weit word; Teoking fr tat Bewed Rope aad te vious spesingo the get God aed out Saviour Jos {Clr "Observe how ied upon the sits oof the stop and appening ofthe gest God and out Siviou Jens Cit In Noes. 3-42 ou Loe esl nie pon esto wait fr Bl retuned witch Te Bat x3 ‘he Land id to His dil "Wate herr ae 90 iow ater the day norte bse when eS of Man oaeth” Agia Mark wi 537 Jer, Waich e rere, ye know tot mn the master the hace comet teen rm dip ora the cack coming, i the moringy lst coming ely He ed you sleping And wit sy ni yo, ey tosh” "Agen Rev. i 16 the Lard sys, “Bela Teme ae 2 Bee ‘leds be ht wath and keepets bi gare let awa asked and hey st ht sane” Now, are ws, at believes, all wi? Are we eumelanin the eta of tates One! Do srpesting? Arn ln dng ne prt fo hain tr ming? Andi ably oar prayer at the Lord wil epee wo taen he nent of the erent yt 10 Ie ed tore ht sy comes? And now the lst pat of our sujet rani tbe consdere natty, he pret efit The tah should ove aon oar has Ife eesied ad ent no ‘heel Go wily, "Wat eanT dp hy Ben Setar bere Become pa? Erw een at et ig? His wil conering me i that I hould occ vil He comes'®" "How hen con est we fer Hite lo ih wih Tam entre my pape eae Incl owns? How cam my at my nga all my trai of mid and body be Dest etted HS rae? Hl sald sytney tony, al at U0, and hae, be wed fr Hin Hoy ean oy wise pt snl and "Tose are deny port, pact oxime which a beeer inthe Lord Jess shold ark thenehes elg "hae ne ent oi yb are vg with 1 ee TED prs Me on ot Seger ee snd Uses on scan ofthe ev ite ting oan os we shoald pry abd work and Work abd pray, ait recip reno ent opt ar ay, to gard apse the iwoplaion of slackening ar ete forthe conven of sian, base to od wil tbe vere before Jos omen ‘Raher shuld we ty, Testament i oo of ie ut fo th ake of Devi The tine tat He death Hs coming may be sho; 136 ‘THE BIBLE ‘at ercfoe can Td To war sane, and to win soul fer Hin?” sig Sein he halon hing al be seine ‘wt manet of pacar ought we to be nallbaly env (chasing the cig) othe dy of Go erin the cians being oo fetal be divlved ad the elements all mele wih event beat? Neverthe we, axodg fo Hi promise, lok fr new here and bew ci wherein deh rigtomnes, Whore, beloved se Tn tint ye ook far uch thingy, be gn that yo may be found of i a poe, withont spt aod taneles 'As assuredly ax the pitied character ofthe Lon STANDARD. intl Woh odo fat the warks at wil pease God —a eat to chaneed by Divas attacon Ut ie Bebo bons to do wat wil plore he Lod. A patel elon tat deat fo cam Divine approval by goed forts ov tha propos oy or he Kingdon he nia BF mri —tat andl pon the lw of peohon, bring strange othe higher law of Divine action bth dees decient Serhan may have eonmendabe exer, but lacks the ltr italy tat toss poser beavenipninded, Patel velgion i Svinte, bot tho Rnd tha rows op the tee sigan nad ofthe ind ht simp tached 2. Experimental religion is pervert when mere sci cong i ely apchene in he poe fe | ce emotion suited forthe renovating work of the ‘otidoctetecu sponte ldeandJeportnet of Cisin | Holy Spt A misake beet tearly fa. ‘To at ilGllows By mene of wear ght what awaits the Tot png inthe wicked oe ad what wil be te end [out wrong Theatre destiny | Divine gprs. A ara har coocealed by 2 prefeson (Sralliewori glory pd, and pom, rong no mater how pido slow the arch 9 come ‘Aral beatebange 5 indispensable (0 re eden of Go isan unflded tou even that of vegln «cal heart il and nds feed of ye Shu be pear confrmel to tbe image ae | race” A gc eat ira eng tose Tord oh iso and body, whan we shall ee Hin = ‘hen ball we cote sponte posession of on aber tance lich nena sd ef od that eth tov soy shall be seated ih Jets. 08 is hone (Glow it 20a dg he wold nun with im, and to panda hagpy cleieytogater wih tL in go ‘Tpcholy Tome gle, nd my reward iwi eo ge ery nan scaring ahr work shall be"—Ret a 13 PERVERTED RELIOION. ‘an is proemineny an age of sams snd. suns se sine {The theslogy of selmi perverted when Chit Is onsyed se Sivoo of aan sis in «diene ate, por he judge, ina root seal ean when Chest is preentd ae lige of Bom spit inn dem Tried sate now ficing» when Cis repretatd at Hing one diced min igning pia to the rest renion, fa arene neve pone to them. Caren helo tho opt the tesogy of regan It recog ives Christ aa Saou it tse; bata Svat of mt ot ofmen; saving tem at deat intend of wing til he enurecon, when ey zeta be Sogo sing them ven abore intend ef the New rth Kigdom of God a ving the wrong ly 3 te wrong tie, and athe {atc buen sham gin hevot ofl shana ces [ong poe 1trcogaes Chis a Tog, it ste {Sat tte is pe inthe fury anol ann the present | ta Judge of see spe, nstead of men, judging them He A haa’ igin-nesened. by wore oto belre he judgment Gay aives—tus joding the ‘anos micre-iebad enough sometimes only dnt, wrong cas ad the wrong tie. 1 egies Chi it Tastes con aonarsbnea poser region seven | te; vt ony ar Kg of shafows and not of ed, & Tove, being postnely distros A suo coin may | King he present ho nt of ating i the eesth Jor cmong men nou deeron but x spaoor san | amet sounds; King in heaven above, intend of bing Rhone desire the Sextet of har Kelgon is some times pared lo one offi component ingens an | he wrong lei "The holy of sign ie thus preted Gent {he praca elements a oer tes in ith eaprinewtl |r San to eee mem nat th {0m 2 pein cond ‘Semen ad ot anioqendy fm hort igre on, not om am mperoable saa." He set Hs Son, {ithe voyager oni oon, sick ofthe pete acs | tat whose oad belete 00 Him should mt fei fre ont wt he faihing maine. to So vena if—tlaount to ayig ta ey setea petit oe od of eteral isa of ang einperbae nti, poseng iene moi, ‘Thos of cali, te st of tdi, and she salt of era iar in posse,” Thi ithe cay andthe cy ts so nate ios the ton of the dy, [ent las ha Christ war went tostvej and isisthe cay, that er tly igs otal poser top at He wil ay jes 0d Gly le wl gaat ‘che ligne pereed when made the pee | King overs prt ofthis sae ca changed immoral, cf Divine favour, ote pace fee 2 pepo to gl ; Jina tnorted wo, Gwod fam Ha snd deals "Ghai! Staead of beings ul of a tenorated ben, having a [sesuon j the grand exkinaon of te religion. Wik, EVIL, BE ETERNAL ‘My anerr thi gue in he aimatse ‘Tey a of tina thn evil be of rat raion —tha til ever ceane tow an ents an eeiaceasng power ‘vera ge porn of Goer. Tut “What sith the Severe? 1 The fst poi the Bible contins bods oot the sre sn titel hoe that ev lot eter, Address Inge scrpent, God sd "I wll pt omy Between hee the woman, and bene hy ted and her ee." This amity onl wat os revere enti n wich the sed tithe woman woald obtain = complete vitor, and the ‘ead of ld serpent wold beer. Tt hl rise {hy ben so thou tat ie ie Beal* (Gea. 5) ‘The denktiow ne at l,l be ent Stn Sil move dnisty snd comistbeably 6 shit Acta inte New Testament, where we ved that “At the chidven ate prahereof lg and Hoo, We ale Tin elton tok prt of th that trough dewth He fight Joy hin tha had the prof eat that he Ge ch feng, Mab 24s Take 34% 18) 4 The ytd of God ass went aly of the com et ind fat devin of Stan, tat ao of all is orks eufring death Fortis porto the So Wr Ged wos ante tat He might destoy the mods ef fhe dev” (1 Joh 8) Clay, the, ei will faoeot be etal (att 25) Ty Appin, ne sen tat © Chit mut sei, el | hash ‘pu al ees aoe ir fae” (1 Co 3, 26) ‘Au, bout sige exeptinn, wil bo vanished by Hin. "Me wil at down af rae ad all auorty and owe? (7 24), All things all be subdued under Flin (18), ©The Ine enemy call be desoye, enh” “Ge a8) Desh and bel sal be cast into he ikea fr and ewe abled. (Ren == 14) "Ad There tbeno mote eit ner somow ot cing tier at ee be any te pi fore former hinge repsed avy” (at 4) "Thee sal be no more ‘Here ott 3h Hand God weil be all in a” Thos cet nd postvely doer Seine seach Oat eri wil not be ‘ee That isin accordance wih the weve wil of caine Cats raga wll willy Lecowe niet nd waned appa fom seven other exes sae Shen ofSesure, “AL the same of Jess rex knee allbor, of things in heaven, and ting-ineath and hinge ender the evs and aveny tongue shall confese that Jes Chet Lar, othe gary of Gol the Fabs” (Pat toe ats Cal b 305 Eph 31) The Gotctanenurng oat of mei thatthe goverment wil be dred beiveen Chit and Stan, he fol Soe gn and tbe wchedwaspar, “Dot My hgh ae ot Jor Sought okies ace your say MY wars sh the Tonk Ter the heaven re ihe hth he eth 0 ae Re =<" ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 137 “visa etalahed ince of te Divine gover ment tat winter ino of Gad ssl sooner of Ie, ome tonne, The wood, hy, and ale ball be mt op {e Cor Ss) Al at merely of man it erat and fe fer of gras” and sal terra. that slone wich "income ine and bidet or fer (eeer 23), Every lat wih My Hewes ater ath not late sal be ated wp (M323) ha necting sowing sd winging fork el) uk Tough ener aga someteacy bel Be rasta wp. "SEey tue that bngeth nt fn eed ful been ha an it ino there” (MAL Ho vi 193 Pau 0), ‘Theme pencil is oles clay agit x Joka Aste wotd pe sray, andthe To these bh he tt dt he wil of God abideth fr ever” Bl tilt be eel; pach aay” See ako Hab 13 [Galva 8; Heb v7, 7 Sine tat shrine hing wich Gad ates”; and tan we swpove tht Heo ie ney holy wil Sion? Surly ot The fons ba not tnd ia Thy ighy ‘Tho hte ll the wore: ny. Tho sh Seorzy them Oat apes eng, The Led #0 The bny and dactil man” (Pan v.86 123) In is Ingen ere, oat wig that any ould evs or ts God pert the wid to Te or Hide; bt ne anaes once hit He whois of pret tyesiban beheld en and eno! lode pon ig” it pesne forever the comupe of the ard. No THe wil anys Dept fon tae ye ea work igs "Dept me, yea, na erage" (a i fp use au)y tht tobe “dearoyel br ever” "When cheering a he gas and when ll the workers of ast do Our i that they shal be Cvs? Pe revved forever? nay}—It fat they fall be DESTROYED forever" (Pm s0i-7) vin the pee sate west the wheat nd tes rong toe and tis we Know te wll continue 10 fa on he Beret, What wil thane pce? The Shee wil be cally pred and peered. Bat hat ofthe tes? Wi thee Hrewke be sted up? rnc arm sock wile he cane; bat these doe, aot mowing tne Sepues On refering t Mat x30, 40 ae the he tres = aeed ot rhe purpoe of Sing torent peeve ht only toe baned. Je as enintworbles caf aa Gout baaese ft the ie 1 Be beds tye oe tll God "brn up" the wicked, et aciber root nortench’ (ML x5 Mate BL hey ethyl atl poche aly ott edn Ch i decked hey sal neve ie” Gin, 36, ve 2) 44 47,60, 5h bz Take me 36) ee Lan reserva tem tat oe Hi, bot al te witked wil He Gosny” (Pea cal 40) The when is Frese, the tres buat wp The Kad ath ade all ings or Hina; yen eve the wicked for the day of cove fran erly of er bik xt day" of el Ny aya higher than your ways aed My thongs than our hehe” (fron a ordain oda in ves 2B and 198 THE BIBLE 3p" Reseed to the day of denon” (Rom. 23) teaching fl Spare i Aa God ls rprccscl we dope wicked: saa’ dream when one tke 2o) © Lar when Thou sakest Thou shat despise hime” (Be, ei 3) Jan sen eatimate th des cating them wary aie, 29 God erin the ike. To sight hey fe oerlywortlene; and wl He pose for re, by His Alniy pews at which He lo ad to dpe? stubble. "The name of the wicked shallot” (Por. x 7) “estat be ote on ofthe Host of Le Only tore ‘hom Gi elle His" ome® wil He ie to vetting Iie ewe vend * Many of thio tht lap inthe dat a the ea alamo, sone [observe me only] ocr Iain a abd some osha and evetingcontnyt (Gan at 3). "The wicked hall pr fren iebie fm dang. We shall away as eam, and hl ot be right. “Gob xs, 15) Tely wil his portion be “eve Tetingcontege To. That God wil exeete on inpestet sims gully, we ae flly assured and no less asured that He ill ot for eat ovo te gly. He wl ie the fal fReience of Highton oe" Th tol nt snneth it ‘allie? bat an Jo od re and mee Judge, He tno change the tence enc of sropeatbly gree eve and dom the sinner oan ele of torment His "snope work” a enact, there, be hain ch He wil be osevpid hog endless gee We may not now all tt God wil do, bot thee ae some ings ne se abundantly Jie ia sjing He exmot do, A mond ‘contradiction. (He vie 18; 2 Tit. 93.)" i 1 Noto Sata at ely of Crit Rigdon i tov hat oft there sal no end" (Lake 33), This Hibs Engines sal es be dso (De 44) tbe evelting Kinglom "(x eae x3) of te {oneminet of wich "there hal be no end® “(ea x7) (Ortherighl King ony writen, He stall rh fr fverandeven” (ea 15) A’ more anseigmral or CCrindskoooring nation coal sexely be etersined ih shal be a eodaig a ht ofthe finitely Bese {hd gloat Son of Cr, whore ight loge Ht isto feign {Ged wll not forever pepe, bo rp atay ry refs ef, (ssi 1p.) Who dos not ee tat LSE Geni iain pew ‘sfereors sng biter ace sof cust Sree etter “ace r ame ‘its iy et eae STANDARD. ul ie gic sie gid By Gol o mate ane ise eal Hoon wet ax sey vinta Hat eon deg Scttendot sic it ad ben eed hat te so ea inn dx we my sal mn io the dane won fe ems tat fw ocean eat Ur eaeei oyrte Pit ues mote ong the pnt Cn a Ser mtn into New Fees wks an serene totter fn edger aah Stef era Piece geal eae eee oa terest ofa eons dosh sds eon eld Bi Gee eee wie He ee Peers ital eaten (sa. vil. 20; Prov. xxx 6.) : _ J sO th wltdnne sth itd cone on fi (rok oh Uia deta seeea votes ta se pete a fGnirea td il tan ats coins see irc re ani cng 2 earch > Cy beta Namen Hom Fetes we Got Co ake mera tp apr al wktne od omen en ic eck nae nth ble Hus of irc seas ea a ac te aes etter ‘THE REVELATION. ec en te Ags eal nde athe sn ed bok of which seen sh th ed SoUE\ cane the seen We are td at pene ie af pacesnd of gop pecig Sn {he men td fal nto eal a bd od ‘Belling pee nen cto ha th Ty we i Ting te of tel famine Ar ate mh |e adhe bt bs lod ln se Chach |ERe aah soe sod at flawed by he ore di | asa eno ais atig se nd yen | ta pl, flowed by the convlios of mare at | the appaing sis the won, and a wre, eming |e te speech oft glows and Omnipter Crestor drag to the re Of le aun. people en earth | i ‘Wetave Ind he walng of the r44s00 Teaser apne extn bythe rely Jaen we are bout eo conde, ‘all tog who are Christ ae Hie coming Te om Tomine bot to dicver snd conser the content of the sevecih sel. "Thin Beng the fs is ako the moe tslenn inthe eition ofthe heavenly inant and ‘Srl the mow too to the wok nd inhabits, ‘Ao oie the ott el periods oat consi of 20 many ad sack swf pages, erty are Toto number of shorter ero; ord th were noe Saved Tsun fo be conitet with the goodness of Cod {Gat ce eden shld al tarsal at wanngs to fhe iva so tht if tbe posse some may repent te thogh ey have rsebod mach atte of unpaid ‘ctednn; tought the at tis reveled thay ten the Misty of kind “The very Heavens main a Trestles ssnce A slein awe pervades the nk of faves ints fom fhe et gies of ceil ings the ie of Cli 0 the let dignified a the ‘Angele boat ‘Not a work—not a woton The dep olen of tbe araon sng toapt ere a Bese itdes Gecipien on et The Omapiest So of (Ge giver His nt evidence of posesing "al port on nh ad aw te noting Ht tng jade] the biter and see cod. The rolesmed church and te evenly hos ow tis hence th ase sence onthe pening of hs eal “The payer of all” the sits ae ‘onto bs anwered ow in the destton of he ent, | ‘ani the sorry oe up wold. "The Mane aon ‘met of Heaven having pase ama, nd he Dine csp {ance de united prayers ofthe solened eng sine in sthasdring, and Thing 298 volo, and ear ask” the sven Angel oud te freer of Gad ‘onae thes to sand; and thence follow ei of Bogor which hemes conte the seventh ol Jaws tare blr eared te Trt and. Vs 3 ‘ot contin the seveth rs then te ents of the th seventh lb ther, we except certain epi | “Cpe intended ow spel snd more deed ght | Spl beet ie fe on ea “Sand tho fist sudo ond cere lowed sana re mingle with aod and th wre cas pon the eth ‘sd the hin ofthe earth ws bat op, nd the hi of he | ec wat but wy abd all grees pe wae bart up iis 7 Esportion sry ie sot eed bare, nosey, Todos, be cae of ny of there Laer aden. To fake the Word to enan jt what saps seams the caly omic way of sodaranding wht iemape Tie both Einple and) Sones whee no sal intpetaton it ‘Ghe, wherenr Yo stamp 1 recone the lngege em EE Ee THE BIBLE STANDARD, 139 ployed wh the ations of en or sao I any partie ot ory bee with teal nome nt th Tot which te gro abn of ern ach an ane The smlogy betwen thre jadivens ahd hoe employed forthe deere of hele bot Fey bondage ‘vey striking nd shld be sufcenty ning an he erat bing the enc rendering hare Bat shad De ala Lore o mind ath iste "Ey of Jaden st ugedy sin” wo ys Grea bed the blo (be fnocet hte ase, and hve abused nd wily dor tryed the bunteous provisions ef aire. God ges them thr dere ty sore eectulydestoyng tae is and te shal sx fer om hy sheding the od i wate il meas Hal re meas fe and blod mene Bled fhe eek. Thar jacgoent daly afer the vgeable ngdem only—the seat plage het as the en “And the soond Angel sounded, aed ar wee a ret mountin bing with eases tthe ad {he hed of the ex became lod ad thr did the third lace eee Sel) ad the edo be aps woe toed” wees, ing it aero wa ke « Bcing mot ‘With that we mos est ase; Dat whater the bjat tity be, the conasgonce elt enough The hi of the Se becomes ood nd in consequence of he rater bee Ing ond the id ofthe ing ces herein iy a ‘he had of the ships ave densoyed. The may seem very tcxwomed ocala thee woodet by the vs penn sal his od aan ertemion of Hs vigheoine the biol of wine ad popes!” “And the thied Ange sounded of thee fll om, Dean gress bring 23 ty apd fl pon the itd oe rv and pon the ounonsof at a "be ane ofthe saris cle Wortmood sod the Bd pa ofthe wate Bese worm andy men ded the mater, Deca they ere ade ites” renee 103%, one tom, own by the same of" Worswook” Gad hows the sr al by tase ad tis one of he os la baring kelp oe sada appeees the eh ance ito amen, the roken lec hling vpn he dof th er andthe fundaine of me. The coh fequence bong tat whoa any porto’ of this shared ‘rls here the wate become ember and, dking 140 ‘HE BIBLE often, many ee die Tie Ball vey sa and a Spl ie natura s we ake tar 0 mea sa, water to fneto wae and oon to mean men; but if we are to inerpet thn thre moni to the hanes by dich we my be sppoted to be engtne od in hat hoe tell te book n "Revlon a fce—n0t 0 say SBlachoe, ° hd he nth Angel sounded 8 thi the son ‘eas sien ante til of the on, a the ied he ‘Ens in deta he hid of tem might be dakene, ete ay might ot shine the ido and the ht ‘levi “Vee 1a, Cause ofl te ngain ste in| ‘dove eonneron "Gad me two gren ight the gente Tight torte iy ab te ee ight vl the ig THe made the stars, ge ght upon the ear Gen 1s 1619, "Theae ai the Dsvesly Bodie ta oh trumeet te siten—bom, se know 04 bat im sachs 2 ‘Munocrat alan nigh perio of ematral darker erent What his sus in ar alesing tank. cn swe se not informed datos te and ea ST cointy yan tering fn the extreme. Dat wil Our sence of Astonany sport his explnation of thse ‘Trumpets? ANT wel, were aeesing Chvisians The Got ho innit the Boks of Genes and Revelation Si inne the hevely boies—He i our Astronomer “The stent il poe 2 disinctie charster sont ‘hese fous Trompe speating them ff the fring nee hey ate fudgment afeig te trl wot isuanes in he der of tre, ol niet ting Itaniog, whan te woe rmpte which af ofall com ern dl sets odie, Seperatr dangers tle fod dred yond magintin, ete the eso me ht theo fer gets ate fly Gognted wou" ‘Tramp, bree of thle al charter cough it ‘ates itl ow sel hey maybe, or with what stem ty they may be anouneed forthe wicked of the Icsin wot atte nth tf seer men ‘aopaviom ony fe Genoos eis Hall on ah 1B. Cas, Chrachae, ‘THE THEATRE IN THE CHURCH Many ae the pass of rigs wordine; rao nd pun th eviencer of he pid datne of il and ‘ince gone ‘The mein between the church sd the world tnt wax nce boa and lei foe, read Known ofall enh i there Is ines faded ont ito a mere prtesion {pu ofall hf of elie degeneracy nonin mor| ‘aticening fun the deneratna of Gd’ bane topo: fost of muiest. A Set socal plas ohtued them ye in the placer of paper asin elena and cv pots ut no thy come a trogh widely open doa | Tih tend inet” of etch and pater; and te STANDARD, fd iy malides vio wake the Daly plate reionsd i ad jot and shocking mockaresofacrel thing. ‘Ooce vie, the wed ineanos kaon no ini 0 he cnance ofthe hath once semenderet; m0 air ea be interpre” ths tribe rpc fo tere sed nena Bany of fhe ge ches of fhe ine on te rancid deine. omy etal, edgy, ‘en to set sneer ear & tne and wane old Fk ia lan wi ceo ay company have made arangenents waerey tenet pov be gen to the Bayt bung fund, sods hoped stat who flan intrest in the epg of aie Artie concagon ofthis pay one of the tet hoghable ind moral tres ever payed wil flo, ene, *A Be Fc "Pie whe Ca oe Seep ih ane an oyster mapper and ayenel good ine The Eder end dy wl be threo make leet fr oa” he place o dine mori he vy alee by stn sean page to the serve of Ge.” Aad ta to fn dccniain, cing Rnd on Nigh poe of rangle it any longer 4 wonder that sp annie in in cies? hei Uae nob Stee ee ete rn in ges 5 EAS, United Sten JOHNS VIEW OF CHRIST, Aust lw of compensation runs Unough the whole vine adiisation John was the nt ofthe dpe, sco Mbouren spt inary? re He was fn elo tnd sone doomed to ri to ae me on Geseate atm: Hewes ths frm i,t fre ord ot [God andthe einen of Jee” had ben tu oS Tent His lay wat nine, ending womanly devotion wit majeiecounge, He bad stood the sock of ete avon cn psd the tes of adn, tom which Be was fiver by det vine erention, "The td of Crt Sw of deation nd casmmnion are ehonged ih ay fad lininted deh fom the chaos of busing ol ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 1 “Thongh all Bis fetasines He wa inthe Spit the Lard day, when eldenly ile Peimes bean 0s enaped vison the orrlghed chamber of dvige presence, Case on the rege ofbeaven”; the tount ol holy von All i ut Teg wee inne more tan seed by soc ependet ‘ies of Chin's ried penal, nd rch proclamations rior, powe ad ly no ober oral man has ert ince! "The majestic dance ofthe Savou?s peron was mre than is poor fumty cad bear. The sock of te Ang nlendour rss i and belay ms dead Macs ft Dut Jes aid hit hand ep i, an hed with tied divine ners, hearaseand recived tno wondrous memge for al the chee (Oar Lac Joss take readence of leet beings ‘ete betre an, er angel Bore al bg, ave oly Gol the ther cit Bhp and pine inary There ino tye af teing Between the Son and The Pater, a ight tare i one to pat” eis Gots one Son Nose to flowin the rp Ting, The dvne liege completed in Chis ‘The Son (tod wlhavena ses,” His wekin cation redemp- tin and rion te a, eveasing, ey & the terme of he saat aera mae secre. The ih fae an persaneney of Mess Kingdom touch the inte sve | ‘ Jesus had sed the cis f Junior on the cose. ‘etn cond Stan Sate widemene Now be mat pale gm death ‘The gave of he Immacut One ms thelast fate Seld, All onto there. The veacy of (Ge, te confidence of angel andthe hope f min were ‘Ml bound pin he col fold f that winding Shee the ‘end Chit yotlsnl ore death al os T¢Chistbe ‘ot ried ll the dard ae paid. Tete boos of ace and enpense! The hope of praca and robes Gecofcemty contained such denies ar e ours of Chit enomnnt. Alli lext ‘The grave holds him fase He arp inde Uke ay otber man. Slowly the nobee boos pte by. Anater moment dal i oe. Fat tak} On the tl morsng ar ovet all the pins Jolea down acon the ages and thrghast the teal ears tngs te eampbal Soar Ativing Chis and giving Chest! An emrty| gavel Tos hall, inexorable, rim enemy slain! Womnded, bieding,comqured at Mess fe, mating ‘Heal extinction! Shut, patra and prophets! Shot, fears in your Hoody sbaude! Stow, moterst Shoat Ailyehly dead) Our dead Jen eas and ig hie dap oe for Jos a | ‘The ps ofthe od Bale dap wih the Jah loun of agen ve, wracked ht abd eke bag inte Enc of ur everving Pace, ‘The pve isin Chis ecping Stan det hit et ow tanta eat. ‘The Soo of David fh he eps He can eter and lea ost in own, Decavee we Lassa 18 50 ‘opPOsITIONS OF SCIENCE. (uth in Chitin too erp and trong fs, fates bese we too Gry perded tat eis ib eveaing th, at wel de cone a the tacks tsome cmmplon of scence who show tems more ing than wae They sake grt abe to be se Bars rhe nel oth concede ave ot Skea on ofits pesos stot abd we ea tl pint 1 The for the fy ming to all beholder Wale ‘Now Zion; go rand aout het sack ye el et bu tes; tht ye may fl to he generating flog” Atte stack of selene men ol 2ebound gant temarve tan arayof Llane weet mach Opn Gat and fe thee porgun asi & we shoo ik {ere pulsimoce inthe guzon tobe Yty mach sited orto "ic avake night” let the ight es ‘Hou be tumbing abot their cae Me do ox ean to fap tat our meno sence re igs Filipina, On i comeny, ne cknowedge ltr ring ad bili, End ine oars ave the rests pose respect or thems Buren they go out Del sper o open Te he ven foundations othe wave theo indsd "He the ach the hears abl Ip, te Lord hal ve them in dean” We coat bet mile tates whieh seco toate Let not awe nba beter in Chistaniy Be dixie The foundations of God stand sue They reve tle long before we wete Dorsal wil emai og Ter we bave pated aay WAITING FOR THE LORD. “The ape tol the Thessloian etre tat they a eed a il to serve the ig od, and to wat er So fom heaven, wot be aa fom he ded fre eso va delivered fom the rath t come" Thaw (to. This b the te sandog ofthe church versace Jers sd, *11 Tgp sway, Tell come agin” vcr sine men cathe in ite en! sy "Tie ae ests cal occ in ite moras ye have sen Bi go fee beaen 3" ever ce the pace of Go gh en tat ‘Geyingwogeines and wey lst hey shod te fobety fahenesi, and gal in this praca wo losing for dat Bled bop, othe glove apensing of the at Go snd oot Snir Jess Chis,” eve sie ae Erte ty to thom that ok fo i, He hall appene der, they bope ta the eb fx he ce tat 10 Be Trowgh uo ten “atthe revelation Jvc Chri." ‘THE BIBLE Tas in postin very many ae ocipying oahy ring fr the Son € God fine Resen, long fo pean logiag to 0 Ni face. Othe ae wag to ing for thy and some fo that event tespite. Dat id all he cre ae il pasel etal on Toaugh Ale storms snd trpeste of eigen handed years ey Tae been wating fo the Lod to come, ‘They bare not en aking for wot poverty, tego adeancenent or eatly gender sod glory bt ll hgh is dary wast of ages thief hasbeen on the coming he Land Tit hope has ben thre. Faiths gate has been tx pon the atheing pap of ta advent he Son of Gol. Anda wien tlt sod term tile and teopiatons have came, they Bae aed fwd oat dye No di ‘pine could sake thle ih. Kingdoms roe an gona ll; gropety cts, and peoperiy dete section stse and perscans subnided; ouphost the whole oft they were formar; thoagbot the Whee tthe koe the panion aad ati the darks othe ak ge, amid the tides of tele pectin Us one hope has ees te an anciorto eso, "The hac bare Tees waing fr the Son of Ga, Shoe ave wei Wh wing, They sty the Lard will neve ret, Song, wore with long daly, nou ll she ns ley cote.” Seofers walling af their on Jin; moc ar antipaton andes al the wag, A hoping and sighing, od fayng of the chach fo cen hnndred year as been ia ain Dat sil he ‘role of God wa aud amit the wack of stony te tant and ortho of governments hile God gee hes Maare wicked to the sword they wate and at a ope ‘The sig that sng rondo tnd he mae ht thee | omc horn, tl wa the Great ay at band Totus be wtf eta be diigo, le sb ha ye ‘il wile and eta sh ce wl come a wll at fury" That coming for whl te church hss longed Atroagh the ages pasts ly drawing nih andes hal bebo hoe igh et min the bur of ur Confit be ste It enn he rst en, Se el a art ae is STANDARD. arta a Tue mond i ofen se, bat many do not andentnd its impo ‘The tem seers 10 oalacion of balling on one of the seven ils f Rome, which cove 4 sate of ertvetundted fet in length by one thousand fot Ja breath eis ballon the spot once ccaped by the den othe crt Nera It oves ie xg othe Bacon Jo Roe, who, in the enly fut of the sth centay, ected an bamie rene oot. Abouthe ya 1450 Pope Bogen eu on 2 gato scale. Tonactt afew yearsatevsrs gvelup a llega Peter I, Xing of Aragon rane removed the Papal Sce fom Rome to Avion itn the Valiasrnsined in cnn of otneurty and ‘eta of the Ponca Couto Rome, a erent which a hen meal raed fr by he good Pettey ad ate of resi agin ele, bd wae henceorand eansdred as sere lace dd edcne of the Popes, bo one afer the ther aed ten ings fo iene Padaly cored with anti s pcc and broky nil besnne the cet Spoon he worl Sande years got cts yous mans snong which ete sme by Py, St Thomas, St Cie Bonomeo, aod may Hew, Syie, Arabian nd "The whole of te iene bangs composing the vaca or led wih attr found eneath he rao ascent Rome, wih paintings by the mas and wih ou elle and antigen of every ererition When iesnowm th there haeboeexumed more hen sn oan ates fom the rd temples od plas of ome the rede an rm she Set of the ihe fhe Vato," Vatian wil ever be Belin vnc by She sadet, the artis and the las Raphael ad Mice Aga are enroned thes ond th hone wll ica drab w he love of bony and gna te ears 14th centappe TO OUR READERS, the “Rime Stasoano” in. New Zeaind, and ne a anil th ye ve been pred soothe else o i Deat_Wellae hi ding the yur many then ti hav {ag eens Being to sen towing ik lt dacorer the Tigh upon the strip vw of tats ture and desta, we ovsches hang wctived wt we now upon the abject Go thr wa veo the bale with eer, sperston, and psu log eo we wee Thm. Our pardon i py to tke own next Por sible way the grat Fact Unt Inmarsat Throw Cs son, ad thatthe sane Fs who em Int our world sb tho do for ou in and who tse fom the dead ot aeseation, coming un ake he kingdoms foe Hove, and thu lg ue gal lag, Tone ae great tad precious tie, tts which ong to make mp oh every flr 1 rng thts bore ‘the mas both by wice and pen We sppel to erry baler to ep os inthis work in every dearest of Chetan work. One ofthe mast inp eingeto e dooe fo ccd fr and we te lemtare beating pon the ‘Tate we holy and we et ‘he inde wll make apc et ring he coming eet, "odie the "Brats Srascasa” nye nes I tery one wos tak sy, tl adoen copes and tx tht heya wal ehclated amongst tho who vil rex, his fannot il produce good reas We hope tose out tielaton doe nse wile y this mens We te erate to syply cop fo hi pepo ta pice ewer than cot and in te shal be ld a yet ke ino this work, May our Tutor in heaven le ey ‘fl po forth inthis wok sour payee,” Arwen THE BIBLE STANDARD, us pea New eh ip te pada fy he oe i suey ly Ria on Grae weaned ee Sf Je he ‘tae tem ac foe rs re of the thera oa wait Sonptd a egw ee NOTICE Slee Jy sed 2s a wr 30, ily fo ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD, a MONTHLY CATALOGUE OF BOOKS fa utd a Bite Standard” Ofte ie ree LINDUM HOUSE, VINCENT STREET, AUCKLAND catia Arie a in gue meas «nit GNuaD! Eid | ROR EE ae H A GRITICAY GREEK, AND ENGLISH CONCORD: eg et Cre ale Sr SAPS PN cea pone eH Sete et Rabe aus Lobe Pon By MILES GRANT SPIRITUALISM UNVEILED, an shorn tobe the Work slpeaes "Ragptae” Set Pe SPIRITIN MAN, Whats ie? Pie [THE SOUL: a Ble View fits meaning, Price 6 LC MAN AND EAZARUS, THE THUEF ON TH FALL, THINGS—The all thins altaya ea sup, INGDOM AND THE CHURCH, Ber DISCUSSIONS ON EXTINCTION, ‘Trey Dsconions secrete tne ee " osonon& mEOWs is uome GUIRY SE TEP ‘gi baa ~ 4 oy. vousran rea Inge, PS¥GHOLOGY., In Pace Pa 1 ‘THE GREAT Dead et Sele Sey Kaos Poca eres Eee eae eee orice to ove Sunscninens—We whit du atiention fo the Tact that out met ise commences another ear; ‘here our end weil pease remember tha the eary sions are dae. PLEASE RIM AT noun VOLUMES Wear having few sf the uta Suna bed in “hts ‘Ths wie rol He eye emron ‘pese sued tn ir oer atone et Wale 6 pw pl BACK NUMBERS ve tae or hand it 12 Seto Duck Nunes ‘emis oe he oh canbe Bd ft Ir ote Sel ty pun any ore ed ‘uty fe aon eds py he Ponoae ze nti = SEER oe eer Tibia eta an eran ong Sepp et one aps Te oDREE BEE ait ce ne a

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