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Danielle Lois L.

Yu April 24,2010
BSN-3 NA Mrs. Ma . Charisma Requerme , RN

Pelvic Laparotomy- left salpingo-oophorectomy

-it is the surgical removal of an fallopian tube and the left ovary. This surgery is performed to treat ovarian
or other gynecological cancers, or infections caused by pelvic inflammatory disease.

Instruments used:
Scalpel - used to dissect, incise, separate, or excise tissues
Metzenbaum- used for cutting or dissecting delicate tissue
Mayo Scissors- used for dissecting heavy tissue / used for cutting sutures, dressings and drains
Toothed forceps- they are being serrated, provide firm hold on tough tissues-including skin
Pick ups or thumb forceps- they are tapered with serrations at the tip (they will not injure delicate
structures )
Babcock forceps- used to pick up or hold soft tissue and vessels
Mosquito forceps- used to occlude blood vessels
Kelly forceps- used to occlude blood vessels
Pean forceps- used to occlude blood vessels
Heaney forceps
Richardson retractor- for exposing and retracting for exposure of the surgical site
Army-navy retractor- for exposing and retracting for exposure of the surgical site
Needle holder- used to grasp and hold curved surgical needles
Suction machine- suction body fluids, blood, tissue, and irrigating solution
Towel clips- used to clip for the drapes and for the suction

Sutures used:
All are absorbable sutures

1. Peritoneum - Chromic 2-0

2. Muscle - Chromic 2-0
3. Fascia - Vicryl 1-0
4. Subcutaneous - Plain 2-0
5. Skin - Vicryl 1-0

*Regional Anesthesia was used

-Spinal anesthesia

Nursing care of Clients During the Immediate Postoperative Recovery

Position client to promote patent airway and prevent aspiration.
Avoid exposure of the client. To protect privacy and prevent chills.
Avoid rough handling of the patient. This affect his/ her comfort.
Avoid hurried movement and rapid changes in position. This may cause hypotension.
Perform baseline assessment:
*Vital signs
*Status of respirations
*General color
*Level of consciousness
*Type and amount of IV fluids or blood transfusion
*Special equipments

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