David Miliband Small Document Pt. 2.

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George Osborne and David Cameron will Cut our Sure Start Centres in South Shields. * Cut Child Tax Credits and Child Trust Funds. * Give a £200,000 tax break to each of the 3000 wealthiest estates in the country. * Threaten winter fuel payments, free prescriptions, bus passes. David Cameron's record speaks for itself He voted against - the Minimum Wage. He voted against - Extending paid matemity leave. He won't commit to keeping Education Maintenance Allowances. Against extra funding for Health. Bid tH j|| Same old Tories - | i Same old policies Our pledges for a future fair for all Beton SSR ao NEN Na Lea economic growth, fait texes and cuts to lower priority Seas Ralse family living standards Raise family living standaids, keeping mortgage rates a5 low as possible; Increasing tax credits for femilies ‘with young children; providing new help for first-time Duyers; end restoring the link between the state. pension and earnings from 2012, Ere mec ENE Ukcaiec leer ener rad irae roe eeu eee) ean Keres een sees se Cle UN tua sudo cent n

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