Fes Letter To Parents 2014-2015

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November, 2014

Dear Parents and Students,

Mr. Causarano will be chaperoning three trips to the Oregon Ridge Nature Center this school year.
Students will attend on the following dates:
Monday 11/24 Period 3
Tuesday 11/25 Period 4
Tuesday 12/2 Period 7
On this trip, students will have the opportunity to experience nature and learn about the impact that humans
have on the environment around them. Information learned on the trip directly applies to the
Environmental curriculum. At Oregon Ridge we will participate in a moderate hike where we will explore
a freshwater stream ecosystem and an aquatic habitat. In doing so, students will learn about types of
organisms that are indigenous to this region and the role they play in their ecosystem. We will discuss the
importance of stream health to the Chesapeake Bay; as well as the impact that our increasing population
has had on streams and the bay. Students will have the opportunity to explore a local ecosystem on a first
hand basis.
Trip time: 9:30 1:30. After homeroom, students will report to their normal 1st and 2nd period classes.
Students will leave their second period classes at approximately 9:20 to drop off their books at their locker
and to get their materials for the trip. Students will meet at lobby next to the main office and we will board
the bus at 9:30am. We will return to FMS at around 1:30 PM. Students will be dismissed to their lockers
and then their 7th period classes. Students are to take their normal transportation home at the end of the
school day.
Materials to bring: (please bring trash that you can take home with you)
Small backpack
Camera (optional - there is a chance that it could get wet, so no expensive equipment)
Clothes for the weather and the environment (watch the weather for that day)
Good, comfortable, durable shoes! Well be hiking for a good part of the day.
Special Note: If weather is a concern for the day of the trip, the trip may be cancelled. If this is the case, a
message will be posted to the Engrade Calendar as soon as possible.
Any questions? Feel free to email me- rcausarano@bcps.org or call 410-887-1114
Emergency on the day of the trip? You can reach me at 443-928-3515.
Ralph Causarano
FMS Science
If your child or the student for whom you are responsible does not have permanent housing, is temporarily
staying in a shelter, group home, or with friends/family due to economic hardship, please contact his/her
principal to ask for a waiver and copy of the brochure entitled Homeless Children and Youth in Baltimore
County Public Schools.
If there is medical information pertinent to my childs participation, I will contact the school nurse in order
to evaluate, revise, and update information that may already be on file. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION

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