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Sara Ismail
Pioneers Baccalaureate School-Nablus, Palestine
March 15, 2016
After being accidentally created by a Swiss chemist, LSD became one
of the most dangerous drugs in the world. It is synthesized by lysergic acid
which is found in the ergot fungus. This hallucinogen causes many severe
side effects including mood swings, depression, distorted perceptions and
many more. LSD spread to the U.S to be experimented as a military
weapon and eventually became illegal. From there, it spread to many more
countries in Europe including Germany. It is not as common in Asia
besides in Russia. Its presence is not existent in Palestine as of yet. LSD has
no medical purpose yet scientists are working on figuring out whether it
can cure cancer or not.
LSD was first introduced to the world in 1938 in Basel, Switzerland.
While working for Sandoz Pharmaceutical, Albert Hoffman synthesized
the drug to stimulate blood circulation. However, this didnt go as planned
as it turned out to be a hallucinogen and did not act as a blood stimulate.
The hallucinations and the other side effects were not discovered until
Albert injected himself with LSD accidentally in 1943. He experienced great

hysteria and pleasantness. Hoffman came to the realization that the

hallucinogen can cause severe effects from only a small dose of 25
micrograms. Experiments did not stop there. Physiatrics took over his
research because of the fact that LSD was similar to an already existing
chemical in the brain. This lead to the assumption that it can be used as a
psychiatric treatment. After many trails, nothing was discovered so the
research halted. Instead, the United States came upon the idea of using it as
a military chemical weapon to control the personalities of a targeted
population or soldiers. Eventually in 1967, LSD use became illegal in
Europe and the USA.1
The materials used to build the following model include:
1. Toothpicks
2. Marshmallows
3. Gummy bears

Name of the Drug
LSD, the abbreviation for the German meaning, stands for d-lysergic
acid diethylamide Later on, it was identified as LSD-25 because of the
number of processes it took to create it. Other street names include: acid,
blotter, blotter acid, purple haze, electric kool-aid and many more.2
Chemical Makeup
LSD was developed from lysergic acid that is contained in the ergot
fungus found on rye grains. The chemical formula is C20H25N3O.3
Chemical Structure
Color Code:
Carbon: Black
Nitrogen: Blue
Hydrogen: White
Oxygen: Red4

Purpose of the Drug

This drug was suppose to be created as a blood stimulate but that
ended up failing which resulted in it becoming a hallucinogen. As of
now, LSD has no beneficial effect on people besides the feeling of
pleasantness. However, doctors are looking into this huge research topic.
Recently, they have been experimenting to discover if LSD is the cure to
cancer. Up until now though, no real purpose has been found.

Side Effects of the Drug


Extreme changes of mood

Feeling many emotions all at once
Mood swings
Delusions and hallucinations
Diluted pupils
Nausea and loss of appetite
High blood levels and increased heart rate
Dry mouth and tremors
Distorted perception of the size and shape of objects
Senses cross over making it seem as if you can hear colours and
see sounds
Depression or psychosis
Panic attacks

Presence in the World

LSD is very common in the USA. Around 3.1 million people have
admitted to using LSD in America. It is also found in Europe in mainly
Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Hungary and Poland. It
is not very popular in Asia. However, it is found in Russia and Eastern
Asia. Recently, LSD usage in Africa and Asia has been ascending.6
Presence in Palestine
LSD remains nonexistent to this day in Palestine.
I would like to thank PBS especially Ms. Meha for providing me with a
space to do my research on LSD.


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