Lesson 4

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Name: Athari Obaid Aleghefli

16 March 2016 Wednesday

Grade 4/3

CCSS Math Strand:

Unit 9 : Fractions and

Lesson 3 : relate fraction and
decimals with money

CCSS Standards:
Write parts of tens as a parts of hundred on two ways on fractions and decimals.
Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

The students will be able to write the portions of fractions decimals with
teacher books

Page 125

student book(s)

Page 125

worksheets/ papers


teacher materials

Markers/ PowerPoint/ grocery/ money/ decimal

squares / reinforcement card

student materials/

Grocery board, money, fractions, decimals, money



I Pad: Data show : PowerPoint



Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):


Decimal in dirhams

glossary definition
A digit from a 1 number or more.


Students Prior Knowledge:

Students able to identify the money such as one dirham, half dirham.
Students able to write the numbers from 0 to 100
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
Students will make some noisy when they will start the activity
Put a timer about 5 minutes only to finish the activity.

Lesson Schedule

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):

The teacher beginning the lesson by playing a game with them and says here I have a game that I
want you to choose the correct answer according to the questions that will be shown on the
PowerPoint. Are you ready to play the game? Now we will start with the first question who will
answer I will play the video and stop then will see whos number will be from the students names
The teacher plays the video and stop it now we will see this number beside whos names for
example 15 (Khalid) come and choose a number or a color
Students moves and choose a number then answer the question on the board.
The answer of the first slide is ( 6/10) (appendix 1)
The teacher says excellent Khalid now he gets a point.
The teacher plays the video again and stops, she read the number and search for the student name on
the list
A student comes to the board and chooses a number then solve the question. The answer of the
second slide is (5/10)
The students get a point
The teacher plays the video again and stops, she read the number and search for the student name on
the list
A student comes to the board and chooses a number then solve the question. The answer of the
second slide is (25/100)
The students get a point
The teacher plays the video again and stops, she read the number and search for the student name on
the list
A student comes to the board and chooses a number then solve the question. The answer of the
second slide is (6/10)
The students get a point
The teacher plays the video again and stops, she read the number and search for the student name on
the list
A student comes to the board and chooses a number then solve the question. The answer of the
second slide is (2 and 15/100)
The students get a point
The teacher plays the video again and stops, she read the number and search for the student name on
the list
A student comes to the board and chooses a number then solve the question. The answer of the


second slide is (0.8)

The students get a point

Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

The teacher starts the lesson by tell the students a story about a friend who would like to visit a
restaurant to eat pizza with his friends (Appendix 2).
And says hello my friend my name is Khalid and this is my friend Ahmed,
teacher says responds to them boys
students says hello Ahmed and Khalid,
Complete the story Today we are going to visit restaurant to eat pizza.
Teacher says do you pizza? When did you eat pizza last time? Students
Students says yes, yesterday.
Complete the story We want some helps to cut the pizza for me and for my friend
Teacher says would you like to help them?
Students say yes of course.
Complete the story This is a whole pizza and we want to eat it together what should we do? I want
one pizza for me and one for my friend
Teacher says how would you give the pizza for them? How many pieces each one need?
Students say each one will have the half of the pizza
Teacher says excellent, you got it right, the means if we cut it on half we will have how many
Students say 2 pieces
Teacher says excellent, 2 pieces and each one will have one pizza that means 1 from?
Students say one from two
Teacher says that means Khalid got 1 half pizza also Ahmed has the same, who will told me how
can I write the fraction of half pizza?
Students say 1/2
Teacher says excellent,
Complete the story two of my friend will visit us to share the pizza with me and Ahmed, who will
help us to equal the pizza for each of us?
Teacher says now theyre four persons that mean the fraction will be 4 and each one of them want
one equal pizza how I can solve it?
Students say we can cut it into four pieces where each one will get 1
Teacher says very good, they are four and each person want only one piece but how can I write it as
a fraction?
Students say 1/4
Teacher says excellent you can get your point. Now lets imagine this square is the whole pizza, we
know that this square is about 100 yes or no?
Students say yes
Teacher says if I want the half of this 100 how many squares I will have?
Students say 50
Teacher says if I want only the 1/4?
Students say 25
Teacher says excellent, lets imagine that this is one dirham 100 cents and I want the half of it I

will have 50 cents while if I want the half it will be 25 cents (Appendix 3)
If I have 50 cents and 50 cents what will I have?
Students say 100 cents
Teacher says that means I have one dirham, and now I want the half of 50 cents how many 25 do I
Students say 2
Teacher says if I have 25 + 25 I will have 1/2 which is 50 cents, as you see here if I want one
dirham I need two 50 cents, which is 1/2 + 1/2 and if I want one 1/2 I need also two of 1/4 + 1/4
which is 25 cents.
Teacher says Now we will visit a grocery to buy some cars each group will have different kinds of
many some of them cents and some fractions and some are written, I want you all to put the money
as its needed, looks here I have 100 cents how many cents or half do I need to buy the yellow car? I
will set a timer and I want you to stick all the correct answers on flash card that you have
2 minutes only
Teacher says Now stops, and the leaders please collect the boards and bring it to me, lets see your
works and the winner group each student will have a points.
Teacher checks the answers with the students and give points for the winners groups (Appendix 4).

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

Teacher will distribute worksheet that the students need to solve (appendix 5)
Now I will give you worksheet that I want you to write the fractions and draw circles as its needed
on the worksheet


Appendix 1 ( the warm up )

Appendix 2 (the story)

Appendix 3

Appendix 4 Groups work

Appendix 5 worksheet

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