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(Brandon Brown)

(February 28, 2016)
Kimberly Werking

Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

Technology is becoming a huge part of the classroom today. There is probably no school
in the United States that is not using technology in some capacity. The traditional classroom that
usually consists of books, teachers, and pencils and paper is almost absolute. Today, most
classrooms are using computers, laptops, projectors, smart-boards, and etc. to enhance studentlearning. Technology in the classroom is not only enhancing student-learning, but it is also
enhancing communication with parents, teachers, and the students.
Technology to Enhance Communication
Global Community:
Teachers are constantly trying to find new ways to engage and communicate with their
students. One of the most new ideas is organizing a global community. The global community
allows the teachers and the students to communicate with other students around the globe to
share or exchange new ideas and rationale through virtual, live chat, or video. The evolution of
communication technology has changed how the world communicates today (Jones, 2003). In
the past people use to use cave drawings, scrolls, and smoke signals to satellites to transmit
information across the world (Jones, 2003). Now, technology and the world-wide web have
enabled the world to communicate with each other with a click of a mouse or button.
Video Prompting and Video Modeling:

However, for students, there are some advantages and disadvantages with technology in
the classroom. The advantages of having technology in the classroom are that most devices are
provided by the schools, it enhances learning skills, and it accommodates the different learning
styles. Some of the technology modalities that are being used are video modeling (VM) and
video prompting (VP). In order to use VM or VP, a mobile device and internet has to be
provided. VM and VP allow students to engage in safe virtual experiences to enhance learning
as well as enhance social, functional, and vocational skills (Kellems, Grigal, Unger, & et al.,
2015). This type of technology can assist a child with a math problem and show them how to tie
a shoe all at the same time (Kellems, Grigal, Unger, & et al., 2015). The disadvantage of this
type of technology are problems caused by archaic or non-reliable technology, restriction of
internet access, inadequate access to district technology personnel, incompatibility of operating
systems, and having teachers who are not fully trained to operate the system (Kellems, Grigal,
Unger, & et al., 2015). For the most part, technology is only good as the operator.

Cell phones, Emails, and Live Chat:

In retrospect, studies have shown that parental involvement in schools and their childs
learning is a key part of student success (Olmstead, 2013). So, technology is becoming very
important to the working parent. Parents are not able to be part of the PTO or have parentteacher conferences to track the progress of their child due to having to work multiple jobs or
jobs that do not have convenient hours to accommodate the meetings. Many parents
communicate with their childs teachers by cell phone, through email, or live chat.
Parent Portals:

According to Olmstead, parent portals are being developed to allow parents to access
students grades, courses, homework assignments, and attendance. Olmstead states that these
portals allow parents to communicate directly with the teachers via email through a direct link if
they may have questions about their childs progress.
Communication Internet Security and Safety
Internet security is very important when using technology and when communicating via
the web. Many teachers, students, and parents are using the mobile device to retrieve emails,
check parent portals, download apps, text, and etc. Using your mobile device to communicate
with others could jeopardize the persons identity and safety. Xu, Q., Jun, G., and Bo, X. stated
that the Chinese Internet Information Network Center (CNNIC) reported that by the end of June
2011, the Chinese mobile internet users would have grown to over 485 million, and 318 million
of them are accessing the internet using their mobile phones (2012). So, people are getting away
from the traditional computer to communicate, which leads to an increasing fear of privacy
violations, hackers, malicious spam ware, virus, pornography, illegal online gambling, drug
dealing websites, and etc. (Xu, Jun, & Bo, 2012). When communicating via internet, parents,
students, and teachers, should make sure they do not open suspicious mail, log onto unfamiliar
websites, do not communicate with strangers, do not respond to suspicious ads, do not give out
any personal information, and etc.
Using technology to communicate is and can be a useful tool if people know how to
communicate with others safely and professionally. Parents, teachers, and students can respond
easily to each other in a timely manner, it is convenient for the working class, and easily
accessible. Using technology to communicate is a big adjustment to many people, because many

people did not grow up using computers and smart-phones and are not tech savvy. So, using
technology is only effective as its user.
Jones, K. (2003). Ideas for Integrating Technology Education into Everyday Learning.
Technology & Children, 8(1), 19.
Kellems, R.O., Grigal, M., Unger, D.D., Simmons, T.J., Bauder, D., & Williams, C. (2015).
Technology and Transitions in the 21st Century. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(6),
336-343 doi:10.1177/0040059915588089
Olmstead, C. (2013). Using Technology to Increase Parent Involvement in Schools. Techtrends:
Linking Researching & Practice to Improve Learning, 57(6), 28-37. doi:10.1007/511528013-0699-0
Xu, Q. x., Guo, J. g., & Xiao, B. x. (2012). The Study of Content Security for Mobile Internet.
Wireless Personal Communications, 66(3), 523-539.

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