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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 12, 2016

When is serving humanity equal to service to God? Bhagawan gives us a

profound wake-up call today.

Many state that service to humanity (manava-seva) is service to

God (Madhava-seva). It is true. Although the service of humanity is holy, unless it is
merged in the bigger ideal of divinity in everyone, people wont benefit, however
huge the service. Quoting the slogan is useless if service is done with an eye on
name and fame and the fruits of ones action. Only when you constantly contemplate
on the Lord, follow true and righteous means in execution, and work with faith in the
essential divinity of people, then the service to humanity truly becomes service to
God. Without thoughts of God how can service to God originate? All such talk is
mere show. In fact those who are immersed in the uninterrupted contemplation of the
Lord need not do any other task at all. The fruit of their prayer itself can make the
world holy. However all cant be thus engaged, so others must prepare for that stage
by purifying their mind and diminishing their desires.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 71

Remember that whomsoever you may serve, you are serving God. Baba
12 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:mwnv syvw,iks vyly mwDv syvw bx jWdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry jwgrUp krdy hn[

au`qr: keI lok kihMdy hn ik mwnv syvw hI mwDv syvw hY[aunHW dw ieh kQn s`c hY[BwvyN mwDv syvw,piv`qr hY
pr ies syvw dw lkS hr iek iv`c,idvXqw pYdw krnw honw cwhIdw hY[jy ies qrHW nhIN huMdw qW syvw ij`nI mrzI
v`fI hovy,lokW nUM ies dw koeI lwB nhIN hovy gw[mwnv syvw-mwDv syvw dy nwAry dw koeI ArQ nhIN rih jWdw jy
ieh syvw Awpxy nW Aqy mShUrI dI Kwqr kIqI jwvy jW auh syvw ,Pl dI ie`Cw nUM mu`K r`K ky kIqI jWdI hY[ieh
syvw,aus vyly hI mwDv syvw bxy gI jd ieh Bgvwn nUM Arpx dy rUp iv`c kIqI jWdI hY Aqy s`cy mn nwl lokW
iv`c idvXqw pYdw krn nUM mu`K r`K ky kIqI jWdI hY[Bgvwn nUM Xwd kIqy ibnW,syvw ikvyN mwDv syvw bx skdI
hY?ies qrHW dI gl krnw ,kyvl ivKwvw hY[ies dy ivprIq,ijhVy lok,lgwqwr Bgvwn au`qy Awpxw iDAwn kyNidRq
krdy hn aunHW nUM hor koeI kMm krn dI koeI zrUrq nhIN rihMdI[aunHW dI iek pRwrQnw hI,swry sMswr nUM piv`qr
kr skdI hY[ies scweI dy vwvjUd vI swry,ies qrHW nhIN kr skdy[ies leI ,aunHW nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh vI
Awpxy mn nUM piv`qr krn Aqy AwpxIAW ie`CwvW nUM Gtwaux[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 71)[ Xwd r`Ko,ijhdI mrzI
qusIN syvw krdy ho,auh Bgvwn dI hI syvw hY[(bwbw)

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