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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 13, 2016

What should we always seek and pursue? Bhagawan, our Loving God kindly
explains to us today.
Do not feel proud about your cleverness or intelligence or about
your ability to win laurels in studies. Good character and
righteous thinking are more valuable than scholastic
achievements, wealth, power or intellectual abilities. Utilise your
intelligence and thoughts for achieving bliss which comes from
leading a life of righteousness and goodness. Let your life be
dedicated to ideals. The Lord is secured and bound only by the
intensity of your devotion. The Ganges of true devotion must
flow from your heart. Everything that is associated with Divinity
has its origin in the heart. Hence the heart should be emptied of
all evil and kept pure and unsullied by right action. It may not be
possible to escape the consequences of one's good and bad
actions. But even a mountain of sin can be wiped out by
winning the grace of the Divine. Hence one should strive to earn
the love of God, which is all-embracing and all-powerful.
- Divine Discourse Jan 13, 1984

True devotion really means installing the Divine in your heart and enjoying
the bliss of that experience. Baba
13 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,iks cIz dI kwmnw krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy aus nUM hwsl krn dI koiSS krnI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ies cIz dw kdy vI GmMf nw kro ik mYN bVw huiSAwr hW,bu`DImwn hW jW mYN pVHweI iv`c swirAW qoN izAwdw
huiSAwr hW[pVHweI iv`c huiSAwr hoxw,bhuq AmIr hoxw,bhuqw SkqImwn hoxw jW hr kMm iv`c kuSl hoxw,izAwdw
mh`qqw nhIN r`Kdw [mh`qqw r`Kdw hY ik kI qusIN sdwcwrI ho Aqy Drm dy rsqy au`qy cldy ho?Drm dI pwlxw
krn Aqy cMgy kMmW nUM krn qy ijhVw AwnMd imldw hY,aus nUM hwsl krn leI AwpxI bu`DI Aqy Su`D ivcwrW dw
pRXog kro[quhwnUM,AwdrS jIvn ibqwauxw cwhIdw hY[ij`nI quhwfI,Bgvwn leI SRDw hovy gI au`ny hI Bgvwn quhwfy
nyVy hox gy[quhwfI BgqI dI gMgw,quhwfy idl iv`coN vgxI cwhIdI hY[idvXqw nwl juVI hr cIz dw sRoq,quhwfw
idl hY[ies leI cMgy krm kr ky Awpxy idl nUM burweIAW qoN dUr r`K ky aus nUM piv`qr r`Ko[koeI vI mnu`K,Awpxy
v`loN kIqy bury Aqy cMgy krmW dy Pl qoN bWJw nhIN rih skdw ArQwq mnu`K nUM Awpxy v`loN kIqy krmW dw Pl

Bugqxw hI pYxw hY[jy Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd iml jwvy qW burweIAW dy phwV dw vI ivnwS ho jWdw hY[ies leI
Bgvwn,ijhVy srv-SkqImwn Aqy ipAwr krn vwly hn,aunHW dw ipAwr ij`qx dI koiSS kro[(13 jnvrI,1984
dy idvX pRvcn)[
s`cI BgqI dw AslI ArQ ieh hY ik Bgvwn(idvXqw) nUM Awpxy ihrdy iv`c vswau Aqy aus qoN imldy AwnMd dw
AnuBv kro[(bwbw)[

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