March 16 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 16, 2016

What will be the result if we allow righteousness in our heart be devoted to

truth? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a profound message today.
Dharma when wedded to great a soul called Truth (Sathya), the children of
Earnestness (Shraddha), Compassion (Daya), Peace(Shanti), Prosperity (Pushti), C
ontentment (Shanthushti), Progress(Vriddhi), Modesty (Lajja), Honour (Gouravam) a
nd Liberation(Mukthi) will arise. Carefully examine yourself, if you are from the
above Dharma lineage or from that of Ignorance (Mithya) and
Unrighteousness (Adharma). When you assiduously practiceDharma, the Divinity
within you will manifest itself spontaneously. Do not limit Dharma to mere words. You
are the very embodiment of righteousness. But you will not be worthy of this
appellation if you do not lead a life of Dharma. Everyone must realise that to attain
oneness with Divinity is the goal of human life. Hence it is your primary duty to
develop faith in the Divine. With faith, you will lead a life devoted to Dharma,
Sathya and Neethi (Righteousness, Truth and Justice), and achieve the purpose of
your birth.
- Divine Discourse Jan 19, 1984

A peaceful mind is the abode of Love. Baba

16 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:jy AsIN,Awpxy ihrdy iv`cly Drm nUM, scweI nUM smripq kr dyeIey qW aus dw kI is`tw inkly gw?
Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek mh`qqw vwlw sMdyS idMdy hn[
auqr: jd Drm dw irSqw,iek mhwn Awqmw,ijs nUM scweI kihMdy hW,joV dyeIey qW aunHW dy b`cy ArQwq aunHW dovW
dy kwrx,SRDw,dieAw,SWqI,su`K,sMqoS,qr`kI,l`jw,gOrv Aqy mukqI imldI hY[Awpxy AMdr JwqI mwro Aqy iDAwn
nwl vyKo ik qusIN Drm dI rwh qy cl rhy ho jW moh-mwieAw Aqy AigAwnqw dy rwh au`qy cly hoey ho[jy qusIN
iemwndwrI nwl,Drm dy rsqy qy cly hoey ho qW quhwfy AMdrlI idvXqw,Awpxy-Awp pRgt ho jwvy gI[Drm
nUM,SbdW qweIN hI nw sIimq r`Ko[qusIN,Drm srUp ho[pr jy qusIN Drm qy nhIN clogy qW qusIN DrmI nhIN kuhwau
gy[hr mnu`K nUM Xwd r`Kxw cwhIdw hY ik jIvn dw audyS,idvXqw nwl iekp`n r`Kxw hY[ieh quhwfw pihlw Prz hY
ik qusIN Bgvwn(idvXqw) au`qy pUrw ivSvwS r`Ko[jd quhwfw,Bgvwn au`qy ivSvwS,Atl ho igAw qW quhwfw
jIvn,Drm,scweI Aqy ienswP vwlw ho jwvy gw Aqy qusIN,Awpxy jnm dw lkS hwsl kr lau gy[(19
jnvrI,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
iek SWqmeI mn,ipAwr dy rihx vwlw sQwn hY[(bwbw)[

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