March 17 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 17, 2016

When is the best time to adore the Lord? How should we draw comfort in our
daily living? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
There are no limitations of time or space for the establishment of
oneself in the contemplation of the Omnipresent Lord. For this, there
is nothing like a holy place or a special time. Wherever the mind
revels in contemplation of the Divine that is the holy place! Whenever
it does so, that is the auspicious moment! Then and there, one must
meditate on the Lord. Hence scriptures reveal, To meditate on God,
there is no fixed time or place. When and where the mind so desires,
then and there is the time and place! (Na kaala niyamo yathra, na
deshasya sthalasya cha Yathrasya ramathe chittham, thathra
dhyanena kevalam.) The world can achieve prosperity through
disciplined souls whose hearts are pure and who represent the salt of
the earth. To promote the welfare of the world, from this very minute,
everyone should pray for the advent of such holy personages, and
deserve the blessings of the great, and forget the sufferings of your
daily living.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 73.

If you are patient and calm, I shall grant you joy without fail. Do not yield to despair. Even the infant
lotus buds will bloom, in their own good time. Baba
17 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:Bgvwn dI pUjw krn dw,swirAW qoN cMgw ikhVw smW hY?AsIN,Awpxy jIvn iv`c,ikvyN su`K pw skdy
hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: srv-ivAwpk Bgvwn dI ArwDnw krn leI,nw qW smW dI Aqy nw hI sQwn dI koeI bMdS hY[ies kMm
leI ,nw qW koeI Kws piv`qr sQwn hY Aqy nw hI koeI Kws smW hY[swfw mn,ij`Qy vI Bgvwn dI ArwDnw iv`c juV
jWdw hY,auhI piv`qr sQwn hY[ijs smyN,ieh vwprdw hY,auhI Su`B smW huMdw hY[ausy vyly Aqy ausy jgHw,Bgvwn dw
ismrx SurU kr dau[Dwrimk gRMQW iv`c vI iehI iliKAw hY ik Bgvwn dI ArwDnw leI,koeI smW jW sQwn
inSicq nhIN huMdw[ijs vyly Aqy ijs jgHw,mn dI ie`Cw hovy,auhI Su`d smW Aqy Su~B sQwn hY[ies sMswr nUM,aunHW
AnuSwSwiSq AwqmwvW kwrx hI su`K imldw hY,ijnHW dy idl piv`qr huMdy hn Aqy ijnHW nUM,DrqI dy hIry m`inAw
jWdw hY[ies smyN qoN hI SMswr dI byhqRI leI,hr iek nUM Bgvwn nUM pRwrQnw krnI cwhIdI hY ik auh ies DrqI qy
auh piv`qr AwqmwvW dw Avqwr Byjx Aqy sMswrI du`KW nUM Bulky Awpxy-Awp nUM ie`nW cMgw bxwaux qW jo auh,aunHW
dw AwSIrvwd pRwpq kr skx[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 73)[

jy qusIN,sbr vwly ho Aqy SWq ho,mYN quhwnUM,hr hwlq iv`c KuSIAW dvW gw[audwsI A`gy,kdy nw Juko[ie`QoN qweIN ik
gulwb dIAW fofIAW vI Awpxy cMgy smyN iv`c iKl au`Tx gIAW[(bwbw)[

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