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AMITY'*«, Or? : CHANDIGARH [No. of Printed Pages — 4] MBA-104 Roll No. MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FIRST SEMESTER END TERM EXAMINATION : JANUARY — 2013 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Time ; 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70 Note: Attempt questions from all sections as directed. SECTION - A (30 Marks) Attempt any 5 questions. Each question carries 6 marks. 1. “Marketing begins before the production of goods and continues even after the sale has been made. But selling is concerned with transfer of ownership of goods already produced.” Explain. 2. “A marketer has to develop different marketing mix for each segment.” In light of the above statement explain the various levels of segmentation. 3. What are the various decisions involved in finalizing the Product Mix for any product ? Explain with suitable examples. 4, Explain the horizontal and vertical marketing systems of distribution management. 5. Explain marketing strategies for Leaders & followers. P.T.O. @) MBA-104 2 6. Write short notes on any two of the following : (a) Customer Delight (b) Push strategy of marketing (c) Levels of product SECTION - B (20 Marks) Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Discuss the consumer decision making process involved in the purchase of Sony digital camera. Explain in details the stages of product life cycle and factors affecting each stage. Also, explain how marketers can manage the stages of PLC. A Chennai based soft drink company has proposed to launch a new variant of a soft drink in three flavors- lemon, rose and orange priced each for Rs. 15 per 500 ml bottle. As marketing communication Consultant develop an ideal media mix specifying the message and your target market. SECTION - C (20 Marks) (Compulsory — Case Study) Maruti — Social Cause Maruti Udyog Limited’s (MUL) has taken it’s role as India’s lading automobile manufacturer very seriously indeed, espousing a range of social initiatives as part (4) MBA-104 3 of its espousing a range of social initiatives as part of its corporate ethos. Maruti’s social commitment has seen the company proactively embrace myriad initiatives ranging from creating awareness to providing solutions to the issues facing India and its people. MUL’s Philosophy of trying to make a difference in the environment it operates in percolates through its employees down to the process of manufacture and on to the product not that it ends there. Maruti’s involvement with the cars it manufactures continues for as long as the product itself, in the process itself involving the millions of satisfied Maruti owners across the country. Maruti’s social efforts were a key factor in company’s being awarded the CII EXIM Business excellence Award in November 1998. Maruti is the only second company to have won this prestigious award which covers all the aspects of a company’s operation. Recognizing its duty as India’s largest automobile manufacturer and as a responsible corporate citizen, Maruti launched an initiative to heighten environment awareness among the Indian masses in 1997. A series of television films were made, talking various issues of road safety, pollution control, good driving habits, vehicular maintenance amongst others. The films helped bring traffic and environmental concerns to the fore in an interesting and innovative manner. These films target all kinds of vehicle users and pedestrians. These films have been screened on doordarshan and various satellite channels across India, help raising B:T.0: «) MBA-104 4 awareness not just in metres but also other areas. Maruti Udyog limited, in association with the transport department also published a “handbook on safe driving. Maruti organizes free pollution check campus across the country to help car owners maintain their cars better and to inculcate awareness of the need for environmental protection. These camps are held for all the makes and are also organized for two wheelers. These camps are run in conjunction with the company’s extensive national dealer networks. Environment Protection and conservation of non renewable energy resources is an integral part of company’s ethos. One example of this is the installation of pollution monitoring stations within a radius of 3 km around the Maruti Factory and setting up of independent agency to monitor and keep a constant vigil on pollution levels. The objective is to ensure that the high standards reached by Maruti are never breached. Questions: (i) Discuss the marketing strategy of Maruti Udyog Ltd. To promote it as socially responsible organization using environment as a policy ? (7) (ii) What issues it has taken up to become a socially responsible organization ? Discuss in context of facts of above case. (7) (iii) How do Green initiatives like those discussed in the case help companies in better market standing ? (6) KKKK

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