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Train accidents in India


Series of Train Accidents
 In Bihar on 06 June 1981
 800 people where killed
 Cyclone blew train from track into the river.
Train Accidents
 1984 Train fell from Bridge near Charegaon, killed
 1988 – Kerala - 109.
 1995 – UP – 300 – collision.
 1997 – MP – 81 – Crashed into River.
 1998 – UP – 50.
 1998 – Punjab – 200 – Train Crash
 2006 – Mumbai – 200 – Bomb Attacks
 4th August 1999 - Gaisal Station, Kolkota,

W.Bengal - 300 killed and 100s injured - Two

trains Collided.
 2009 – UP – 21 - Goa Express rammed
Mewar Express.
Human Error
 November 1998.
 Jammu-Sealdah Express Hits Derailed Golden

Temple Frontier Mail.

 200 killed.
 Cause- Rail Fracture.
 Chief Engineer Failed to conduct Ultrasonic

 Concealed with Policy Failure.
Government Reactions
 No longer news – 100 deaths
 Ministry’s React???
 Human Error or Equipment

 Ex Gratia Payments
 Who are the criminals??
Safety Issues
 Indian Railway Network 107,000kms
 20 Mln Passengers and 2 mln tonnes Freight

 1.6 million employees.
 Covering 6,909 stations
 Over 200,000 (freight) wagons
 50,000 coaches and 8,000 locomotives
 Freight Traffic 620%
 Passenger Traffic 514%
 Inputs 200%
 Govt Failure in System and New

 Infrastructure Failure
 Lack of Funds
Issues Needs Attention
 Level Crossing
 Checking Tracks
 Traffic Signals
 Employees Part
 Terror Attacks
 Technologies
 Over Crowd
 Passengers’ Part
Human Errors Vs Need to improve
Safety Measures
 Human errors are inevitable.
 Safety Measures reduces risks.
 Safety Measures Needs to reduce

Human errors.
 Full elimination is not possible.
 Trainings reduces Errors.
 Sonar Railway Tracker.
 Automatic Level Crossing.
 Ultrasonic Scanners.
 Automatic Doors.
 Automated and Fixed Traffic

 Advanced Emergency Chain Stopper.
 Fire Resistant Materials.
 Human errors and equipment failures are the
major reasons for the train accidents.
Accidents can be less worsen if the proper
safety measures and the knowledge to use
the equipments properly.
 There are also lots of things depends on the

passenger part to reduce the accidents, this

can done through awareness and involvement
of passengers.
Thank U………

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