3-17-16 TCT Minutes

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2015-2016 ELA Teacher Curriculum Team

Meeting Date



Media Center


K. Brown

TCT Members Present B. Rzyski, P. Hunt. S. Floyd, D. Hartsell, L. Gibson, K. Brown, S.


7:15 AM

Agenda Items


Literacy Partnerships

Literacy Initiatives in
Charleston County

Reach Out and Read~ connecting Dr. Reid and Dr. Erich with
the Reach Out and Read Initiative. St. James Santee
Community Health Center is already a member.
Begin With Books~ There is already a community liaison with
the Begin With Books Program. She will be in attendance at
our Family Fun Night with family sign-up information.
Little Free Library~ Mr. Wilson has the plans. We will
continue to pursue this project with the building
construction students.
Clemson University Center for Corporate Learning~ There
are online summer programs available to all students from k12 levels. Flyers with information will be available to parents
at the Family Fun Night program.
Reading Partners~ Reading Partners has been a part of the
Charleston educational landscape since 2013, when they
merged with Book Buddies and began placing community
volunteers in low-income schools to help kids master basic
reading. One-on-one tutoring empowers students to succeed
in reading and in life by engaging community volunteers to
provide individualized, personal attention to each student in
our program. More info:
Cradle to Careers~ In 2012, a group of dedicated leaders
from the tri-county region came together to focus on our
communitys efforts for improving educational outcomes.
Knowing education is key to the quality of life and the
economic success of the region, we committed to a vision

2016 Summer

Family Fun Night

SC Ready

Magnetic Poetry~ Using the SMART board

Words with Friends~ board, letters, scorecard are created and
Flyers for Clemson University online free summer reading are
Begin With Books contacted and table will be available.
CCPL contacted and table will be available.
All middle school teachers have received current documents
regarding SC Ready testing.
Middle school ELA teachers also have COACH books to prepare for
SC Ready testing.
Middle school ELA teachers are reviewing current CCSD
Benchmark test results with students.

Submit your limerick to Ms. Hunt by 3:30 PM to become eligible

for the St. Patricks Day prize package.


Limerick challenge
The Statisticks Lottery

where every child will graduate from high school prepared

for either further education or a career in the modern
workforce. More info: http://tricountycradletocareer.org/
Read 2 Succeed Act~ http://ed.sc.gov/instruction/read-tosucceed/
Calendars~ Edit and revise current calendar drafts. Provide
written feedback to K. Brown
Materials~ Bags are on campus. Waiting on the books to

The mission of Lincoln Middle-High School is to help students acquire and use knowledge,
communicate effectively, and become responsible and respectful individuals. We are committed to
helping our students meet their individual goals while preparing each student for the challenges of the
21st century and beyond.

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