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Solutions to HW Problems oO Chapter_4 Selution fo problem 4-3 ; ae o ) Ter= Tre unit thickness in z~ direction W) sin BOS DO. ws AB LY 2 z? 2 : ZA EO SG (100) + (6 APH) 441) 00 ~ SINE (or) = (& 4.28 no) sind® Ca) — Tye (0849, ca) + (tho + EE og) mhP (AH) =O 0 2 a 28 2 by > GOKdET sev oot Sp Of ae - 2% eer ~ 26 ‘cntor, 2% ygay & 1 otro a 1G 0% 00). eu | 44 (Bar. 52 Sf) =o, = 2 4 1 26 & by tokly he Ga or sae + a AYs0 A870 (Problem 49 cant) ® Thpeso DS 6, 6+ fe ‘0s 48 ae : (+ 5p a0) Cs? (AY~ 6 cos 28 wr + (tre t GP OOsinDs or + Tp Sin DD. (ar) ~ Tro l¥O0)4 (to + te br) (08) (08) a6 7 Ae Exe > d& te 2 oY ie Qoar + 2%—% DT + 7 oy 7 + Ge (Orbe) aT U0 egy? + Sor erde + ay (61)" 00 => Mo , 1 My Ite, Al We 00, Oo - 4 + ( Be ote ar) =o WW 1 oe 26 0ee 26 ; > ie aa: ZT awk wt pet ye FO, z ] a rik aA ar 0, 68 7° Solution to problem 4.5 Reversing the direction of the ‘a' amis 0 equivalent fo rotating it in 180% in the physical plane. This corresponds to a 2x1f0= 360° rotation 3 ie in Movs cirtley which 0 Mee leaves the point a unchanged oe x thee oe - bis pow clockwise amis x ye On Mohr's circle “b’ ties below we tyae 300i the €-amis. Therelor tha is positive Ge pey Our Aigh CoVerhine The resulting shess picthure ts [ Z Shown. Th ia i dtityesd fe LX 120 MNIm?. thet sAhewr in By 4-13 (eo 3 a : CEspeciotl, tre davedin of tre Alton Abu ) Solution to problem b.8 Zum? { minimum principbl stress +! Lie 227 mnt, 1756 manrme Point A conesponds to (ies, 56) the lowest principle stress. iF is lecaked by laying at 2-7 T20+ Point B Corresponding ko 'y! in a4 waved located { Cnofe that Try is negative) Join AG. perpendicular bisector of AB intersects T-amis ak centre ¢ 7 7 Thus pM /en Os 266° 5) = 183 MN Ime >m 26s Op = 10S MN fn? So Colombian Delos hae Cente (e 2+ Go -Gawy => C= CB re = Fo mre sctr = oe men FE 6R-GIDE HOM Se ct Gaye ice © 26p = Sin! SRA = seg! SE =p aep= — S31 Com Ago meaner ony + 6 = C+ Y Cor [2p = 624 Fo Corcszd = los MPH Selukion Yo prablem An. From problem Y.10. Gr = 0 fe > GeeD) Dkr oe = © | Gram = Gain] s, a) Tmax = Smear cosee eG Gie0: ene 20 Od tee io ode wohichevey in grealer. Algo Siam = 5p Of Gy whichever rz be dlewect Vienc cm. Cannot pessibl y be equal f0 Groa0 (ose 2: Feo: Tman = 4 (fe - Fe) -dcm- ’ Som = So = EY 7 Pr : . 2 eee > Fe -anytP, then mom i always + fmm - Eq) 44) > Feo. To, = 0, fo= Py t > f= PX . zt monimum Zin 6-7 plane a (rn z= 5 (%-%) = Py. (randor = Se = FE =} Grower, (rom )oy vo not the Mmamimum shear sees] @ Solution to problem 4.1 + By symmeby it con be shown that the Aheor stvesser Tre ,Tep ond Ter Ae Zevo > Fao e yr . Ry $ Y= yodius of sphere. Pressure t I ep n a = Lguilibriu: Zim => ~ psnv? 4 Sp (2nrt) =o. Sienilarly "7 dnside surface 6, = -P, Outside surtoce oy = Hence it is reasonable to assume -P Shr 7S MNine TC . Mh = Ysingo = 34 Nm? Sketch ; (se Wa aba a) Nin . Defeat ea 52.5 MN tna a ee TE MAN Ime Solution te problem sui @ Exy = tim Ae AC prao AC Ee = lim ~ Lita + Cv 4 95 08) ~ | bo30 Tse =12Y ou vos ty | | a= dim [ argo (48a¢- eae) = F CE -(pr0] 40-10 : = rx Solution to problem 4.20 , Em = 800 x107§ Ext . (Sop $1): 2 a ey = lox 1o"& = Gso nist = (Ex=S) +(42)* Poy = = Boo xt, + SSE = (e224) $EAa x18" Mohv's Cirle; . = s30xio° Conese om € = (4804530) x0 = 480 x10-% Ca Caso- s30] x10 =~ n1078 Solubion to problem 21.23. bam = 800 x10-% Ey = 200 nore Poy = + 600 xlo“e wr Cea f 10° €x104 = | Les i = 522-8 cw. mw y's ames associated with mom rundeformed ; ~~ - deformed Nyy co xy Emin <0 Eyy' W = AMY Aink = 48604 Solution to problem yyy %! 30° Cw. from y¥’, fy = 2T(0S30> (3% Ky 5 -2% OS30> ~BTo Gy = -2&Sin30.= = T _ (we sign according $0 convent Tote state of stress. fez Ot BRE Et oo %-O-GR: BE Gy = To- & = Sime Gyeo , x and : ore Y=O, * and y are principal stress directions ) ve y’ XO AS? Cw. From x’, _ Pee : Ae x Sey eal : Lo + > CG le. at Ty > be 1 yy = / (“ sign according fo fe) 1 / x sign convention , (Problem 4:26 contd.) Tota) state of shes: Gp = 26-15 & = OF 6 Sy = O- FSG = -~ 156 Try = OFS = NS tc 20p= tans! Toy (Gs) = tant { V% ) ONGo\ 4 : —- oc = $6.3 2B 18° | Cew from x, Sclulfon to problem 4.27 Noe oe Te finds pu p Such that Vos Is 900 ps g, = Sooopsi on = S000 psi +n > I$000 Pst fe ep bee © and Zz are pee Bomex tee aaa . Noles + ¢= Smt 4 > 6, "om = CH S60 1 Soc S60 “Gs, gy B pr co. “ame oe - EE “ Fe oy. antt P= tlt) = )S0004+5000 , (ay C= 200 = lo000 psi. = 20000 psi 2z 3 %F p Sin-¢ {5000 -l0000 Se = 0 psi ve = = Creo = jg —~ = 0000 psi OF= 20x wx o1 x 20,000 = 26xIOS Ub. and pro, cz 150004 is000 A . teC= — ee IS000 Psi. 0 = IS,000 ps} y & =1S,o00psi. =o SD Fe 2naox 04x 1000 = 0.44 xioS Ab. P= ing X 18000 = 150 Abyinn = 150 pS oooeee © Solukon }o problem 4.28 Given: 6, = 20™Pa Ty a 5) = ue mea [e af bb. ny = 200m Te find: 6 wy. Tosketch: divections and magnitude. Sime Try is cow on x face | point x : be helow T-aWs On mohr's circle : dockwise tom 1- fare 1a force Cow frm x- force) L i) \ \ ' oe x ro OG 20 HD aos mPa 2 2 Ty = Ysinzo, 20= 32-5 sinto, a 205 38° or OF 14. 1405 4s ce Re. 2 Wins MPa. = Ox = C+Y cose - “I25+ 325 (osgg ~ WS Mh Q=z c-y (COS2@ = ~19.6 32-5 (tos By > —_— Sketch ea — tala fy 2131 Ma ==. 20 mea ml Oy = - 38.1 Mla Bs : a Try = 20 Popa, ® Solution to problem 4.32 = Element sides are chosen so as to have the same no. of 0 fibres on each side. TH AB=1 then BCS tone * FAD of a small element in ©-z plane The resin load. Thus @ and S% are obtained by deviding the nel Forces -carvied by the glass Pires by the appropriate areas. TN Ond Te ave fortes carvied by Fibres, Fevtew, Trey om get ae Be er each is shown doesrt ca ry any On face as: “DP be the no. of pibres on face DT sipw ont, sing : me Tm On face Bc D4 Cosy 4 PT tase : lane | Gone p > 8% — HD or qiven &) Tard % can be Gen T= eT Then 2MT sind py Ss found -as follows , my oa a. 2nT ¢ TOMS pr iv) t. tana at equations ii) and iv) give, + Siow tant = gy tanta <9 Ss 54.74" cose

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