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Mia Vega

Period 1

Star Trek T-Shirt

This design was fun to do because I enjoyed using different filters on it. I made it
have a comic book feel to it. I did this by applying a filter onto it.
Quickfire Design Challenge Logo
I did this logo on Illustrator and I didnt really like it. It was difficult to figure out
Illustrator. Trying to use Illustrator was probably the most challenging.
Vans Shoe (Hand Drawn)
I kept trying to figure out what to draw on my vans shoe until I thought about the
section they had which was something about town flavor or something like that, so I
decided instead of drawing a cactus I drew a cactus flower. I looked up what cactus
flowers look like and then I drew it to the best of my ability. I liked the way it turned out.
It was fun to color it in.
Vans Shoe (Photoshop)
Drawing the cactus flower on the shoe on Photoshop, was fun but it was quite
difficult. What made it difficult was that it was hard to match the right colors from the
drawing on paper. Overall, I liked the way they both turned out.
Personal Logo
The personal logo was fun because Ms.Lawson helped us use different tools to
make different shapes. She showed us that Illustrator has a lot of tools that you can use
to make, for example, a circle into a whirlpool lookin thing. It was a lot of fun finally
being able to use Illustrator in a fun way and getting to use tools that arent in
I am CTE Poster
I think I got the wrong look for the CTE poster because its just a collage of all the
photos taken of CTE students. The photos were fun to look at and put into a collage. I
used Photoshop to create this.
Webcam/Self Portrait
I used Photoshop to create this. I first took a picture of myself on the webcam,
and then I uploaded it onto Photoshop. I used the eyedropper tool to match the colors
and I traced and hid the original image.
National Park Poster
This was pretty fun to make because we got to pick photos of any national park
and edit them. For this poster, I picked Yellowstone National Park. I used this one filter
that made photos look like paintings.


Seed Packet Design

Seed packet design was cool because I liked using a color from that little drawing
in the lower left corner on the back page, into the main color of the whole packet. It was
that really light pink. I just really liked the whole idea of this assignment, it was a lot of
fun to do.
Video Game Case Design
This assignment was not one of my favorites. I really didnt know what to do for it.
I did use this cool glass filter though so that was nice.
Set of Stamps
I liked this one a lot. I used the rectangular marque to get the flowers perfectly
into the stamp template. I think the most difficult part for me was, trying to get the font in
the same place and making sure it was perfectly aligned each time.
CMT Logo Design
Okay, I liked this one a lot. I used the light bulb to represent like new ideas and
the creative side of CMT. I then used the speech bubble that all the words are inside of
as a symbol for communicating when you are in CMT because you are communicating
a lot of the time with others. The colors I used were purple and yellow. Yellow is used for
warmth and optimism because you need to be positive and not give up, sometimes the
stuff we learn in CMT can be difficult so you just got to be positive and persistent. Purple
for creativity and originality since that is what most of your work is to be completed with
Personal Stationery Set Logo
I used Illustrator in the making of this logo. Ms. Lawson helped us figure out how
to move and draw with the pencil tool and the anchor points. It is just my initials for a
photography business.
Personal Stationery Business Card
For this assignment, I used Illustrator again. I copied and pasted my logo into the
top right hand corner and added all the information you would need if you wanted to
come into contact with me. I had to make it a tiny document.
Personal Stationery Set Letterhead
The letterhead started out as a normal piece of paper. Then I added all the
information like how I did for the business card. I then put the address and location of
the business at the bottom rather than at the top with all the other information.
I only put my logo and addressing information onto the envelope. I also put the
phone number. The envelope was a very simple task to complete.


Animated .gif sprite

For this assignment I used Photoshop, at first it was pretty complicated.

We had to make at least 10 frames and they had to be 0.5 seconds long. I liked this
assignment a lot.
Personal Animation
This was one of my favorite assignments. I wish I had more time to add to it. I
made my personal gif the seasons of the year. It wasnt twenty seconds but it showed
all the change in plants and the weather.
Design a Cereal Box: Digital Layout
I used a cereal template to create my cereal. I named it, Honey Flakes. I put a
honey pot on it. Theres also a maze on the back of my box.
Design a Cereal Box: Printed & Displayed
I liked how we were able to actually hold our cereal box. We got to fold it and
tape it together. It was a little mini box.

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