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2016 Schedule

Saturday January 9th

3:00 PMRegistration
The Atrium (111 Research Drive)

4:30 PM........Keynote Speaker - Nikolas Badminton, Futurist

The Candlespan Room (In The Atrium)

6:00 PM.....Idea Pitches

7:30 PMGroup Formation & Networking
Sunday January 10th
9:00 AM.Breakfast
The Atrium (111 Research Drive)

9:30 AM..Announcements
The Candlespan Room (In The Atrium)

9:45 AM.....HACK
12:00 PM.Lunch
1:00 PM...Sasktel Mini Case Challenge
The Candlespan Room (In The Atrium)

2:30 PM.HACK
6:30 PM . Panel Discussion & Appetizers
Topic:The Future of Agriculture: Understanding
the value added benefits of innovation and
collaboration to its sustainability.

Monday January 11th

9:00 AM...Breakfast
9:30 AM....Announcements
9:45 AM...HACK
12:00 PM..Lunch
12:45 PM............Group Last Minute Adjustments
*1:30 PM....Ministry of Agriculture Address and KPMG Address
*2:00 PM.Presentations Begin
4:00 PM...Judging Deliberations
5:00 PM.Presentations of Award

*Depending on amount of groups at Registration, presentations may be

subject to change +1 hr

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