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Immune System

By Mimi, Ellie, Parker, Matt

What is the Immune

The immune system is the bodys defense against
infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a
series of steps called the immune response, the
immune system attacks organisms and substances that
invade body systems and cause disease.

Function of the Immune

Prevents harmful bacteria from entering the
body. It also fights and removes any harmful
disease or bacteria that enters the body.

Learned about the importance of the immune system and
how it functions

Thought of single ways how to physically represent each

step of the Immune system

Revised ideas

Idea 1
Cellular level of the immune system
showing how the body reacts to bacteria throughout the
blood stream with macrophages and antigens.
Macrophage engulfs bacterium
Antigens attach to outside of macrophage & triggers
immune response
Killer T-cells attach to antigens and attack bacteria

a cancer

Idea 2
Interaction between bacteria and antibodies
Bacteria enter the body through open wound or respiratory
Antigens are created and copied
The antigens seek and destroy the antibodies

Thanks for listening to

the immune system
a.k.a the
system :)

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