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Daily Life of a

Everyday, your life as
a type 2 diabetic will be
filled with grief and sorrow. You would feel as if it
would be your last day
al ive while gl ucose builds
up in your blood. Your
lives are hanging in the
balance, and it comes
down to m ake a change.
Som etim es, you will becom e overwhelm ed with
sadness because you feel
that your life is over for
you. Your days are filled
with greasy foods, chips,
candy, sweets , s oda, and
all the subs tanc es that
are bad for you. You will
personall y feel as if your
days are numbered. You
got to make a change.

Professional Help
As a type 2 diabetic, your
goal is to find anyway to lower
the blood glucose in your body.
There are a few professional
people who can help you in
your time of devastation. A nutritionist will help you figure a dietary plan, or eating plan, that
you should follow in order decrease your high glucose levels.
An endocrinologist tells you how
to deal with your high glucose
level from the endocrine system,
supporting the fact that insulin is
produced in the pancreas. They
will tell you where and how to
lower the glucose down. The
last professional is the primary
care physician which is your
family doctor. They help you discover new ways to lower cholesterol and glucose levels by
giving you recommendations,
whether it be a healthy diet or
exercise. They are more than
happy to help you out.

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