Component J Ce Observation 1

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Appendix B: Form for CE (Clinical Educator) Observation

Student teacher, you are responsible for uploading a copy of this observation to TaskStream and Blackboard. Your CE
should complete at least 2 observations during the student teaching experience.

CE Name: Heather Stevenson

Observation #: __1__ of 2
Subject Area: Social Studies
1. Did the lesson unfold in the way the student teacher had planned? Please explain.

The lesson unfolded as planned. Ashley was well prepared for the lesson, had thought through the
directions for creating the foldable completely and was able to convey those directions clearly to students. She
modeled her directions as she gave them, giving students a visual example to follow. She used a KWL chart to
identify prior knowledge and peak student interest in a complicated concept. She used real world examples of
items children in 4th grade may have high demand for. She also helped students make connections to real world
entrepreneurs they had previous knowledge about. Even connecting the concept to a students mother who had
started her own business.
2. Were the learning targets clear for the lesson? Did the students gain a true understanding of the learning

The learning targets were clearly defined in Ashleys lesson plans and through her instruction. Her use
of a KWL chart focused the class on the targets of learning for the lesson effectively.
Students did gain a basic knowledge of the concept taught (scarcity, supply, demand, entrepreneurs,
etc..). These are very foreign topics to 4th graders who have few life experiences in these areas. However,
Ashley has follow-up lessons planned that dig deeper into these concepts and will increase student
understanding of the concepts toward mastery.
3. Were the students engaged throughout the lesson? What suggestions do you have for the student teacher
in terms of student engagement?

Students were highly engaged throughout the lesson. Making the foldable really got them excited for an
artsy activity for social studies. Also the real world connections Ashley made engaged the students in
thinking deeper about the world around them and how they could verbalize the concepts as it relates to them.
One suggestion I might make is to possibly use magazines to have students cut out examples of the
vocabulary meanings to make a more visual connection with what high demand, scarcity, etc really means.
4. Was classroom management an issue during the instruction? What strategy/strategies do you have for the
student teacher to improve classroom management?

Classroom management was not an issue during instruction. Students followed the directions for
creating the foldable fairly well. Ashley reminded students to focus on her directions and example so they
would not make a mistake on their foldable. She used student chosen non-verbal signals to indicate students
readiness to move on to the next step in the process.
The only strategy I have for improving classroom management is maintain consistency. If you ask the
class to go to 0 voice level and students are still talking, dont be afraid to follow up with consequence (loosing
DOJO point) each time.
5. If the student teacher taught this lesson again to your students, what changes would you like to see?

The only thing I would change is possibly pulling in those magazine clipping visuals, or if time does not
allow for that have a power point of student relevant examples ready to show.
6. What are some overall steps the student teacher should take in order to further strengthen his/her
meaningful facilitation of content delivery?

Ashley is doing a phenomenal job teaching! My only suggestion is to keep looking for ways to
incorporate 21st century learner skills (technology) and global awareness content into her lessons, which is
tough for even veteran teachers (Me!)

Date of Post - Conference: __01-27-16____

Specific Feedback for the Student Teacher:

* You are doing an excellent job! Your lesson plans are awesome! I love the way you have incorporated nonverbal student signals and calling on life-lines into your classroom management! You are doing good at being
flexible time wise and picking and choosing most effective parts of lessons to emphasize or omit as time allows.
Remember, dont be afraid to distribute consequences when students are not following CATZ expectations. You
are in charge and your expectations have been made clear. Redirecting repeatedly just cuts into your
instructional time and their learning time! One or two lost DOJO points and they will rise to your expectations.
You are a natural! Im enjoying this year immensely.

Questions / Concerns for University Supervisor:

None at this time thanks!

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