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3D Modeling Class

Blake Koetsier
2960 Tapo Canyon Rd.
Simi Valley, CA 93063

12 March 2016

Senior Project Panel

Santa Susana High School
3570 Cochran Street
Simi Valley, CA 93063

Dear Senior Project Panel Member,

The best experience in my senior project had to be walking into my first
class and seeing around 15 students ready to learn how to 3D model. The
worst experience, however, had to be when around 13 of those 15 stopped
showing up after 2 lessons, leaving me with only 2 students would show up,
and sometimes nobody would show up at all.
What was unexpected for me during my project that I learned that its a lot
harder to maintain a classroom environment than I thought. Most students
ended up getting distracted by something on the internet or with
something else on their computers instead of focusing on learning like they
came to my class to do.
The research itself was just as simple as I thought it was going to be, since I
am already familiar with the Maya process, I just had to research parts of
Maya that I wasnt too familiar with. After teaching a class, It gave me a
new perspective on teachers as a whole. Teaching is not as easy as I
thought it would be.
While Ive used Maya in the past, I had to adapt to teaching it, which
apparently is not something I was good at at first but eventually learned
how to do myself through experience. While the students that stayed
behind managed to make something they were proud of, many students
left early on due to loss of interest in the subject matter.
This senior project has helped me deal with how I present myself in a
professional environment and how I can educate others on a subject

Blake Koetsier
Blake Koetsier

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