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Morgan Sears

John C. Myers Elementary

Math Lesson, 9:00-9:30
November 12, 2015
Title: The Amount in My Hand
Standards Addressed:
Math SOL K.1: The student, given two sets, each containing ten or fewer
concrete objects, will identify and describe one set as having more, fewer, or
the same number of members as the other set, using the concept of one-toone correspondence.
Students will be able to create their own groups of more and less.
Students will be able to create numbers in multiple representations:
number writing and constructing their own number of objects.
Review vocabulary: more, less, same/equal
Talk about more/less/same with lunch choices
More/less hands activity
o Students will be given a piece of paper with the words "I have
more" and "I have less" written on it.
o Students will glue hand die cuts to their paper, one on each side.
o Students will place stickers on each hand. On one side, they will
have more, and on the other side, they will have less.
If finish early: roll dice with partner, build number with ten frame, see
who has more, less, or if they have the same
Students will get to discuss numbers verbally, write the numbers
themselves, and construct numbers with stickers. Doing all three of
these things will appeal to several different learning preferences.
Students will be able to choose which numbers they construct in the
For students that need extra guidance, Mrs. Sherman or I will provide it
in the form of one-on-one help.

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