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Morgan Sears

Wilson Elementary School

September 16, 2015
Reading- 9:35 a.m.
Title/Type of Lesson: One-Minute Summaries
Context of Lesson: This lesson will be taught as the third lesson in the
summarizing themed week in reading. It is appropriate at this time
because students will have just been working on other comprehension
strategies (visualization and predictions). This will align nicely and allow
them to build on another comprehension strategy to their skill set. It is
appropriate to do this lesson as the third lesson in the series because it
provides an opportunity to apply the summarizing skills that they have
obtained in the first two days of the lesson series.
Learning Objectives:
The students will
That summarizing
is a brief retelling
of a text using
details to support
their ideas

The students will
That summarizing
must be concise.
That summarizing
must be
supported by
details from the

The student will
Be read a short
paragraph by
their partner.
Work on
completing oneminute
summaries after
they are read
their paragraph.
Take turns reading
to their partner
and writing their

Assessing Learning:
Because the students are still working on building summarizing as a skill on
this day of the summarizing series, I will not give a summative assessment. I
will be circulating around the room while they are working on their partner
activity to listen in on their conversations and read what they are writing. I
will also collect the one-minute summary sheets to look at. This will give me
an idea of the level of understanding that the students have.
Related Standards/SOLs:

This lesson mainly addresses Virginia Reading SOL 5.5: The student will read
and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative texts, narrative
nonfiction texts, and poetry
h) Summarize supporting details from texts.
Stuffed panda for hook
Reading materials for one-minute summaries
One-minute summaries recording sheet
Hook: Students will stand in a circle around the room and toss around
the stuffed panda we have in the classroom. When they catch the
panda, they share something important we have learned so far about
During: We will review important parts of a summary (being brief,
having supporting details, picking out important parts of the story).
Students will then find a partner. They will complete a few one-minute
summaries, where they take turns being read a paragraph and taking
one minute to write a brief summary. They will switch roles and each
student will have 3-4 summaries.

Students will break into their Daily 5 rotations. After they have read to
self for 15 minutes, we will come together on the carpet and find a
partner they dont normally work with. I will set a timer for 1 minute, in
which one person summarizes what they read to the other person.
They will switch roles so each partner gets a chance to talk. This will
serve as the closing to the lesson, since the students resume daily 5 as

For students that need extra help, I may work with them to work through the
summaries a little more slowly and giving them an extra minute or two to
write them. For students that need enrichment, they may have the
opportunity to work independently or, if they finish early, find the main idea
of each paragraph (this will be what we work on in class the next week.
What Could Go Wrong
It is possible that students may misunderstand the content of the
paragraphs. In this event, I will take extra time to explain the events in more
detail if necessary. It is also possible that working in partners will become
problematic in terms of behavior. Should this happen, I will re-partner
students that need it.

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