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December 3rd, 2009

Bonner Chilton
Comp 1

The week of December 3rd, 2009 is especially dear to me for a number

of reasons. This is probably one of fondest memories that I can remember. I
feel that memory of this week will be able to free my mind of any worries
that come to my attention.
In December of 2009 I was in the middle of my junior year of high
school. Throughout my 4 years of high school I played football. I was a
receiver and had lettered all three years so far. At this time I was very
attracted to a beautiful sophomore cheerleader named Tiffany Maxwell and
we had been talking for a month or two. I also had a sister, Sarah, who is
24 that was married and also 9 months pregnant. As you can see, this month
had the potential to be a very important month in my lifes history.
During that current football season my team was 12-2 going into state
championship game on December 3rd. We started off the week by practicing
every night at 5:30 P.M. and we all were feeling very confident going into the
game on Friday night. Personally, I had a very good week of practice, I
worked extremely hard to try and achieve my goal of becoming a state
On Friday, December 3rd I woke up and started my day just like any
other Friday. I got to school around 6:30 A.M. to be able to attend a morning
church with my teammates. As the day wore on I was slowly becoming more
and more anxious about the game that night. We were checked out of school
around 1:30 P.M. to begin our game day traditions. About an hour later while

changing out of my school clothes, I received a phone call from my mother

telling me that my sister had gone into labor and they were rushing her to
the hospital. I was immediately excited by this news, however I was also
upset I would not be able to see my nephew, Aaron Dean James, be born. I
soon afterwards texted my sister and my brother-in-law to tell them good
luck and congratulations!
From the time we were checked out of school, I was of course texting
Tiffany telling her all about this news. What she did not know, was all week I
had been planning on asking her to be my girlfriend right before the game
started that night. As mentioned earlier, she was a cheerleader and my plan
was to walk up behind her while on the field, before running through the
banner that the cheerleaders held up and very subtly ask her to be my
The game started at 6 P.M. and as it approached I was slowly becoming
extremely nervous, not only about the game but also in hopes of hearing
Tiffany say Yes! We walked out of the tunnel out onto the field, I had timed
it perfectly and I then proceeded towards her. Long story short, my plan had
worked out exactly as I had pictured it when she said Yes! and I
immediately felt a little less worried by having one thing checked off of my
Well, the game started and our team had jumped out to an early lead
and by halftime, we led 17-13. As the end of the game drew near it soon

became much closer. With 3 minutes left in the game we led by a touchdown
but the other team was driving down the field with very little opposition. I
was very worried and soon was not able to watch. As they approached our
red-zone, our defense stepped up and was able to get an interception with
one minute and fifteen second left. The entire sideline went crazy as we all
realized we had just become state champions! Our celebration lasted what
felt like forever on the field and as soon as we arrived back in the lockerroom I quickly checked my phone.
I was greeted by multiple missed calls from my mom, tons of texts and
many pictures of my sisters newly born baby boy. I met my dad outside of
the stadium alongside Tiffany and we left for the hospital to see Gods latest
To anyone outside of my family, this day sounds absolutely ridiculous
and made up, but for me, it never ceases to remind me of the sheer power
and graciousness of God. I am constantly reminded of this day every time I
am able to see my nephew and any time I am around my girlfriend of almost
two years.

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