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Dear Hill Families,

Labels for Education is a 42-year old program that helps us earn free stuff for Hill!
Unfortunately this program is ending, and we really need to bank as many labels as
we can before it ends. We have used our points over the years to get free
playground balls for all classrooms and lunch recess. We have also used them to
pay for classroom equipment all our students use. Our PTO has received notice that
several of our fundraising programs have been cut so it is critical we bank as many
LFE points as we can before the end of this school year. All students at Hill benefit
from points we have banked and we will be able to use these points to order
supplies for the school before the program permanently ends (spring/summer 2017).
Between now and April 30, we have an opportunity to earn up to 20 Scholastic
books for Hill, based on the number of LFE UPCs we submit (while supplies last).
We will continue to collect the UPCs throughout next year. However, the program
will have drastic cuts and there wont be many labels available in 2016/17. We really
need as many labels as we can get before the program cuts start this July.
Please help Hill by collecting and submitting these now:
Clip 1, 5 and 10 point labels from Bic products, Pepperidge Farm, Campbells
Soup, Spaghettios, Popsecret, etc. Until July, we are allowed to submit
participating products UPC codes EVEN IF THEY DO NOT HAVE THE LABELS FOR
Ask family and friends to clip labels (make sure you can read the UPC code).
Send these to your childs classroom as soon as possible. If it is more convenient,
you can also drop them off at the coordinators house (ANYTIME) which is right
by Hill Elementary (4621 Mill Pond). There is a weatherproof collection bin on the
front porch. (Just label the baggie with your childs teachers name.)
Continue to look for these and send them in throughout 2016/17 before the
program shuts down permanently.
There will be two second semester contest winners for those classrooms that submit
the most. Mrs. Thiels and Ms. Herberts classes won 1st and 2nd places for the first
semester. Mrs. Theils class enjoyed an ice cream sundae party and the Ms. Herberts
class had a popcorn party last week because they collected so many labels.
Questions? Contact PTO chairperson Anne Sackrison at or

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