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TL 47-882722 MULTIPLE CHOICE ANSWER SHEET Subject area/code - Course Name - Test 1 Semester 1, 2016 Instructions Student ID Number * This form will be read by a computer Please write your student ID Number plow then fil in the corresponding * Do not forget to enter your student ID check boxes: umber and name ~ You MUST use adark marker, preferablya | | pencil. Light marks will not be detected and may be given zero, * Mark answers the "right way" Lb J J J J v J ‘RIGHT WAY ‘WRONG WAY | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e || 6x02 ®®O20000 O®O200000 * Do not mark with ticks, crosses or circles OQOOO0000O0 iryou do use a pen and make 9 mistake, put OOO0000 a cross through it, then mark your correct Qoooooo enewer BOO0000 ®®O20000 Please print your name in the boxes below. Ooodooo0o0oo 2220000 First Name DADADO® Last Name ANSWERS 1®CO000/? 2®000O|"O22000 2©02COOO]»O®DOOO|2ODOO0 >O2OCOOO}]2DDOOO|»ODO00 4QO2OOCOO]xrODOOO/»OOOOO sOCOO00]2®OO0OO0O|2z~D0000 s>O2OOOO|4*DOOOO|xDDOO00 7OOOOO|]|sODOOOO]2»ODOOOO »>O2OOOO!]¥ODOOO/x*OODO00

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