FTA: Tariffs Elimination Among Member Only

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Global triad: EU, NAFTA, Japan + NOCs of SEA ( ASEAN= global triad dominate

world trade.
Trade barriers within blocs reduced.
Telecome industry => common market in Europe
Lower charges, high growth and profits, new jobs created.

Impact of technology:
Allows nations to achieve cost advantage and comparative advantage in
commodity production.

free trade areas (FTAs), custom unions (CUs), common markets (CMs), Economic
union (EU, political unions (Pus).
FTA: tariffs elimination among member only.
Remove trade impediments but freedom to determine policies to outside world
However, Trade Deflection ( gian lan thue quan): non-participants tron thue nhap
khau = cach nhap hang qua members FTA with lowest tariffs nho gian lan xuat
xu hang hoa => enjoy lowest tariffs through FTA members.
Customer unions:
Similar to FTA but members must have set of common tariff barriers (common
external tariff (CET).

Common markets is a custom unions with free factor mobility: capital, labor,
European Union is common market + high degree integration of fiscal, monetary
and commercial policites.
PU; federal structure, mobility, remove tariff and quotas, cet, harmonisation of
economic policies.

Single European market (1/1/1993): free movement of goods, services, people

and capital.

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