Topics Speaking Test 1na February 2015 2017

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1. Jobs and job interviews.

a. Ever interviewed for a job or a place on a course? What for?
Preparation. How did it go?
b. Ever interviewed another person? What for?
c. Advice for job interviews.
2. Health: illnesses and injuries.
a. Do you know what to do in medical emergencies? Knowledge
about first aid?
b. Have you ever had any injuries or illnesses?
c. Are you healthy? (vitamins, exercise, sleep, allergies, diet)
d. Cyberchondria and hypochondria.
3. Age.
a. Teenagers and elderly people. Different personalities?
b. How do people treat the elderly?
c. Age and fashion. Different clothes depending on the age?
4. Air travel.
a. Your feelings about flying.
b. How often do you fly? What for?
c. Your last flight. Where?
d. Experiences when flying: delayed, miss a flight, stopped in
Customs, turbulence, long haul flights, upgraded to business
class, annoying passengers
5. Reading habits.
a. Reading habits: the press, books, online
b. Paper vs screen.
c. Reading as a child vs reading now.
d. Last book you read. Favourite author.
e. Passing the time when travelling.
6. The environment.
a. How eco-guilty are you? Shopping bags, washing towels,
running water, buying fruit and vegetables, recycling, getting
b. Problems in your town. Advice.
c. How we will be living in 20 yearstime? At home, transport,
the environment, the weather

7. The weather.
a. Does the weather influence our lives? In what ways?
b. Do you check the weather forecast? How often? Hoe do you
check it? Do you trust it?
c. Ever caught in extreme weather?
d. Ever had holidays ruined because of bad weather?
e. Do you think emotions change with the seasons?
8. Taking risks.
a. What images spring to mind when you hear the word risk?
b. Ever done any risky sports? Why (not)?
c. The biggest risk youve taken.
d. Is there anything you would risk your life to get?
e. Do you think life is riskier today than it was 50 years ago?
f. Risks in life change? (childhood-old age=
g. Is our town risky?

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