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EDEXCEL LEVEL 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media (Games Development)

This section to be completed by the Learner
Learner Name:

BTEC Registration

Centre Name: Wiltshire College Trowbridge

Centre Number: 66745A

Specialist Area: Artist Pathway/ Programming Pathway (delete as appropriate)



For your Project Proposal, you must provide an outline brief of your Final Major Project. Where the
brief is set by your tutor, or where you are working on a group brief (with other Learners), please
make sure that you cover how you will respond individually to the brief and/or your individual
responsibilities/ contribution to the work of the group.
Your Project Proposal must be produced as a focused outline brief (leave the sub headings in
place and put your content beneath):
Section 1:
Working Title or Theme of Final Major Project
I am thinking about calling the game ForestGuard, I want to make the game very calm and
relaxing as it will mostly be based on visuals and potentially sounds of the environment.

What you will work towards producing

I am thinking about creating a game where the player walks around an environment
similar to Firewatch but possibly without the radio depending on if I can create the
scripting and create the voice through the radio. I will also follow more of an artistic
pathway rather than programming as I will find it a lot easier to create.
(Guide:150 words)
Section 2:

Ideas and research sources (you must include a short list of research sources and
Bibliography texts). This list can be attached as an appendix.
My Idea is to create a game similar to the game Firewatch but instead of there being an
objective you can freely explore the land at your own pace, I might possibly add a few side
objectives if I feel that they are needed.
(Guide: 100 words)
Section 3:
Media form and technologies

I am thinking about using the Unreal Development Kit to create my game as I find it
quite easy to use and to create my level effectively, I also might use 3Ds Max to create
more detailed assets. I will also potentially use Photoshop to create my textured if
needed to, I might try to create a few sounds for the game if possible as that will be a
key element to the games environment.
Timescales (an action plan is essential)
I am going to start off with concept art to get more ideas of the games look and then begin to
model any concepts I am happy with that are needed. After I have modelled some of the assets
and the environment I will try to get some feedback on how it looks and continuing to create the
finished game based on that feedback.
(Guide: 150 words)
Section 4:
Proposed method of evaluation (how you will review your FMP in critical and analytical
ways self and peer review, tutorials, etc)

I will use a Word document as well as a Power Point Presentation to write down any
progress as well as an evaluation of the final game. I will review my FMP every so often
to show how I am doing as well as update my Weebly site with relevant information. I
will also see if I can get feedback for the game in various stages to get another point of

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