3 Svetlana Nedic

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, 1902.

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8, 8.2

6. 1911. :
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, 26, , .
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1906. .5 ,
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1911, ,
1912. .
, 1914,
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, 21. 1939.

. 2. ,
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1985. (
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. 3. ( , 1983)

. 50 18891939.
, .

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, 1941. ,
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. 1949. ,
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. 4.
. 5.

. 6.


. 7. , (: 50
18891939, , [1939])
. .19
, . .

1984. .20 ,


1] . ,
, , 1914, [119120, 156157]; . ,
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1928, 588; G. Kosti, Beograd. Vo Guide Frer, Beograd, 1930,
147; 50 , 3142, 54; A. . ,
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1997, 5762.
2] , , 21, , 26. I 1901, 4;
1912, , 1912, III, 140; , , 47, , 25. II 1913, [3].
3] . 1910 , , 1911, [56].
4] , , 50, , 4. III 1877, 200;
, , 81, , 11. IV 1878, 364; , , 97,


, 3. V 1878, 434; , , 52, 7. III 1879, 252;

. , [1937], 71; . , , , 1984,
141, 182183; . . , . Greetings from
Belgrade. 18951941, I, , 2008, 308.
5] , , 38, , 7. II 1906, [2]; . , 18961914, , , 1980, 43.
6] , , 2432, , 25. X 1910, 3.
7] . . [e] ,
- , , 90, , 31. III 1911, [1].
8] . , , , 1912, 17, 4850, 6970,
99; . , , , 22, , 1986, 303.

9] . 1911. , , 1912, [6].

14] ; 50 , 31 ( , ).

10] [], , 148, , 31. V 1912, 4; . , . , 70; 1912, , 1912,

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1920. , [25]; 50 , 17.

11] . ,
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18151914, , 1981, 30; . ,
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, , V, , 2004, 6263; , (XIX XX ), , 2005, 334;
S. Bogunovi, Arhitektonska enciklopedija Beograda XIX i XX veka,
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XIX , , 2006, 479; . , , ,
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Beograd, 1986, 33, 43.

16] . , , , 1934, 19; 50

, 30; . . . 1939.
, [1940], 7; . , . , 141, 182183; .
17] . . . 1939. ,
78; . . . 1940. ,
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50 = 50 1889
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The Commercial Bank (Prometna Banka) building at the corner of Knez Mihaliova and Zmaj Jovina streets was designed by the distinguished Belgrade architect Danilo Vladisavljevi. Its construction in 1911 was entrusted to the building
contractor Karlo Knoll. The exterior was designed in the Sezession style, while the floor layout was designed to suit the
buildings purpose. The ground floor contains three shops (with additional rooms on the mezzanine level) and the bank
reception hall, while the two upper floors house offices. Since the Bank, founded in 1895, ceased operating after the Second World War, the building has had several users. As an important work of Belgrade architecture, it was designated as a
cultural asset in 1984, and underwent restoration in 1986 according to a project by the CHPIB architects Zoran Jakovljevi
and Slobodan Perovi.
Fig. 1 Commercial Bank building today

Fig. 4 Entrance to the reception hall

Fig. 2 Faade reconstruction blueprints by architects Zoran Jakovljevi

and Slobodan Popovi: Zmaj Jovina street elevation,
1985 (CHPIB Archives)

Fig. 5 Stairway, detail

Fig. 3 Ground-floor plan, blueprint by Djordje Mitrovi,

1983 (CHPIB Archives)

Fig. 6 Ceiling of the reception hall

Fig. 7 Stained glass window, now lost, on the second-floor landing
(source: 50 godina rada inenjera Miloa Savia 18891939,
Belgrade [1939])


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