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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Matter in Action
Unit Author
First and Last Name

Michael Merosa, Krhyss Ann Miraflor, Carl Vincent Javison, Egie Boy Talita

School Name

University of St. La Salle

School City

Bacolod City, Negros Island Region


Unit Overview
Unit Title

Matter in Action
Unit Summary
The Matter can be seen everywhere. Students will observe different objects and materials. Students will
now become aware of their different characteristic such as shape, weight, definiteness of volume and ease
of flow. Students is now ready to grouped objects and materials through their characteristic into solid,
liquid, gas. And aside from being grouped into solid, liquid, or gas students will now know that it can be
grouped according to their ability to float or sink, and whether they decay or not.

Subject Area
Properties of Matter

Grade Level
3rd & 4th Grade Classes

Approximate Time Needed

1-5 weeks

Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks (taken from Deped K-12 Curriculum Guide)

S3MT-Iab-1 -The Learners demonstrate understanding of

Ways of sorting materials and describing them as solid, liquid or gas based on observable properties.
S3MT-Icd-2 -The Learners demonstrate understanding of
Grouping different materials based on their properties.

Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Students must have:

1. Defined what matter is.
2. Described different objects based on their characteristics (e.g. Shape, Weight, Volume, Ease of
3. Classified objects and materials as solid, liquid, and gas based on some observable characteristics.
4. Described ways on the proper use and handling solid, liquid and gas found at home and in school.
5. Classified materials based on their properties (ability to absorb water, float, sink, and undergo
6. Identified the characteristic of matter.
7. Realized the importance of matter in our daily lives.
8. Actively participated in the class discussion.

Curriculum-Framing Questions

How does matter affect our daily lives?


How properties of matter can be classified?

How do characteristics of matter help in grouping the objects?


What is Matter?
What are the properties of matter?
What are the characteristic of matter?

Assessment Plan

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Film Showing reaction paper

Anticipation guide Activity

Reflective Journal

Synthesis Journal

Group Conference

Output rubrics
Project plan checklist
Laboratory Experiment

Collaborative Checklist

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Process and Purpose of Assessment

Students will watch a video clip about
matter to have prior knowledge. Teacher
use this to capture students attention and
gauge their readiness towards the unit.
Students use this guide to have a clear
purpose and determine for themselves what
they wanted to learn in the whole unit. The
teacher uses this tool to know the
expectation of the students at the end of the
unit. In this activity the questions are:
Students repose Before Lesson, Topic, and
Students repose After Lesson
Students answer this journal after the
fieldtrip. The questions are: What happened
during the activity, How I feel about it,
What I learned. In this way student reflect
to their own learnings and realizations
during the Fieldtrip.
Students answer this journal after the
experiment and submission of the final
output. The questions are: What I did, What
I learned, How can I use it. In these
questions students reflect upon what they
have learned in the unit and the purpose of
their final project.
The teacher will met the students group
them to small group and give them
guidelines on how to make their output and
experiment. Also, answer student questions
and clarifications towards the project. The
students can make use of this time to consult
their plans for their project.
Students use this rubric to self-assess their
wok. The teacher use his at the same time to
assess students final output.
The students use this checklist to determine
if they are following the right steps in
making there output.
Each group performs their planned
experiment that shows changes in the
characteristics of matter. Teacher use this to
assess students final output.
Students use this checklist to monitor
individual contribution of each member of
the group. Teacher use this to know if every
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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

Assessment Timeline
Before project
work begins

Students work on projects

and complete tasks

After project work is


Film Showing
reaction paper
Group conference

Peer Conference Form


Writing Self- Assessment


Peer Evaluation Forms

Anticipation guide
Reflective Journal
Synthesis Journal
Group Conference

Create and Present
Presentation on
properties of matter

Teacher- Student

Project Rubric

Project plan checklist

Collaborative Checklist

Unit Reflection

Assessment Summary

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

The unit was introduced to the student using various tools and activities that makes students experience the
different forms and properties of matter. The teacher will discuss what students experiences and learned
during the activities and test. Through this it enable students to have strong foundation and knowledge
towards the unit topic. In this case, the students have the full knowledge they will be asked by the teacher
to organize their own science fair and create their output. But before this big event students are given
enough time and supervision to make the event successful. After all of the activity, students will rate their
own members in their contribution and teachers will give the final remarks to students output/experiments.
In this process, students will have more concrete learning and strong foundation of the knowledge after
this unit ends.

Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Word Processing
Basic Internet Use

Instructional Procedures
Week #1
Introduction of the unit and determining students knowledge
The teacher will start the unit through anticipation guide activity, to help the teacher know the expectation
and the background knowledge of the students towards the unit. This activity will also help students
determine for themselves what they wanted to learn in the unit. The teacher will introduce the unit through
a film viewing activity about the topic. After the film viewing students will answer a reaction paper on
what they learn or realized after they watched the film. The teacher will discuss the different vocabulary,
terms, and concepts that are essential in learning the unit topic.
Week #2 & #3
Nature trip, group conference3 and brainstorming/research
The students with the supervision of some teachers will have a trip around the campus to be able for the
students experience the different forms and properties of matter. After the trip, students will answer a
reflective journal to determine students learning in the trip. To understand more the unit students will
organize a science fair with the supervision of the teacher. Students will be divided into small groups to
make them brainstorm about what project they wanted to have or showcase during the said event. The
students will show an experiment that will show the changes on the forms of matter, for example: solid to
liquid, liquid to gas. The students are also given time to go to library to make a research for their final
output for the end of the unit.
The teacher will give the required projects of the students in the whole unit such as slogan making using
software in the computer that allows students to draw or create the slogan. A PowerPoint presentation or
reporting activity about their final output and a video clip presentation that will supports their final output
on experiment should be prepared for their final presentation of their project. The teacher will discuss the

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course

guidelines and mechanics of the project/output. A rubrics will be given that will serve as a tool for the
teacher to assess students work.
Week #4
Laboratory Experiment
The teacher will show a sample experiment that will give the students an idea on how to create their own
output or experiment. After the sample experiment activity students will execute their planned
Week #5
Science Fair and Reflection
Students will present their planned experiment or output and their other projects such as slogan,
PowerPoint presentation, and the video clip. The teacher will give the final remarks towards the students
output/experiment by using the rubrics which was given presented to the students.
After the activity the leaders of their own respective groups will grade the participation of each members.
Each students will answer a reflection log towards their journey in the entire unit and their personal
experience in organizing an event which is the science fair.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction


Create a list of websites to gather information from for the research projects.

Give students a handout to visually reinforce how the bibliography should look.

Preview key vocabulary as a group prior to starting projects.

Allow students to work with a partner.

Allow the students to see examples and rubrics and to ask questions before
starting the major tasks in the unit.
Visual and verbal reinforcement whenever possible.

Repeat and clarify directions and information whenever necessary.

Allow adequate wait time for questions.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

Laser Disk




Video Camera

Digital Camera

Projection System

Video Conferencing Equip.

DVD Player



Internet Connection


Technology Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)

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Intel Teach Program

Essentials Course


Image Processing

Web Page Development

Desktop Publishing

Internet Web Browser

Word Processing

E-mail Software


Other Power Point

Encyclopedia on CD-ROM


Internet Resources

K to 12 Curriculum Guide SCIENCE

4 States Matter Song

Classifying Matter Song

Matter Chatter

Physical Properties and Chemical Properties Matter

Properties of matter

Properties of matter

Phases of Matter

Classification of Matter

Properties of Matter

Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks
of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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