Lo 2 Musicvideoanalysis

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Music Video: Milky Chance - Down by The river

What can you see?

0.00 - 0.12, a male figure walking in a wood surrounded in fog, This man is lost and he is
searching for something he once had or even just a way out the fog adds mystery and a sense of unknowing.

0.13, when camera pans is clearly shows the man, his is walking a slow pace looking
down quite morbidly. This man is down and depressed. He has been hurt by love and doesn't want to get hurt again he is
question himself and the decisions h has made.

0.31, shot of children appearing out of the wood dressed up lost boys they
begin to throw feathers, leaves, and, powdered die. The man continued walking looking down with his solemn facial
expression. His sense of wonder is returning, he's ageless in this wonderland, it's his escape from the reality of his situation,
however these children throw feathers and die which then symbolises embarrassment, or he is a joke its almost like he is
being mocked by his past.

2.58, start of fire , symbolic - fire connotes destruction he's

ending his past, with flames. change, he's not going to be affected by his past anymore.

What can you hear?

0.13 - 0.22, - Down by the river, I was drawn by your grace - He was drawn in by her beauty, her gentle and graceful
nature and his love for her to a place that he wasnt even thinking of going to.
Into tempest of oblivion and to the lovers-place - Every relationship has hard times, The artist says that his lover pulled him
towards her and he found himself in a place where there were raging storms and destruction but he knows that every
relationship is like this, this explaining lovers place.
0.22 - 0.30 - I was stuck in a puddle, full of tears and unwise - The more he got to know his loved one and her past his
heart grew weaker and weaker as it was painful to know and hear about her past mistakes and bad decisions. He began
believing that he made the wrong decision choosing her.
Dark doings now I know, that we've paid unlike - As time passes he realises that he made mistakes in his past as well. The
both have made wrong decisions which gave them pain and damaged their respect but crying over it or judging one another
based on the past is pointless as it cannot be changed and both have paid the price to those mistakes.

0.30 - 0.38 - Honey I know, hey when we walked arm in arm, I felt like we can throw away the falseness of our past - He
tells her that when he held her hand he felt like everything was perfect and fell in love with his loved one. He realised that
nothing matters as long as theyre together and that they shouldnt let their past bother them as its all just a bad memory
0.38 - 0.47- And I know too it''s been the hardest days for you Let's throw them out the window, That's what those lovers
do - He wishes to apologise for his behaviour with her in the beginning when he started learning about her past. He tells her
that he realises that its not her fault and that she was compelled to do whatever she did. He says that he understands that
those days were hard for her too and together theyll take care of each other, throwing away the horrid memories of the
terrible past.

Camera Work/ editing

0.00 - 0.22, multiple fades show confusion and unknowing, he is lost and unsure what to do.

Various shots of characters face through out video but not once looking into the camera,
Shows facial expressions of the character but because he doesn't look directly at the camera it shows he's distant he's
avoiding emotion.


High key with orange tones, this adds a sense of nostalgia, fond memories,
warmth feeling from the past

3.35, low key, drakness with contrast of flames. Something has

changed, power has shifted, new frame of mind

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