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To: Mapleton Board of Education

Date: 6 January, 2016
From: Ricky Enriquez Estevez
Subject: A proposal to increase productivity and communication.
Think of anybody else that best describes respect other than Aretha Franklin who sang the
song "R.E.S.P.E.C.T". Her song is a good example of what can happen when people are not
taught the appropriate manners. In the song Aretha sings about a man that is not respecting her
and using her, and if she doesnt get collateral she will leave because he is not treating her right.
Disrespect can be seen throughout the world but it can first be fixed in schools; for example,
Academy High School. The goal is to increase the morale of the students which would increase
positive attributes and would increase productivity in the school. The first step of this proposal of
decreasing the amount of disrespect in school would be to praise the students that show manners
and have a good attitude towards other people.
The problem of disrespect could be encountered anywhere in the world, but can be
focused in small areas such as school. As an example, Academy High School is going to be
used, but this can apply to other schools as well. The beginning of the school year is the hardest
for students to concentrate on their studies. Studies show that disrespect is never appreciated in
the workplace and this causes negative behavior amongst students that lowers interest in
learning. (Cohen) When being disrespected or being disrespectful, the level of productivity is
significantly lower if students were at their highest potential.
Examples of disrespect in Academy High School are when students talk back to the adult
that is in charge, this causes an interruption in the classroom which distracts from learning. When

a student doesnt listen to the requests of the adult in charge, it causes a scene of rebellion and
the matter could have been avoided if the student listened the first time and did the task.
Disrespect is a problem in school because the behavior distracts students from their
learning, which can cause lower what students need to learn before an assessment. As a school
community, if the issue is not addressed the grades of students and what they learn would
negatively affected. Ignoring the problem can hurt the students in the long run, by developing
bad habits. If this problem of discern is further rejected then students are not going to have the
appropriate skills to succeed in life. The community should acknowledged the students that show
appropriate manners.
There is a difference between solving the problem and managing the problem. Solving
the problem is when one finds the answer to, explanation for, or way of dealing with the
problem, but managing the issue delays the issue to be solved at later time. Disrespect is not a
problem that can be completely eradicated, but as a school, as a community managing the
complication is the best manner to handle the problem. The final result should be able to be seen
in academic growth from students.
The first step in organizing the dilemma is to identify the individuals who disrespect the
classroom the most. Negative reinforcement is not always the most effective, positive
reinforcement should also be used to set a good example to fallow. Positive reinforcement from
teachers can increase the moral of students, motivating them to their work. Although good
support is appreciated, every student is different. Depending on the student, teachers will be
taught how to read situations that disrupt the classroom and how to execute procedures
accordingly. Parents at the beginning of the school year should be given the option of a short
lecture on how to help their child do better in school and have better behaviors. Principles and
people of high power will be responsible of having a staff that can organize times that most
parents and teachers can meet and discuss the situation with the student. The principles will have
a meeting before each semester to evaluate the progress of controlling disrespect. The changes

would most benefit students because of the support gained to succeed in life. Teachers also
benefit because it causes less stress, making coming to school more enjoyable.

In reaching this goal, students will learn respectful behavior without a negative experience to
remember, also learning how to function properly in society outside of school.The resulting
change will improve the productivity in school increasing the amount of material students are
able to learn. Whilst improving productivity, communication is also being practiced, killing two
birds with one stone. On a grater scale, being respectful can make life easier by not having to
argue about unintelligent materials. Positivity is always appreciated
Works Cited
Cohen, Jonathan, Richard Cardillo, and Terry Pickeral. "Membership." Educational
Leadership:Promoting Respectful Schools:Creating a Climate of Respect. Jonathan
Cohen, Richard Cardillo and Terry Pickeral, 11 Sept. 2000. Web. 08 Jan. 2016.
Gedall, Gary. "What Are the Signs That You Disrespect Someone?" - Quora. Gary
Gedall, 2 Oct. 2014. Web. 08 Jan. 2016.
"Re-establishing Respect: The Key to Successful Relationship Repair." Reestablishing Respect: The Key to Successful Relationship Repair. Center of Family
Change, 2013. Web. 08 Jan. 2016.
Chen, Stephen, and Gregory Pitt. "Isolating the Benefits of Respect." Isolating the
Benefits of Respect. Stephen Chen, 2005. Web. 08 Jan. 2016.

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