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Cleaning Your House

The Old-Fashioned Way

or what the old wives tales are teaching us

. Clean Grease Stains On Fabrics .

To completely remove grease stains, the old wives
advise to sprinkle a good amount of talcum powder
over the stain.
Let it sit for 15 minutes. Put a sheet of brown paper
over the powder and press it with an iron switched on
low temperature. Brush off the powder and youre

. Deal With The Ants Invasion .

To banish the annoying pests, our grandmas used to
place opened spearmint gum wrappers.
Also, sprinkle some salt on the areas and holes from
which they enter your house. It will spoil their

. Clean Mirrors And Windows .

A super-easy and quick method of cleaning.
Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water, and sprinkle
the glass surface.
Clear and polish it with a sheet of newspaper.

. Scuff Marks To Be Gone .

Dip a soft cloth or a cotton pad in vegetable oil and
gently apply on the scuff marks to make them
This method is good for removing paint off your skin

. Remove Sticky Residues From The Iron .

We all know that annoying sticky residue which
collects on the iron surface.
To get rid of it, run the iron over a sheet of white
paper sprinkled with salt.

Theres something really cute about these old-time cleaning

solutions, right?
Best thing is, they actually work! No harsh chemicals, no toxic
Our grannies were smart women!

collected and shared by:

Rays Cleaners Brisbane

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