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Fear or Love?

Argumentative Essay
Planning and Rough Draft
Machiavelli in The Prince notes, It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be
both. This quote has inspired leaders of both thought processes. Now that you
have successfully debated and researched the topic, write an argumentative essay
on the topic: If a leader cannot be both feared and loved at the same time, which
style is most beneficial? Your essay must have at least three claims to support the
central argument.

Lead: set up a problem, give a fact, introduce with a story, statistic, shocking
Body of Introduction: put background information

Thesis: include counterargument, argument and claims (they are optional); has to
be one sentence; don't make it to wordy.
Body Paragraphs: Remember to write the claims and counterclaims in an order that
makes sense.

Claims with

Counterclaims with

Rebuttal with

1. Its better to be feared

because you wont get
killed. For example,
Mahatma Gandhi was
loved and he was killed in
1948 for his great
accomplishments and
achievements. According
to ushistory. org, This
Indian holy man was
gunned down on the
streets of New Delhi by a
university student turned
activist, it was a
tremendous blow not only
to India, but to the entire
world. A holy man who
had most likely not even
heard of the man who
killed him was
assassinated because of
his ways and kind
teachings that the college
student did not approve

1 . People who argue that

it is better to be loved say
that although he was
killed, he still
accomplished great things
in his life and for the most
part he was loved.
According to,
Gandhi led a 200 mile
Salt March so that the
people of India could
make and gather their
own salt. His goal was for
the people of India not to
buy salt from the
British.They argue that
since this was one of his
great accomplishments,
he died for a great cause.

1. Yet, it is better to be
feared because as a
whole, he would not have
been killed and could
have made many more
accomplishments during
the rest of his life.

2. Its better to be feared

because you have more
land and the ability to
expand land like Julius
Caesar. While Julius
Caesar was a feared man,
he expanded Romes
territory and he gave
them much more land to
live and adapt on.
According to, His vision
and power had expanded
the Roman Empire to
become far more than a
collection of countries.
Instead, it was a diverse
society and enormous
marketplace in which

2. People who argue that

it is better to be a loved
leader say although he
expanded land and the
empires borders, he was
still assassinated by his
own council. According to
com , That was the
moment for the men to
set to work. All quickly
unsheathed their daggers
and rushed at him
Under the mass of
wounds, he fell at the foot
of Pompey's statue.
Everyone had some part
in the murder, and there
was not one of them who

2. Although Julius Caesar

was murdered, he still
expanded their land
which made a huge
impact on the Roman
Empire. According to, The
statesman and general
Julius Caesar (100-44
B.C.) expanded the
Roman Republic through a
series of battles across
Europe. This shows
that although he was
killed, he was able to
spread the land and do
what was meant to be

people across Europe,

north Africa and the
Middle East could trade
and travel under Romes
protection. The main
region he conquered was
Gaul, which makes up
most of present-day
France, Switzerland,
Belgium and northern
Italy.These are the land
that Julius Caesar
conquered while he was
feared. Being feared was
an advantage because
none of the countries put
up a hard fight when he
attempted to conquer

failed to strike his body as

it lay there, until,
wounded thirty-five times,
he breathed his last.They
argue that his need to
conquer land got him
killed and ended his
ability to continue his
great accomplishments
for the Roman Empire.

3.It is better to be feared

because it is easier to
achieve and accomplish
goals.Abraham Lincoln
was a loved man by many
and failed to accomplish
his main goal in life
because he was killed. If
Abraham Lincoln was
feared he would have had
an easier time abolishing
slavery. According to
Sarah Pruitt, the historian,
Since Lincoln issued the
Proclamation as a military
measure, it didnt apply to
border slave states like
Delaware, Maryland,
Kentucky and Missouri, all
of which had remained
loyal to the Union. Lincoln
also exempted selected
areas of the Confederacy
that had already come
under Union control in
hopes of gaining the
loyalty of whites in those
states. In practice, then,
the Emancipation
Proclamation didnt
immediately free a single
slave, as the only places
it applied were places
where the federal

3.Nevertheless, some
disagree because they
believe that although
Lincoln did not free all of
the slaves, he freed most
which was still a great
According to,
On September 22, 1862,
Lincoln had issued a
preliminary proclamation
that he would order the
emancipation of all slaves
in any state (or part of a
state) that did not end
their rebellion against the
Union by January 1,
1863. This shows that at
the time, the
Proclamation freed most
of the slaves that followed
the orders given.

3.While people who

believe that being a loved
leader is better makes a
valid argument, one
cannot deny that the
Proclamation did not in
fact free all of the slaves.
According to, He
Proclamation did not free
all slaves in the United
States. Rather, it declared
free only those slaves
living in states not under
Union control. This
shows that he did not free
all of the slaves and did
not accomplish his life

government had no
controlthe Southern
states currently fighting
against the Union. This
shows that while
attempting to free all of
the slaves, Lincoln failed
to do so because he
never had the chance to
realize the Emancipation
Proclamation didn't free a
lot of the enslaved

Rough Draft:
Niccol di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian Renaissance historian,
politician, diplomat, philosopher, humanist, and writer. He has often been called the
founder of modern political science. He was influenced by many great people such
as Leonardo Di Vinci and Aristotle. Machiavelli once noted in his book The Prince
that It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both. He noted that being
feared gives you more power and it shows what a strong person you can really be.
This statement that this powerful person had made is absolutely true if somebody
can not be both feared and loved, being feared would definitely give a person a
better path. Being a feared leader is better than being a loved leader because that
leader would have a less chance of getting killed and they would have more power.
To Begin, it is better to be a feared leader because that leader would have a
greater chance of not being assassinated. For one, a killer might be scared of the
consequences if he were to kill a feared leader. Also, the leader might be protected
which could make it harder for the killer to reach the leader. If the leader was a
loved man or woman, the killer would have no fear of the consequences for killing
he/she and the leader would be easy to reach. For example, Mahatma Gandhi was
loved and he was killed in 1948 for his great accomplishments and achievements.
According to ushistory. org, This Indian holy man was gunned down on the streets
of New Delhi by a university student turned activist, it was a tremendous blow not
only to India, but to the entire world. A holy man who had most likely not even
heard of the man who killed him was assassinated because of his ways and kind
teachings that the college student did not approve of. On the other hand, People
who argue that it is better to be loved say that although he was killed, he still
accomplished great things in his life and for the most part he was loved. According
to, Gandhi led a 200 mile Salt March so that the people of
India could make and gather their own salt. His goal was for the people of India not
to buy salt from the British. They argue that since this was one of his great
accomplishments, he died for a great cause. This may be true, yet, it is better to be
feared because as a whole, he would not have been killed and could have made
many more accomplishments like these during the rest of his life. According to, The greatest accomplishment of Gandhi was his lifelong fight for the
independence of India. Although his death did not allow him to follow through with
it. This proves that although he accomplished great things before his death, he still
would have been able to follow through if he was not killed. In summation, it is
better to be a feared leader because it is less likely you will be killed.
Secondly, it is better to be a feared leader because that leader would would
have more land and the ability to expand it. like Julius Caesar. While Julius Caesar

was a feared man, he expanded Romes territory and he gave them much more land
to live and adapt on. According to, His vision and power had
expanded the Roman Empire to become far more than a collection of countries.
Instead, it was a diverse society and enormous marketplace in which people across
Europe, north Africa and the Middle East could trade and travel under Romes
protection. The main region he conquered was Gaul, which makes up most of
present-day France, Switzerland, Belgium and northern Italy. These are the land
that Julius Caesar conquered while he was feared. Being feared was an advantage
because none of the countries put up a hard fight when he attempted to conquer
them. On the contrary, people who argue that it is better to be a loved leader say
although he expanded land and the empires borders, he was still assassinated by
his own council. According to , That was the moment for
the men to set to work. All quickly unsheathed their daggers and rushed at him
Under the mass of wounds, he fell at the foot of Pompey's statue. Everyone had
some part in the murder, and there was not one of them who failed to strike his
body as it lay there, until, wounded thirty-five times, he breathed his last. They
argue that his need to conquer land got him killed and ended his ability to continue
his great accomplishments for the Roman Empire. Although Julius Caesar was
murdered, he still expanded their land which made a huge impact on the Roman
Empire. Additionally, while he did not have the ability to continue his great
accomplishments, he still did much for Rome. According to, The
statesman and general Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.) expanded the Roman Republic
through a series of battles across Europe. This shows that although he was killed,
he was able to spread the land and do what was meant to be done. All in all, it is
better to be a feared leader because it allows you to expand land.
Finally, it is better to be a feared leader because it is easier to achieve and
accomplish goals. For example, Abraham Lincoln was a loved man by many and
failed to accomplish his main goal in life because he was killed. If Abraham Lincoln
was feared he would have had an easier time abolishing slavery. According to Sarah
Pruitt, the historian, Since Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation as a
military measure, it didnt apply to border slave states like Delaware, Maryland,
Kentucky and Missouri, all of which had remained loyal to the Union. Lincoln also
exempted selected areas of the Confederacy that had already come under Union
control in hopes of gaining the loyalty of whites in those states. In practice, then,
the Emancipation Proclamation didnt immediately free a single slave, as the only
places it applied were places where the federal government had no controlthe
Southern states currently fighting against the Union. This shows that while
attempting to free all of the slaves, Lincoln failed to do so because he never had the
chance to realize the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a lot of the enslaved
people. Being feared could have prevented this because Lincoln would have been
able to continue his work without the risk of getting hurt. Nevertheless, some
disagree because they believe that although Lincoln did not free all of the slaves, he
freed most which was still a great accomplishment. According to, On
September 22, 1862, Lincoln had issued a preliminary proclamation that he would
order the emancipation of all slaves in any state (or part of a state) that did not end
their rebellion against the Union by January 1, 1863. This shows that at the time,
the Emancipation Proclamation freed most of the slaves that followed the orders
given. While people who believe that being a loved leader is better makes a valid
argument, one cannot deny that the Emancipation Proclamation did not in fact free
all of the slaves. According to, He Emancipation Proclamation did not free
all slaves in the United States. Rather, it declared free only those slaves living in
states not under Union control. This shows that he did not free all of the slaves
and did not accomplish his life goals. All in all, being a feared leader is better
because it is much easier to accomplish your goals.
In conclusion, it is better to be a feared leader because they have a less risk
of getting assassinated, they have more land and it is a better way to achieve goals.

People like Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln could have led better lives if they
were feared leaders; but somebody like Julius Caesar had lead a great life due to his
feared ways.

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