India Focus Group Notes With New Page 7

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Pg 1


Purpose is to get your input as parents.

What hopes and dreams do you have for your childs education?

Vision is a good education and become something big to stand on thier own feet.
They should be taught the word of God.
Raised in Godly environment. (Lead to ministry someday.)
Safe Environment, develop character, multiple
Dream is her son will be well educated become a doctor so he can give back and help others.
10th grade son--finish--pass test and graduate.
Son burned, Lord saved him and pray he will become something big with his second life.
Passion son will be educated and be able to go overseas to finish education.

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#2: What challenges do you have in sending your child to school?

Financial: Her children work from 7-11 in a restaurant working to help the family. Hands
are tied so we have to do it.
Survival: Both parents have to go out and find work to work during the day, kid hangs out with
them. Education becomes survival. If one parent stays home, they won't eat.
(crying) Lack of access to school--rural area.
Kida are sent to work on brick kilns
Construction (Jon, Its illegal)
Crying, My son just passed away
Potential earning member is out and had to pull the other son out of school and has to take care
of her daughter- in- law now too.
Problem with addictions in villages
they dont focus on child
Hardly have clothes--no regular food--no one is around. Self-esteem challenges, and kids don't
feel they belong and stay away from school groups.
Lack of access in rural areas/ transportation
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Local Pastor said
Lack of awareness and importance of school. Parents not educated so they dont
realize and kids don;t know the importance of school--end up on streets.
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Do you have fears about your children going to school?

Even if they can go to school, if they fail = dark future, what will happen to them?

Teachers taking days off during school days--so he stays home and works. Wont be able to
pass the exams because the teachers have not prepared him.
Child who comes to Hope Center and he stole a pen during school and kids started harassing
him and he dropped out. Parents fearful to send him back as kids call him a thief
She didnt think one of her kids would go to school becuase he wasnt interested.
Helplessness--how do I create interest, motivate. Kid saw airplane and saw what he wanted to
do and now is going to school.
School system is militaristic- fear of education- K still need wheels on backpacks for so many
books. Fear of even taking it on.
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Very high pressure/expectations, high suicide if they fail test, next day dont come home, just kill
Teachers not dedicated/qualified (get job by bribe). Flunk 10th grade exams because not
Corruption: Widespread. All levels, not just schooling. Even if you finish education, wouldnt let
her son be get into police discrimination against Christians.
If you are a believer, they require more money to let your child into the school.
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How could the school/the teachers help you with your fears?
More communication between school and parents, more conferences.
Prayer is going to be key to address discrimination.
Teachers who have a passion to teach and feel called to teach. Need dedicated Teachers.
Build relationships with homes.
Good communication and understanding of the partnership needed in education
Only rich kids parents have access to teachers. Poor kids parents are ignored.
Working with teachers to fix high-pressure environment and help suicide rate go down.
Communication--need consistency-teacher/school process.
Anything teachers / leaders can do to help raise awareness.
Meetings in communities to talk about education
Talk to adults about getting educated
sign their names
page 7
Very high pressure/expectations, high suicide if they fail test, next day dont come home, just kill
Teachers not dedicated/qualified (get job by bribe). Flunk 10th grade exams because not
Corruption: Widespread. All levels, not just schooling. Even if you finish education, wouldnt let
her son be get into police discrimination against Christians.
If you are a believer, they require more money to let your child into the school.

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Schools should adopt community neighborhood schools to raise

awareness of school importance.
Government crackdown on rules/regulations/teacher qualification

(struck a major)
Access to early childhood
Sustainabilityadult in the house
Parents have to work to survive
Perschool/care would help parents while they work to have a safe
Night school for street kids who work all day (in garbage?)
Education is very important
Every parent wants good for their child and circumstances are overbearing for parents.

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