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House Bill 331

2016 Freedom Index Score: (-2)

Analyst: Lindsay Russell Dexter
Date of analysis: January 14, 2016

ANALYST'S NOTE: House Bill 331 is a one-page bill that makes it illegal to use, posses, purchase or sell
Powered Alcohol. Powered Alcohol is defined as any powder or crystalline substance containing
alcohol that is produced for direct use or reconstruction.
Point No. 3 Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or
regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in
the market?
ANALYSIS: House Bill 331 places new and more restrictive limits on alcohol. Specifically, it
declares that a person shall not use or offer for use, possess, purchase, sell or offer for sale
an alcohol without liquid device or powdered alcohol." (1)
Point No. 4 Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure,
the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into
the market?
ANALYSIS: House Bill 331 removes the ability of an individual business or wholesaler from entering
into the powdered alcohol market. (-1)

AMENDMENT: House Bill 331 was amended. The amendment added that powdered alcohol does not include
alcoholic non beverages. The amendment does not change the score.

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