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Artist Frida Kahlo

I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone,

because I am the person I know best - Frida Kahlo
Born: July 6, 1907 in Coyoacan, Mexico
Died: July 13, 1954 in Coyoacan, Mexico


Type of artist: Painter

Art Period: Magic realism, Surrealism, Modern art
Important facts about Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo produced images that were emotionally raw and visually disturbing.
She contracted Polio at age six that left her right leg thinner than her left one.
She suffered from Spina bifida a congenital disease. When this occurs that's when she
started to occupy her time painting as she recovered from her disease.
Her drawings are based on personal experiences including her marriage, miscarriages, and
her numerous operations.

Most well-known art

1. The Two Fridas

2. My Grandparents, My Parents, and I (Family Tree)

3. Frieda and Diego Rivera

What makes Frida Kahlo art great?
What makes Frida Kahlo art great is that her art deals with cultural norms,
feminine beauty ideas, and her own physical limitations.
Why did you choose this artist?
I choose this artist because most of her paintings are visual and have a
Meaning behind it.

Be an Art Critic:

The work of art I am critiquing is called

Still Life with Parrot and Fruit
The artist's name is Frida Kahlo
This is what I see when I look at the artwork.
When I look at this piece of artwork I see color, sadness, a parrot hungry, fresh fruit, and
All art is made using a variety of art elements: line, shape, color, texture and space. The
one or two elements that stand out in this piece of work are:
The elements that stand out are the colors it has and the texture of the fruit.
Artists create a mood with their work. Sometimes the mood is happy, sometimes sad, and
sometimes angry. Sometimes, the art makes the viewer feel alone. The mood for this
artwork is
The mood for this artwork is sad because the parrot in the painting is just so lonely with
the fruit and also the light colors it has makes the mood sad.
Artists try to communicate or send messages with their art work. What message do you
think the artist was trying to send with this work?
I think the massage that the artist is trying to send is that all animals have feelings.
I like____ I do not like ____ this artwork because
I do like this artwork because the fruit really stands out and also because the parrot looks
upset about something and it just shows so much emotion.

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